It is. But unlike other games it doesn't treat you like a fucking idiot so you need to keep an eye out for little things.Watch his trigger discipline. He goes from finger off to finger constantly on even round civvies.
I'm not talking about subtle tells or treating the player like an idiot,
they could have used the madness as a fertile playground to elevate the game being more than just some third rate, boiler plate third person shooter. The end of the game had some spectacular and weird looking moments, Spec Ops might have been more interesting with more of that peppered throughout. Things like billboard imagery changing (IF you go back to look, which most would not in a linear game like that), whether his finger is on the trigger or not when he's around civilains (and that's how many times even?) or even the colour of screen transitions don't do that. I guess they're nice details if you're in on the joke but most aren't on the first playthrough. Which for most is likely their only playthrough.
If the game doesn't treat me like an idiot then why does it force the most controversial scene of the game down my throat and remove choice completely to ensure it happens?
Also this, you are provided the illusion of choice three times, I think, although not at one of the most pivotal moments in the plot.