I'm still playing X3:TC from time to time six months after I first picked it up. It's a huge, monster game with all the fiddling that comes with huge monster games, but if you're willing to put up with it from time to time there is simply NOTHING that really comes close what the game gives you the ability to do.
It's also one of those games where you really get as much as you put into it. If you're playing just to see the next plot sequence or such, you're going to probably not be too captivated by it. If you're playing for the sake of expanding your trading empire and forming a private security fleet that rivals that of the main factions, then you're going to be well-satisfied by what the game offers.
Also, keep in mind that the game basically requires heavy modding after a while so that the interface and features can "keep up" , if you will, with the player's expansion of their empire. You really need the automation stuff and convenience features, without them you'll go mad trying to manage everything later on.