Not the first one nor the expansions. 2 and 3 do let you choose the level though, but I guess you were asking about 1. I don't know if there are cheats to jump to a specific level, you may want to search for them.
does Steam not let you select hard drives when preloading games?
am I missing something or does Steam not let you select hard drives when preloading games?
am I missing something or does Steam not let you select hard drives when preloading games?
adverse effects feels kind of weird wording for shutting down uplay![]()
Try it and see if your save is gone.
The Steam Sub packages that include Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, and Halo 3 updated five days ago. What does this mean?
That's harsh man
I lost saves for Brotherhood and Revelations. So anything UPlay does out of the ordinary might make me suspect that it wants to eat my save.
EDIT: Wonder if Watch_Dogs will suffer the same fate.
I feel like an idiot for asking this but is there supposed to be a spring sale coming up?
On the bright side, if it happens to ACIII you can finally stop playing that crap.
Poor indie spring sale.There's never been a Spring Sale but this doesn't necessarily mean there won't be one in the future. Not this year, though.
Poor indie spring sale.
Spring cleaning sale woulda been cool.
Try it and see if your save is gone.
i'm no jasec
haven't put much effort into this playthru![]()
Clean that wallet. Easy to organize you $ when you have none.Not for my wallet.
Huh, completely forgot there was a Prototype 2 on Steam. Wishlisted for Summer Sale.
EDIT: Oh hey, "Not available in my Region". No wonder.
Yeah I didn't feel healthy after Hobbit. And yet I'm still tempted to do LOTR and Marvel up to 100%.
I am getting a game for a friend, its his bday today. I am torn between The Wolf Among Us and The Banner Saga. He has both of these games on his wishlist. I know both games are different just not sure which he would like more. Also, I know he has never played The Walking Dead. But he does read comics, so that's why I am assuming he has it listed. Just not sure if he reads Fables.
What would you pick?
Friend's Profile
Same questions I have, can't understand the hate. Refreshing after too much Ezio.the more i play it, the more confused i get on why everyone hates ass creed 3
so far i feel it has the best story of any ass creed 3 to date (desmond bits haven't gone stupid yet but really who cares about desmond), setting is alright, ships are dumb but cool distractions, trees are awesome and really it's just same 'ol ass creed, you hold run+forward and you counter people, just like always
i guess maybe it's exhaustion with the series, which is fair, or maybe is the streamlining of the run+forward "mechanics" being kind of buggy, but really, i think i like this waaaaay better than ass bros.
probably cos i really didn't care so much for ezio (tho da vinci was a total bro!) and because virtual tourism works a lot better if i don't visit italy twice![]()
Based on his profile, the guy seems more into "gameplay" than story with big hours in Rust, Civ 5, binding of isaac etc.
So Banner Saga would be my guess of the two. But I suspect DayZ would be the bigger winner?
I am getting a game for a friend, its his bday today. I am torn between The Wolf Among Us and The Banner Saga. He has both of these games on his wishlist. I know both games are different just not sure which he would like more. Also, I know he has never played The Walking Dead. But he does read comics, so that's why I am assuming he has it listed. Just not sure if he reads Fables.
What would you pick?
Friend's Profile
Same questions I have, can't understand the hate. Refreshing after too much Ezio.
Conner does act a bit too much butthurt though.
who doesn't love trees yoEDIT: Hahaha...
yeah he's pretty whiny with dem daddy issues but he's like a legit good guy, i like him
who doesn't love trees yo
it's like my favorite thing about the game
He's like this random author insert who basically just gets to walk around telling everyone they suck. The whole game goes out of its way to criticize people it thinks were wrongly reified. Not, like, "oh, here's the truth about them," but like "how can we make them look as BAD as possible?"
So, hey, meet Ben Franklin? First thing he tells you, apropos of nothing, is "I like banging old ladies." George Washington? Never anything other than an idiot. Sam Adams? "Hey, don't you own SLAVES?" like, all the time. Can't get enough of reminding the world he owns slaves, because as we all know, modern sensibilities are totally a thing one can apply to the past.
Connor's a whiny, overly-moralistic guy. He doesn't come across as angry about anything, just... "hey you i am connor beep boop why weren't you born in the 1980s boop beep"
So instead of giving us SoulCalibur or Tekken, Namco did this?
what is it even
He's like this random author insert who basically just gets to walk around telling everyone they suck. The whole game goes out of its way to criticize people it thinks were wrongly reified. Not, like, "oh, here's the truth about them," but like "how can we make them look as BAD as possible?"
So, hey, meet Ben Franklin? First thing he tells you, apropos of nothing, is "I like banging old ladies." George Washington? Never anything other than an idiot. Sam Adams? "Hey, don't you own SLAVES?" like, all the time. Can't get enough of reminding the world he owns slaves, because as we all know, modern sensibilities are totally a thing one can apply to the past.
Connor's a whiny, overly-moralistic guy. He doesn't come across as angry about anything, just... "hey you i am connor beep boop why weren't you born in the 1980s boop beep"
Deep down inside me, while playing this game, I can't help but think the only reason this was panned as bad is because American reviewers didn't like the Europeans representation of their nations forefathers.
EDIT: I know I'm wrong, but still just a thought.
So there is only like a 30 year difference from Assassins Creed® III and Assassins Creed V®: Unity and Assassins Creed IV Black Flag takes place before all that?
EDIT: I thought we were going forwards in time!?
Well, you are... as far as the modern-day narrative is concerned. In Black Flag you play an Abstergo researcher whose job is to explore genetic memories for stories well-suited for blockbuster media franchises, hence the jump back in time as far as the historical portion of the game is concerned.
i haven't played 4 or finished 3 so i dunno where the desmond story goes but i think it'd be sweet if they just forgot about modern day entirely
no aliens no pokeballs just people sticking swords on other people
wait who are u talking about -_-
Deep down inside me, while playing this game, I can't help but think the only reason this was panned as bad is because American reviewers didn't like the Europeans representation of their nations forefathers.
EDIT: I know I'm wrong, but still just a thought.
Wait a minute, I think I heard that you can populate your crew in AC IV with your friends. Or am I wrong?
i dunno, i like him, i don't think he's the deepest dude ever or anything but he looks cool and he isn't white which is enough for meConnor
well yea but feature creep has been the name of the game for the ass creed series even since 1.hahahahaha. I don't know if it's cool to link to personal blogs or whatever, so if it isn't, smack me or something. But, uh... I wrote this on the game. Has nothing to do with what I'm saying here. It's a single draft, iirc, so it's probably rough. Short version is that ACIII is a patchwork assemblage of disparate game parts that don't follow the same train of logic, so what you have is a game that's constantly training players various things, promising something, then reneging on that promise and saying "now do THIS instead."
I found myself playing one part for a long time, then stopping and playing another part... I could never jump between them deftly. AC3 is a bunch of very different games in one body, in other words, and they all want different things.
Oh, and the leads were from Montreal, which, last I checked, was still in Quebec.
i dunno, i like him, i don't think he's the deepest dude ever or anything but he looks cool and he isn't white which is enough for me
i dunno, i like him, i don't think he's the deepest dude ever or anything but he looks cool and he isn't white which is enough for me
Oh, so that's how it is.