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STEAM | August 2014 - Everybody loves iDLEM@STER

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EA seems to be pushing the "free games" angle pretty hard lately. Optimistically you'd say that it's probably EA's last-ditch attempt to boost Origin's active userbase before begrudgingly returning to Steam with Uplayesque Origin integration in tow.
I would buy ME3 again on steam just to complete my collection.


EA seems to be pushing the "free games" angle pretty hard lately. Optimistically you'd say that it's probably EA's last-ditch attempt to boost Origin's active userbase before begrudgingly returning to Steam with Uplayesque Origin integration in tow.

Surprised they're even bothering with this.
I'll put up with Origin/Steam more than a free game i'm not going to bother with.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
they have changed the colors for steam in beta, downloading things in library names are blue, the icon in right hand side on windows is a blue icon, and overall the grey area is alot more blue


EA seems to be pushing the "free games" angle pretty hard lately. Optimistically you'd say that it's probably EA's last-ditch attempt to boost Origin's active userbase before begrudgingly returning to Steam with Uplayesque Origin integration in tow.

I admire your optimism, man. Though I think I'd prefer going directly through Origin to having to deal with two login layers, tbh.

EA will come back to steam when their profits hurt.

So we're in for a long wait, then. :s


So I recently beat The Banner Saga finally after getting sucked into the MMO monster a little bit, here are my thoughts. I hope this is okay to post here.

Thanks a lot for your detailed impressions! They're not only okay to post here but very welcome :)
You mentioned it was suprisingly short - how long did it take you to beat it?
Would you say the dialogues aren't written very well or did you just not like how they were presented?


So, every time I register for the Saints Row website, it sucessfully creates my account... until I log out. Then it's like the account never existed. I used the same, "taken" user name three times to do this. Must have something to do with whatever they're doing with their forum.


I understand linguistic drift is inevitable, but this business with "literally" bothers me. This particular shift in usage didn't stem from people deliberately misusing it for ironic effect, which is something that's happened with other words over time. No, it seems to have come into vogue because people couldn't grasp what the word actually meant. Rather than teaching them to use "literally" properly, it seems we've changed the definition of the word itself to accommodate folks who can't be arsed to learn. I think that's what's really rubbing me the wrong way about all this.

Amen. Preach it.

This and "could care less" drive me crazy, because like you said, it's from complete failure to comprehend what it means. I'm obviously not a grammar stickler, but these and misused apostrophes make me sad and angry. Anyway probably off-topic, but just saw that and had to agree.


Unconfirmed Member
So I assume Deep Silver have locked down Risen 3 ? Was wanting to get it but even traders are looking for 20 keys for it, bleh.


/English major mode: engaged

Oddly enough, I'm one of the only (?) people 100% on the other side of this arguement. Language is far from static (as much as people hate to believe), and evolves as people use it. More importantly, word meanings change based on how people use words, regardless of the current definition. So people using the word "literally" to mean "virtually" made the word change, as people recognize both uses of the word now! I'm all for dynamic language changes!! \o/

I feel that I've derailed far too much on this subject already, so this will be my last post on the matter.

I actually am fine with a living language, quite in favor of it actually. I do not speak completely formally or strictly adhere to rigid grammar rules. I'm actually not as much of a Grammar Nazi as my previous posts would suggest. Most of what I said earlier was facetious. I won't literally fight someone, but I might figuratively fight them. ;)

Language being corrupted and evolving over time is great. In many cases language is corrupted, simply because the rigid definitions were not flexible enough for every day conversations. This is why sometimes nouns become used as verbs in informal contexts, and over time this informal usage can become accepted usage. In other cases, we invent new words with similar or identical meanings to existing words, which keeps conversations lively when we can say similar things in very different ways.

But I also don't think every change to language is automatically positive. Some changes impede effective communication. I don't think it's ultimately a bad thing for people to understand the words they use, and why they use them in the way they do. To the extent that I actually bother to correct someone's grammar (which is fairly rare), it's in the service of pointing out illogical usage of words, and the confusion it causes, not to rub it in people's faces how bad their grammar is.

In the case of "literally", if it retains it's original meaning, but is also an antonym of itself, then it means nothing. If you can use a word, and no one can tell in context if you are saying one thing or the exact opposite, then the word becomes useless. Now we have to invent a whole new word to mean "really literal" in order to actually communicate sincerely, at least until people start using that to mean figuratively. No thanks. I have a similar issue with ironic, that now means anything and everything to people.

Everyone should nab that one week gametime for bf4. We could get some gaf games in next week.

It'll take me like 48 hours of straight downloading to dl bf4 oh gosh.

Well I already own the game, so I guess the one week gametime wouldn't do anything for me. But I would be up for playing some if others on SteamGAF want to.


Not a mod, just a bot.
Thanks to an anonymous benefactor, I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

One Way Heroics -- MB-92C72613DAE479C1 - Taken by anastef


So Dunder said Witcher 3 is ACRTAG locked? that mean you can't redeem it at all?

But I see some people on TF2Outpost are selling it for 9-10 keys.


Hey guys,

Since Steam updated its interface this morning I've been unable to use it. My client logs in fine, but any time I try to access one of the steam windows it will freeze and I am unable to click anywhere on it. I've already restarted my computer and it did not solve the problem. Any suggestions?


Are card drops from Age of Mythology time consuming? Been over an hour and not a single card yet via Idle master lol.



Steam page is up for Farming Simulator 2015.

Oct. 30, 2014
$26.99 (-10%)

Looks like the opening price is already a good deal. :)

I live by the rule:



For you.
So Dunder said Witcher 3 is ACRTAG locked? that mean you can't redeem it at all?

But I see some people on TF2Outpost are selling it for 9-10 keys.

Maybe gifts that are purchased before it got ACRTAG are still unlocked

Those gifts are completely locked. They are still up for trade because CDR has added and removed the ACRTAG several times. It's locked now, may be unlocked in a day or two:

Added AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting – 0
2 days ago
Removed AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting – 0
2 days ago
Added AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting – 0
2 days ago
Added AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting – 0
12 days ago
Removed AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting – 0
12 days ago
Added AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting – 0
17 days ago
Added AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting – 0
22 days ago
Removed AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting – 0
22 days ago
Added PurchaseRestrictedCountries – AM AZ BY GE KZ KG MD RU TJ TM UZ UA
22 days ago
Added AllowPurchaseFromRestrictedCountries – 1
22 days ago
Added AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting – 0
22 days ago
Changed changenumber – 602640 › 606418
24 days ago
Added AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting – 0
25 days ago
Added store name – The Witcher 3
25 days ago
Removed AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting – 0
25 days ago
Added AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting – 0
25 days ago
Changed changenumber – 602636 › 602640
25 days ago
Added AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting – 0
25 days ago
Changed changenumber – 602625 › 602636
25 days ago
Removed AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting – 0
25 days ago
Added AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting – 0
25 days ago
Changed changenumber – 602460 › 602625
25 days ago
Added depot Unknown DepotID 292031 to the package
25 days ago
Added The Witcher 3 (292030) to the package
25 days ago
Added AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting – 0
Hey guys,

Since Steam updated its interface this morning I've been unable to use it. My client logs in fine, but any time I try to access one of the steam windows it will freeze and I am unable to click anywhere on it. I've already restarted my computer and it did not solve the problem. Any suggestions?

don't use the beta client.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Word inversion is not a new thing. It's also used as an intensifier and has (mis) used for more than a hundred years. We can literally put this argument to be nothing more than a peeve.


Papers Please! is 50% off

good game worth buying
and i should sleep... it's 4:10am

i was woken up by a terrible traffic accident on the road outside my appointment
the sound of the collision was deafening.. and the car alarm/horn went off... and continued for at least 30-45 minutes



So talking about Origin whats the way to get games "cheaper" there?
If Dragon Age Inquistion is going to be more like the first i'm thinking I would prefer to get it on PC for the mods.


So talking about Origin whats the way to get games "cheaper" there?
If Dragon Age Inquistion is going to be more like the first i'm thinking I would prefer to get it on PC for the mods.
Gotta buy it from other regions origin stores. Mexican one is usually the go to.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Those gifts are completely locked. They are still up for trade because CDR has added and removed the ACRTAG several times. It's locked now, may be unlocked in a day or two:

They're not:

The game's still not region-locked. Actual ACRTAG-locked game:

The Witcher 3:

I've no idea why the flag isn't applying to TW3, but Steam doesn't lie -- the region-lock notices are added automatically if ACRTAG and its ilk are properly present.

For whatever reason, the flag hasn't and has never actually imposed a region-lock on the game.


Unconfirmed Member
rico where are you

i need you to get hyped with me

nobody else here cares about ice pick lodge like you and i do :<

there's a trailer, even: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7ikBnFfGYU&feature=em-uploademail

This looks pretty rad.

Sierra is coming back from the dead !


Good. Now give me Phantasmagoria 3.

I poked through the thread about this earlier. I wonder if it's a sign that Acti is going to finally bring its older games to Steam.

I hope they bring more of Sierra's older games to Steam too.

So I recently beat The Banner Saga finally after getting sucked into the MMO monster a little bit, here are my thoughts. I hope this is okay to post here.

I have mixed opinions about The Banner Saga, but I'm still very happy to have played it. Most of the time, when I find games to be surprisingly brief, it's generally to their benefit. However, this is one title where I felt like it ended before it could really shine. I'm appreciative that it didn't drag itself out, but at the same time it's always a bit jarring when the end credits sneak up on you.

I really need to get around to playing this before the end of the year.
goddamnit, the netcode for injustice is absolute garbage. it's so bad, in fact, that all 5 people playing online pick deathstroke and just spam bullets all match, because it's super effective given how broken this shit is.

damn shame, the netcode was perfectly fine when i had this game on the ps3 : /


Thanks a lot for your detailed impressions! They're not only okay to post here but very welcome :)
You mentioned it was suprisingly short - how long did it take you to beat it?
Would you say the dialogues aren't written very well or did you just not like how they were presented?

Thanks for reading! I beat it in something like 8 gameplay hours. For the dialogue, it was more the presentation that made it hard to follow. The swapping back and forth on character portraits that never changed expression. That and the use of a lot of proper nouns (kingdoms, positions, people) that at first sound exotic and all the same. It's something where having some voice acting or visual cues would have helped with I think. I hope stating it that way doesn't make me come across as incapable of following a plot, but I just found it requiring slightly more effort than it really needed to require. Here's an early game cutscene that kind of shows a plethora of places and names being rattled off in a manner that I think is just a little messy.



ModBot said:
Instructions for Speevy:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Speevy, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Papers, Please -- MB-AF98DE832BBF626E - Taken by Kifimbo. 21 entrants total.



That and your avg. game completion rate is mightily impressive btw, I dream of getting to 50% one day but it won't happen.

Haha, thanks. It's a little problem I have though, having to 100% almost all games. Not that I'm obsessed with achievements since I'm doing it since I owned a SNES.

I try to keep the avg. game completion around 60% but playfire rewards have created another problem making me start more games than what I can finish xD. But free money is free money.

I have several games missing 1 or 2 achievement to be completed. In time I'll my grandsons will finish them.
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