Finished one of the worst games I've ever played, Akane the Kunoichi.
The game looks uninspired, the controls are horrible and the level design is abysmal. Basically it's shit.
You are a female ninja trying to rescue your love one. To do that you go through 15 awful levels (5 worlds, 3 stages each). I was about to quit when I noticed I was 2/3 into the game already so I decided to keep going. It took me 3 hours to beat, which could have been less if it weren't for the bad controls.
The game has the worst wall jumping in any platformer, probably the worst platforming for that matter. Being a ninja game I would expect something faster instead I got a something slow and unresponsive.
I would not recommend playing this game under any circumstances and I still don't get how it has mostly positive reviews on steam.
The only positive thing to say about it is that is has cards.
This game shall be hidden in my library along with Superfrog HD until there is an option to easily remove it.
Too bad, that game sounded fun! What made you play all the way through it?
I still can't believe that Big Picture doesn't support group chat or group voice chat. C'mon, Valve.
Volvo, pls