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STEAM | August 2014 - Everybody loves iDLEM@STER

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The OP in this thread is usually the best part

Oh, it wasn't intended as a criticism of the OP. Just sort of acknowledging that people will skip over a lot of it simply because it's long, despite all the good stuff in there, and lamenting the fact that this inevitably happens and that there's really nothing we can do about it. : /
This is massive first world problems.

I got new case fans that push more air, yet make almost no noise. Now the fan noise from my GPUs during game sessions is unbearable.

I do have headphones on so I really don't notice, but it is very loud.

What GPUs do you have? I used to have the noise problem back on my old GTX 480, but after upgrading to a GTX 770 I haven't really had a noise issue. If your case fans push enough air, you might even be able to set up a newer fan profile that doesn't run the GPU fan as much.

EDIT: And I just realized that I'm giving advice to Grief, which means that I'm probably an idiot and you know all of that already. Sorry. :(


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
What GPUs do you have? I used to have the noise problem back on my old GTX 480, but after upgrading to a GTX 770 I haven't really had a noise issue. If your case fans push enough air, you might even be able to set up a newer fan profile that doesn't run the GPU fan as much.

EDIT: And I just realized that I'm giving advice to Grief, which means that I'm probably an idiot and you know all of that already. Sorry. :(

He has two 560 Tis.

Dr Dogg


I know they're at Gamescom showing off Broforce but that's two weeks away. I guess were due a new update and some new Bros.

This is massive first world problems.

I got new case fans that push more air, yet make almost no noise. Now the fan noise from my GPUs during game sessions is unbearable.

I do have headphones on so I really don't notice, but it is very loud.

All fans on reference Fermi cards were stupidly loud even dialling them down with custom profiles on Afterburner. Your out of warranty right? I think Zalman do some decent aftermarket heatsinks and fans for your cards but considering it's spending money (alright only $40-50 or so) on something your likely to replace them soon it's probably not worth the hassle. I used put on some closed backs and grin and bear it with my 480s and so glad I don't have to put up with the noise anymore.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Haven't we completely discredited SteamCharts data when it comes to game profitability yet?
I mean, sure, it's a good to give you absolute minimum of game sales, and whether people are playing the game, but seriously...
Ys: Oath in Felghana - great success for XSEED, jump-started all their releases - 438 all-time peak.
Dustforce - 300,000 sales according to the developer data, 325 all-time peak.
Eldritch - 32,000 sales at start of 2014 according to the developer data, 383 all-time peak.
Cook, Serve, Delicious - 55,000 sales at start of 2014 according to chubby, 1443 all-time peak.

This is true - but all of the games you've mentioned here are predominantly single player only, right? In these cases, how many people are playing the game simultaneously is pretty much irrelevant.

But yeah, from a developer standpoint I guess those numbers might look a bit discouraging at face value.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Everyone talks about collecting games as the metagame behind Steam, but more and more I realise it's actually the friend game, and all those to talk to or stalk or stalk and talk, and beat at Pinball FX2 scores.

The games are good to, it just takes me a while to get through a game when I fully immerse myself into them. I will however, get around to Prime World: Defenders and Red Faction Guerilla and Sweet Lily Dreams (daughter has to come back from Summer camp first for that one).

New Greenlight titles posted:


I don't recognize anything.

I recognise a few.

Absolute Drift is best thought of in the same way one would look at TrackMania, a game where it is a race, but against yourself and past rankings. Emotions and jubilation that one can get from a higher score in Pac-Man Championship Edition DX might also spring up.
A variety of courses where you do as it says on the tin, go for an absolute drift as that is how score is calculated and you will of course want the perfect run be it a standard track or an obstacle course.

Demo can be found for the three main PC OS (Windows, Linux, Mac) here

Double Action: Boogaloo is what would have happened if Max Payne 1 had come out when developers thought ever game needed a multiplayer to sell well, only not as smart or clever with itself. It's free to play however multiplayer only, and I'm sure for the first few weeks it's up on Steam some can have fun with it before it dies completely.

Beyond Gravity , is very much one of those games you can easily find thousands of on iOS such as Mr. Ninja . Yet it has a nice little charm to it and if you are the kind of person who wishes to have a simple casual game to play on Steam all about jumping from one platform (sphere) to another with proper angles to get all the collectables, this one is quite serviceable.
Not a very deep game however despite achievements and things to unlock, so don't expect it to be anything more than just what it is, a pick-up and play for a brief period of time or something that tries to transcend it's obvious mobile brethren.

corefx® Creative is not a game, it's a rather par illustration, photo editing, and animation program not unlike that of GIMP or Photoshop or any number of other software. I can't say anything really negative about it, it's simply competent and does what you want if need such a program and for some reason want to get it off Steam.
It's benefit over some of the free source options is that it's far easier to use without numerous mods or U.I. changes, while it's far cheaper than Adobe products and offers what those who aren't professional artists will mainly use any of these products for (simple animations, Flash maybe, photo edits, winning Prey with salt, etc).

Likewise Pattern Studio is a texture and pattern editor. It does it's job, it exports into Photoshop. If for some reason you would ever need this, but more than what basic free source will accomplish for you, then this does the job. I know quite a few modders use this.

Cubic Castles is a free to play game somewhere between Minecraft and those top down 3D platformers that used to grace us in late 90s/early 2000s. While you track down material to craft with, the primary focus other than building a home to decorate, is creating stages for yourself or others to attempt to beat through platforming.
I'm not a particular fan of crafting and did not last long, but as someone who has always enjoyed platformers, I did find quite a few that offers a good challenge of navigating a maze (due to the perspective and lack of steroscopic 3D) or just fun to transverse through. While no Super Mario 3D World as it's just not that tight in controls or world designs, it is something I would recommend to a younger gamer as they get into platforming.

Deep Space Settlement is not one I have had much time with, but what I have has convinced me that is more than a serviceable 4X space RTS that much to my surprise, has done quite well to make both random events work right and have Co-Op not get in the way. A sandbox mode and open to mods shall go a long way as well.
If you were a fan of AI War, check this one out.

Defenders of Time is something I've quite been looking forward to. A tower defence game that is attempting to make things far faster and on the fly when it comes to creating strategy, either building your own maze (with or without team mates) or sending over enemies against the enemy team. This is done by removing any penalty from selling off towers and planting new ones, being able to alter enemy paths either on ground or flight, and having everyone on a team being able to sell or build any tower on the map, even if you didn't plant it.
Sending monsters against your opponents means you can choose what types goes against them, so neither team can really be set in their way with towers. Too much anti-flight for example runs the risk of one strong ground grunt being able to just march right through everything.

The really nice thing the developer is doing is allowing people who don't own the game to be able to play it with you if you invite them for a map. However the downside to this is that even if you play against the A.I. and it offers single player mode, it's not really set up for one person to be able to really handle it by themselves as there is just a lot going on and far to easy to lose track due to the speed of the game and no pause. Though as the game is about surviving the longest rather than hitting the end of a wave number, that's not so bad for a quick bit of fun.

I Will Escape is a stealth action game about escaping from a prison. While the graphics are outdated, animations are lacking in polish, and it fails to make some sequences all that enjoyable as the character slowly climbs around edges around, sneaking around to explore this large prison and trying to escape really makes it quite a gem of a game. It's rough around the edges to be sure and moments where a dog has super powers in chasing you or an A.I. guide should clear see you and doesn't.
As one large stage (the whole prison), setting traps, activating and solving puzzles that would make someone in Umbrella Corp comfortable with at times, it's worth it's realitvely short experience. I think I beat it in about 4 hours and while I may never return to it, I'm glad I played it.

Lost Homeland to me is what would have happened if Tomb Raider (classic) wanted to be a hack and slash game. This is not a bad thing, just odd feeling and one I'm sure I'll buy.
There is a demo, quite alpha, but gives the idea. http://losthomelandthegame.esy.es/multimedia-descargas.html

Run or Die is an endless runner, one of many expired by Canabalt, but I think holds up on it's own due to having various abilities to use to get through the stages and break down obstacles that sometimes requires you to fall down, boost up, and continue on rather than the standard just run and jump.
I won't say it will convince anyone who doesn't like Endless Runners to get into the sub-genre of platforming, but for those of us who do, it's a nice one to have.

The Detail borrows many an idea and spirit from Telltale's recent games, I personally found myself feeling more from that of Hotel Dusk or the hidden browser gem Scene of the Crime series. A very good and strong adventure game that strives to tell the best crime story it can, with a real focus on investigating, interrogation, and making choices in the game that offers a lot of replay as each of the story endings hold their own charm.
Any adventure fan should take a look at it and try it out for themselves.
A demo can be found here.

One I have not played, but do have a lot of interest in is Schein. Bit in the vibe of Gianna Sisters for two realms and switching between the two, but far more contained in certain close spheres so it's designed before hand to challenge the player without ever being a bit cheap I'm told.
Any info on the price?
(Steam needs to allow more freeware indies. Would kill for Steamworks version of Noitu Love or Chalk).

The website for the game says $12.99...

Seems a bit steep. YHtWtG was a blast, but this game will have to considerably bigger and better to warrant the price tag.


This is why I'm switching my 6770 (loud as fuck) to a GTX 750 Ti (which is supposedly completely inaudible under load).

I was always worried my new GTX 770 was gonna be loud as hell since it had 3 fans on the top of it (Windforce), but it's actually way softer than my old HD6870 ever was. That card was really loud for some odd reason.
Super Win the Game (sequel to You Have to Win the Game) store page is up. Comes out October 1st.

You Have to Win the Game was one of the surprises this year for me.

Any info on the price?
(Steam needs to allow more freeware indies. Would kill for Steamworks versions of Noitu Love, Treasure Adventure Game or Chalk).

I agree with you, did you know Treasure Adventure Game is getting a remake?


Unconfirmed Member
So, slightly more detailed cursory thoughts (that aren't nearly as detailed as KenOD's :p ) on the Greenlight batch.

There seems to be more apps than usual in this batch, and I'm sort of happy that the whole "vote yes, get a key!" thing is being cracked down upon. It's a shame that potentially good games were excluded because of this, but they shouldn't have resorted to doing that in the first place.

Absolute Drift actually sounds really great with its "the pavement is your canvas" concept. I'm definitely looking forward to impressions of it. Beyond Gravity looks simple, and I guess that comes from it originally being an iOS game, but it still might be decent. Bionic Heart 2 looks like it might have some potential, but Winter Wolves. Friendship Club looks sort of cool, it might be a fun multiplayer top-down shooter. HistWar: Austerlitz sounds like it could have a ton of potential if it were more polished, especially for someone that's interested in historic military confrontations. Jotun looks interesting, but it's a bit too early along to really say whether it really looks good or not. The same could be said for Karma. Incarnation 1. Nelly Cootalot looks like it might be a decent adventure game. Ninja Pizza Girl might be a good platformer, and its kickstarter still has 11 days to make it to its goal. Knurek is definitely right, Out There looks like it might have the potential to be a good FTL-like. Rock of Zombies looks sort of not good, kind of like a budget XBLIG sort of game. Roommates is Winter Wolves, but might be good, not all of their games can be average/bad, I hope. Schein looks like a potentially good platformer. I'm interested to see how the light manipulation aspect is used. Run or Die looks like an endless runner that I might be interested in, I'm digging the style of graphics. Six Miles Under looks sort of like a cowboy Western post apocalyptic brawler version of Limbo's art style, so I'm pretty much sold on that. The Detail sounds interesting, especially since it's apparently a cross thematically between The Wire and a Telltale game.

Solstice is the best looking of the bunch for me though. It's a mystery thriller VN from the same devs as Cinders, a game that was in a Humble Bundle a month or two ago.


Will be nice to see some actual effort on these titles. If crazy taxi got the original music back I'll buy it. Now they just need to add cards.

I remember the PSP version of Crazy Taxi allowing you to use custom soundtracks, thankfully. It's just not Crazy Taxi without "All I Want". ♫ Ya ya ya ya ya~ ♪


What GPUs do you have? I used to have the noise problem back on my old GTX 480, but after upgrading to a GTX 770 I haven't really had a noise issue. If your case fans push enough air, you might even be able to set up a newer fan profile that doesn't run the GPU fan as much.
He has two 560 Tis.

The cards aren't really that heat efficient, the increased air flow won't make too much of a difference.

I will be upgrading to an 870 or 880 relatively soon, so I won't have to deal with the issue for much longer.


Haven't we completely discredited SteamCharts data when it comes to game profitability yet?
I mean, sure, it's a good to give you absolute minimum of game sales, and whether people are playing the game, but seriously...
Ys: Oath in Felghana - great success for XSEED, jump-started all their releases - 438 all-time peak.
Dustforce - 300,000 sales according to the developer data, 325 all-time peak.
Eldritch - 32,000 sales at start of 2014 according to the developer data, 383 all-time peak.
Cook, Serve, Delicious - 55,000 sales at start of 2014 according to chubby, 1443 all-time peak.

This is true - but all of the games you've mentioned here are predominantly single player only, right? In these cases, how many people are playing the game simultaneously is pretty much irrelevant.

But yeah, from a developer standpoint I guess those numbers might look a bit discouraging at face value.

Bundle, single player, and long-tail sales success are going to show lower peak numbers. But the initial peak is a good indication of initial sales at the very least. For something like Ys, we have no idea what for them is considered a huge success, it could be 10-15k copies for all we know. Both Dustforce and Eldritch got a large percent of those sales from bundles, and we know those buyers rarely play the games.


Any info on the price?
(Steam needs to allow more freeware indies. Would kill for Steamworks versions of Noitu Love, Treasure Adventure Game or Chalk).

I would pay cash money for the original Treasure Adventure Game on Steam. Just give me a TF2 hat or something.


Bundle, single player, and long-tail sales success are going to show lower peak numbers. But the initial peak is a good indication of initial sales at the very least. For something like Ys, we have no idea what for them is considered a huge success, it could be 10-15k copies for all we know. Both Dustforce and Eldritch got a large percent of those sales from bundles, and we know those buyers rarely play the games.

But it's only concurrent players, not total.. If I play Dustforce and I'm the only one playing it at the moment the concurrent players won't go up, but the total # of players would...
I will be upgrading to an 870 or 880 relatively soon, so I won't have to deal with the issue for much longer.
My plan, too. Good to know I am with folks with experience in PC.
Plan i7+870+128ssd/1tb this fall/winter/spring, if I can get it for 900-1000€. Gonna be tough I fear.
Bundle, single player, and long-tail sales success are going to show lower peak numbers. But the initial peak is a good indication of initial sales at the very least. For something like Ys, we have no idea what for them is considered a huge success, it could be 10-15k copies for all we know. Both Dustforce and Eldritch got a large percent of those sales from bundles, and we know those buyers rarely play the games.

Dustforce got most of it during a Sale according to the devs.

It was only featured in one Humble Bundle IIRC and then never seen again.


This is massive first world problems.

I got new case fans that push more air, yet make almost no noise. Now the fan noise from my GPUs during game sessions is unbearable.

I do have headphones on so I really don't notice, but it is very loud.

It's a neverending spiral of 'yippie, can't hear my computer anymore....oh no, what's that lower but now very annoying sound?'. My PC has become so silent that I can't use 7200rpm harddrives anymore. Not even the access noise, just the idle whirring. I need to buy super expensive PSUs and have very few choices when it comes to graphics cards. Also if I forget to turn off one of my consoles in the next room I'll sooner or later start wondering what that strange sound is, that my PC is suddenly making.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
This Idlemaster thing is some straight witchcraft.

hell yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah


I can't stop watching this today :p


Not a mod, just a bot.
Thanks to an anonymous benefactor, I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This is a garbage dump. No other rules apply, you may claim as many as you want (there are no limits or throttles), and keys you win won't be counted as wins for your record. Do not SELL these keys for a profit.

Data Hacker Infiltration -- MB-8BF9431A579E6849 - Taken by KenOD


Dustforce got most of it during a Sale according to the devs.

It was only featured in one Humble Bundle IIRC and then never seen again.

Only financially, in terms of game sales numbers, the vast majority were from Humble Bundle: http://hitboxteam.com/dustforce-sales-figures

Their first steam sale was about 18k copies, HB was 138k.

And bear in mind that Dustforce was an extremely well reviewed and talked about game in the mainstream gaming press.

Dr Dogg

It's a neverending spiral of 'yippie, can't hear my computer anymore....oh no, what's that lower but now very annoying sound?'. My PC has become so silent that I can't use 7200rpm harddrives anymore. Not even the access noise, just the idle whirring. I need to buy super expensive PSUs and have very few choices when it comes to graphics cards. Also if I forget to turn off one of my consoles in the next room I'll sooner or later start wondering what that strange sound is, that my PC is suddenly making.

That's exactly the reason I asked you about that 840 Evo deal (took the plunge in the end). I've cut practically all noise out of my PC now that it's only the HDDs that cause a sound and it drives me nuts. I'm sure I'll start to hear other noises like something from a monitor or a mouse once I've gone to SSD only due to the lack of significant ambient noise here at night. You're right though it's never ending.

I may as well go buy a CD of some mating whales or something to mask the noise.


What could be the reason for this behavior with Idle Master:
Checking to see if Painkiller Hell & Damnation has remaining card drops
Painkiller Hell & Damnation has 3 card drops remaining
Sleeping for 15 minutes
Checking to see if Painkiller Hell & Damnation has remaining card drops
Error checking if drops are done, number of tries remaining: 2
Closing game Painkiller Hell & Damnation
SUCCESS: The process "steam-idle.exe" with PID 868 was stopped. (translated this message from German but it's the standard message)
Successfully completed idling cards for Painkiller Hell & Damnation
Why did it close Painkiller without finishing and with 2 tries remaining?
It could be that the Internet Connection was lost a while ago for a few seconds, could that be an issue?


And bear in mind that Dustforce was an extremely well reviewed and talked about game in the mainstream gaming press.

but it's a speed running based 2d platformer and we know how the general public feels about those FIGs

Fucking Indie Games


That's exactly the reason I asked you about that 840 Evo deal (took the plunge in the end). I've cut practically all noise out of my PC now that it's only the HDDs that cause a sound and it drives me nuts. I'm sure I'll start to hear other noises like something from a monitor or a mouse once I've gone to SSD only due to the lack of significant ambient noise here at night. You're right though it's never ending.

I may as well go buy a CD of some mating whales or something to mask the noise.

There was a deal on 840EVO SSD recently? Only got myself a 120 gb one, and my 1TB HDD is filled up, so I was looking into getting myself a 250 GB as well. Need to get myself another HDD also for most of my Steam games, probably gonna go 2TB once I find a good sale price.


So, after 3 years of ignoring issues and not even fixing the configuration tool in the game (which was fixable with a single registry key), SEGA is doing something about Sonic Adventure DX (and other Dreamcast Collection games) on Steam. o_o


Seems like they just added achievements. Maybe they'll add trading cards and config tool fixes as well, but probably nothing more. I wonder if they'll update the later Dreamcast ports like Sonic Adventure 2 and Jet Set Radio too (those games already have achievements but they don't have trading cards). I'm hoping the updates will be more substantial than that, but they probably won't be.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I bet this is all a setup to an elaborate ARG that will lead to the announcement of the Shenmue HD remasters.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
What could be the reason for this behavior with Idle Master:

Why did it close Painkiller without finishing and with 2 tries remaining?
It could be that the Internet Connection was lost a while ago for a few seconds, could that be an issue?

Looks like a bug in the exception logic. Should be easy to fix.

Dr Dogg


[SPOILER]I can't stop watching this today :P[/SPOILER][/QUOTE]

Hahaha the initial plan was a bit too ambitious plus I couldn't find that pixel art avatar of Stump m0dus did way back when but he and Gabe were set to feature but after 1 hour of masking and 2 of sorting out cards I though fuck it this will do!

[quote="Hugstable, post: 123661514"]There was a deal on 840EVO SSD recently? Only got myself a 120 gb one, and my 1TB HDD is filled up, so I was looking into getting myself a 250 GB as well. Need to get myself another HDD also for most of my Steam games, probably gonna go 2TB once I find a good sale price.[/QUOTE]

Well on Amazon.de as in from Amazon in Germany so postage might have been a liiiiiitle bit crazy unless you're close.
This is true - but all of the games you've mentioned here are predominantly single player only, right? In these cases, how many people are playing the game simultaneously is pretty much irrelevant.

But yeah, from a developer standpoint I guess those numbers might look a bit discouraging at face value.

Not really connecting to this topic, but if they were irrelevant, Valve would have shipped Ricochet 2 by now. Player engagement is important to them, and if after, say, 200k concurrent players in the first weekend the number drops down to 1k in a month that's not a good proposition. Of course major publishers with their annual franchise don't care.


That's exactly the reason I asked you about that 840 Evo deal (took the plunge in the end). I've cut practically all noise out of my PC now that it's only the HDDs that cause a sound and it drives me nuts. I'm sure I'll start to hear other noises like something from a monitor or a mouse once I've gone to SSD only due to the lack of signs can't ambient noise here at night. Your right though it's never ending.

I may as well go buy a CD of some mating whales or something to mask the noise.

I sent back my first 830 SSD because it made chirping noises during heavy access. The second one and many other models do too but less noticeably. And then there's the feared high pitched coil whine some graphics cards emit. You can never go 100% inaudible even with no moving parts, there's always something but I think I'm good at the moment.


Finally finished Witcher 2, now either going to play Binary Domain or finally some Dark Souls 2. Maybe Binary Domain first, i guess Dark Souls 2 will take more of my time and patience.

And please excuse me, but i feel i have to add something to the mouse discussion of the las thread: Now that my temporary Razer Lachesis died as well (cursor is skipping, guess the sensor is faulty) I went back to my old MX518 and really have to take back what i said about that mouse. It's not a fine mouse ... I just don't know how i could play with that ridiculous amount of angle snapping back then. Do you (MX518 users) really not notice this at all?


Why did I get a Fist of Awesome copon?

And will my copon for Pixel Piracy work with the discount? I'd check but I sent those copons to my alt tf2-idling account to clean up my inventory.

edit: somebody bought my Ampu-Tea foil... Why did somebody buy my Ampu-Tea foil?
There was a deal on 840EVO SSD recently? Only got myself a 120 gb one, and my 1TB HDD is filled up, so I was looking into getting myself a 250 GB as well. Need to get myself another HDD also for most of my Steam games, probably gonna go 2TB once I find a good sale price.

My 1TB drive is just about full too. I was just on Amazon looking at some 3TB drives today.
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