Why does US get all the nice things? 25% off all prepaid cards, including Steam Cards, if you buy 2 of them.
ModBot said:I am giving away 18 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Zarx, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.
Rules for this Giveaway:
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
Cthulhu Saves the World --MB-6A6DAED426FBF7E9- Taken by NightmareTrigger. 1 entrants total.
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY --MB-4F0E228062C71E1A- Taken by Henry Swanson. 2 entrants total.
Oil Rush -- MB-6C87C8EB09E5B212
Scribblenauts Unlimited --MB-9CD1A4BC7C295103- Taken by rainking187. 2 entrants total.
The Last Remnant --MB-623CCF4860664CC4- Taken by Gianni Merryman. 4 entrants total.
Lone Survivor --MB-78F09F72125CE826- Taken by Yrael. 3 entrants total.
Sanctum 2 --MB-E76D76E46B171690- Taken by CrunchyFrog. 1 entrants total.
Thomas Was Alone --MB-4E940E70EF6F1E65- Taken by celsowmbr. 1 entrants total.
Dustforce --MB-710B59C25A2E98F2- Taken by 73V3N. 6 entrants total.
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days --MB-124283C43B005DE3- Taken by redlacs. 8 entrants total.
Cortex Command --MB-8B2FC6062EE2FDBC- Taken by darkchewie. 1 entrants total.
Sanctum: Collection --MB-9D703C07530C95A0- Taken by MTE. 1 entrants total.
Offspring Fling --MB-CC7D6E5F1CB69ABD- Taken by TheMadMan007. 1 entrants total.
VVVVVV --MB-F0A2DF97523A2781- Taken by shackdaddy836. 1 entrants total.
Cave Story Plus --MB-4BD5E30FA30ABDC7- Taken by Dusk Golem. 1 entrants total.
Garry's Mod --MB-BD9AE500ACC04FF2- Taken by wagamer. 6 entrants total.
Just Cause 2 --MB-10C5B8082437B7BA- Taken by Vazduh. 3 entrants total.
LIMBO --MB-30E10B3AE7960D54- Taken by City 17. 1 entrants total.
Why does US get all the nice things? 25% off all prepaid cards, including Steam Cards, if you buy 2 of them.
Why does US get all the nice things? 25% off all prepaid cards, including Steam Cards, if you buy 2 of them.
There is no region-lock on Steam cards, right? *lights the USGaf signal*
And that totally should be the tagline.
I hope Humble with throw out a really INDIE bundle, maybe with Valdis and Teslagrad in the first tier.
A man can dream.
Maybe its something about rumored remake of the first game (if dreams come true..)
Why does US get all the nice things? 25% off all prepaid cards, including Steam Cards, if you buy 2 of them.
This should solve your problem, but no guarantees because I hate Windows 8 and it will probably defy me just to piss me off.
I'm editing videos of Echo Night Beyond right now for my YouTube channel (have a huge backlog of videos to edit, literally over a thousand hours of game footage), but reminded me that I wish From Software would take some of its older efforts to Steam. Not just its horror games, but as a horror enthusiast, they had a few low-budget but good niche horror games in Echo Night, Echo Night Beyond, and Kuon.
Probably a fools errand given IdleMaster but anyone want any coupons?
Roguelike puzzle game sounds so horrible. It would have to be pretty much a revolution in the genre to work.
8.1 hasn't done anything but 8 refused to let me play a heap of my games so it got added to my shit list. I might give 8.1 a chance some day but I'm not rushing out to do it.
lash, you asked for it...
http://robotbrush.com/corrosivefros...r 08.04.2014 -
My windows 8 to 8.1 upgraded install was slower than the original windows 8 install, yeah. I redid it with a straight Windows 8.1 install and it's the same as the regular Win8 install. Dunno what's up with that. I still need to get another key for my laptop so I can do it there as well.I lived up with downgrade to win8 because it's faster than win7, but going to win8.1 is ever worse downgrade, because it's slower than win8!
I still can't believe nobody on steamgaf told me this, when I was asking is it worth moving to 8.1.
Trashbot gets a lot of business here but I always like to offer them first in the slim chance someone wants one of these games. I universally already have what they offer me so they're a waste on my end.
you had 100% fun while I was sleeping?!
*so bitter now
It actually works nicely, not first person one as Kenod was talking, but for example in 10,000,000, which is hilarious and frustrating together. I never would have believed, but it works maybe even too good!
totally OT, but don't do it, man!
I lived up with downgrade to win8 because it's faster than win7, but going to win8.1 is ever worse downgrade, because it's slower than win8!
I still can't believe nobody on steamgaf told me this, when I was asking is it worth moving to 8.1.
i'm surprise ppl still don't like ff7
i thought the thing was to hate it for a couple of years and then realize it was actually pretty alright
Do you know if there is a way to do this with an OEM Windows 8 'key'? The whole 8-8.1 thing gets complicated as crap when you wanna clean install, what with the key being embedded in the bios now. At least so much as I've gathered.
Hate is such a strong word.
I'm more like ambivalent. Loved the game when I played it, but since then I've played tonnes of better games, and as such don't have rose-tinted glasses when thinking of the game.
Do you know if there is a way to do this with an OEM Windows 8 'key'? The whole 8-8.1 thing got complicated as crap with the key being embedded in the bios now. At least so much as I've gathered.
Heh, personally I only use them on games with more than 75% off that have cards, the rest get trashed. Still happy about that 90% off Portal 2 I got recently.
I'll give you my old windows 8 key tomorrow, it got locked down because I accidently activated it to many times so MS emailed me to call them on a weekday, since I just got an SSD on Saturday I decided to just buy a 8.1 key for 25$ so I'll give you my old 8 key when I unlock it tomorrow
Whoa, okay. ThanksI'll give you my old windows 8 key tomorrow, it got locked down because I accidently activated it to many times so MS emailed me to call them on a weekday, since I just got an SSD on Saturday I decided to just buy a 8.1 key for 25$ so I'll give you my old 8 key when I unlock it tomorrow
I used to fall for the 90% ones every time, but after buying a game that wasn't what I thought it was (silly me didn't do his research) I kinda got over that.
Where are these cheap Win 8.1 keys at? Not that I actually want one right now but it'd be good to know where legit sources of these things are for the future.
Volvo please, I want to be able to trash coupons.
It actually works nicely, not first person one as Kenod was talking, but for example in 10,000,000, which is hilarious and frustrating together. I never would have believed, but it works maybe even too good!
I'd pay some sweet cash to have this game and the sequel (which I like a lot more) on Steam. The PC version of LBA had a few (in my opinion) questionable choices that were fixed or improved in the PS1 port, so I consider that one the superior version though.Looks like Little Big Adventure will be in the next Groupees Bundle. I guess that means the android version or GOG. It's not on Steam right?
Why does US get all the nice things? 25% off all prepaid cards, including Steam Cards, if you buy 2 of them.
I'd pay some sweet cash to have this game and the sequel (which I like a lot more) on Steam. The PC version of LBA had a few (in my opinion) questionable choices that were fixed or improved in the PS1 port, so I consider that one the superior version though.
Looks like Little Big Adventure will be in the next Groupees Bundle. I guess that means the android version or GOG. It's not on Steam right?
need a US friend to help me with PSN and eShop credit :/
Create a second, foreign account, add money via code, buy games, download games, log in with your normal account, play games.
PSN cards are region locked
ya, it works like charm... except if you plan to play online, don't buy online games this way! I did this mistake once, never again
I didn't even know about that rumor. Might be interested if it keeps the same style as the original game.
much envy, I wish there were tonnes of better games than FF7 (or Suikoden series, for that matter) in my universe.
I'm still waiting for one as good, let alone better (._.)
Not comparing with other genres, as that's not possible, talking about JRPGs.
In no particular order (and only games newer than FF7):
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy Tactics (either PSP version, or PS1 patched with PSP translation)
Vagrant Story
SaGa Frontier II
Dragon Quest 8
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
Digital Devil Saga
Etrian Odyssey 3
Valkyrie Profile
PSN cards are region locked
not true for me, not even close, nothing from that list, and I like most games there.
It's such a pity the FF7 PC rerelease hasn't been retranslated - the original translation is borderline incomprehensible at times, which is a major PITA in a story oriented game like FF7. :\
In other news, Valve can now just pack up and go home. GOG wins the digital store game.
There was one for Android, which I own (but haven't played). That said, I want it on PC. The sequel is fine, as far as I remember, but I wouldn't complain if it gets remade tooThere were talks of a remake back in 2011. Maybe we'll hear more about it soon.
I didn't know that, what happens exactly? Does neither the original nor the foreign account work?