Didn't touch ground and back of net.
Just in case you serious, the ball doesn't have to for it to be a goal in football.
No goal because whole ball didnt crossthe line.
Didn't touch ground and back of net.
.LEGO Worlds Annoucement: Update 2 Details
Hello everyone!
We think its about time we started to let you know what youll see in Update 2, which we
aim to roll-out as soon as its worthy! This update is less focussed on adding new content and more on improving and opening up whats there. Were very pleased with the progress and check out our other post talking about some of the other stuff were working on thats still coming!
Heres a breakdown of some of the things to expect:
- Underwater Explore and build underwater. If you find yourself running out of air, try the sub or one of those characters that can breathe (or doesnt need to breathe) underwater
- Discoveries For the first time, players will have to do a little more work to discover some of the characters and creatures. This is the first step to what we believe will be a more rewarding Discovery system. But what if you already have everything? Well, youll still see the same things but theres also a new option to reset your save game without affecting your worlds or brick builds, naturally so you can start discovering again from scratch.
- Map Never get lost again, unless like us you cant actually read a map... Anyway, you cant miss it its got some great features like adding and removing waypoints ( also appear as beams in the world) and different zoom levels. You can tune it up or turn it off too, and just have the beams let us know how you use it.
- The Camera Item Snap happy users can take screenshots using the in-game Camera item to capture their favourite builds, creatures or rocks! Warning: taking a picture of a LEGO Jacket Potato doesnt suddenly make it interesting!
- Virtual Floor Weve added a new sub-feature to Brick Building and Tools. This option is an easy way to build in the air, or add detail to a specific layer, or to keep some of your hard work protected while you go crazy creatively. We also slipped in a free related feature on the mouse that allows you to place individual bricks in free space at the cross-hair cursor, rather like when using a controller, without altering the way it works normally.
- LXFML Export update Weve updated the LXFML export tool to now include props! Any props you place will now be stored within the model data, meaning youre able to pack up your house and place exactly as it is anywhere you like! We wouldnt recommend putting your perfect house too close to the Junkyard though, itll halve the value!
- Tracking Camera Weve added a new Camera Mode. This is a more rigid setup that requires the player to control rotation and distance a lot more, as opposed to the regular Chase Camera.
- GUI The grids in the various menus have had a little bit of a summer clean and are now neater on screen and easier to see. This is in advance of a more significant set of improvements, coming soon to an awesome LEGO game near you.
- Info Box You can now hold the BACK button (on a wired XBOX360 controller) to turn it on and off, instead of having to navigate the pointer. As with the GUI grids, this is a small convenience in advance of bigger improvements.
- Abilities There are quite a few cool / awesome / funny little things going into this update. We might tease some of them, but for now youll have to wait.
- Content Well, we said above theres less emphasis on new content, but you can still expect a few new discoveries, plus the winning competition builds. And dont forget ongoing new animations and audio!
- Fixes An ongoing focus, especially as we get ready to push out an update, including (but not limited to!) improvements to stability, performance and terrain generation.
Once the update rolls out, well have a more definitive patch notes for you to sift through, as there are plenty of other minor tweaks. There's no hard date for this update, as we're trying to ensure we catch as many bugs as we can, and ensure the new features are working as we intend, but we're hoping to have it with you soon! Until then let us know what your thoughts are on the update plans!
LEGO Worlds Team
Rocket League needs goal line replays, clearly. Get on it Sepp, make yourself useful!
Just in case you serious, the ball doesn't have to for it to be a goal in football.
No goal because whole ball didnt crossthe line.
He'll probably be more about low profile tyres and convertible roofs for the female cars that anything the brings the game into the 21st century.
The mystery gift isn't a valid Steam code...it's not even in the same format as Steam codes...
The mystery gift isn't a valid Steam code...it's not even in the same format as Steam codes...
That's part of the mystery.
I've been looking around for viva piñata PC but can't find it on any digital stores.
I think Microsoft should release it on their own storefront or steam because right now only way for me to play it is either to buy a disc reader to use my physical copy of it or [REDACTED] it, these situations is always shitty.
Didn't work on GOG...opened up the Desura that I haven't opened up in more than two years...
"Cherry Tree High Comedy Club gift you are trying to accept has been sent to the member Danteveli. You will need to contact the person who sent you the gift and see if they have another copy to gift you."
Well, shit.
While coincidentally announcing that Goodyear have just signed a massive sponsorship deal, of course.
We need more terrible game images for modbot.
Well, my fault, lol. I did that Mystery giveway thinking the key was unused because I didn't mark it on Bemine. It ended up to be used. Sorry for the mistake, I think this is like the second time it happened a key I gave was used, so apologize and if you want blacklist me...well, free to do that.
I do mysert giveaway very often and I can assure you, until now, all the keys I gave were unredeemed.
I would, but there's no discountDaily BUY ROCKET LEAGUE post and gif!
Looks like we get to add someone to the blacklist...
aren't indiegala Monday bundles getting smaller and smaller or am I imagining things?
You know who else has shit ping?But my ping is shit.
I completely stopped buying bundles for the past few months now. I'll give it a full year and everything is new again.
You know who else has shit ping?
But you've seen how good he is
He's good.Yeah I haven't really been buying bundles much either.
Is he good or is it the ping working in his favor.
So. Is that Beam Sword whatever in Neptunia 2 a DLC weapon or you get it because you finished Nep 1?
I mean I am overpowered...
Few days ago
Kotaku UK: Remedy's Quantum Break Footage Looks Excellent
Kotaku: Unfortunately, Quantum Break Looks a Bit Rubbish
Same guy posted those.
Few days ago
Kotaku UK: Remedy's Quantum Break Footage Looks Excellent
Kotaku: Unfortunately, Quantum Break Looks a Bit Rubbish
Same guy posted those.
ModBot said:Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 4 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Parsnip, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.
Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
Chime --MB-884E6FC6522952B1- Taken by Spirited
Hack n Slash --MB-7B02D07EAC34C62E- Taken by gurm3n
Strata --MB-6187E5C438D7FDF6- Taken by ExoSoul
Hook --MB-C48D02043C8E770B- Taken by MaxiLive
He's good.
Ping never works in anyone's favor
Did you read past the headline?Few days ago
Kotaku UK: Remedy's Quantum Break Footage Looks Excellent
Kotaku: Unfortunately, Quantum Break Looks a Bit Rubbish
Same guy posted those.
Few days ago
Kotaku UK: Remedy's Quantum Break Footage Looks Excellent
Kotaku: Unfortunately, Quantum Break Looks a Bit Rubbish
Same guy posted those.
Did you read past the headline?
Hey 6 days is a long time in video game critique land
Saying that the first post is paper thin on details and is talking about what seems like the brief showing during the MS briefing and then the second is one more in depth that covers a lot more about the games systems, mechanics and themes in more detail. Impressions come from an actual demo and not a stage showing so what does this tell us? Content showed off at pressers aren't representative? Hands on demos show off a game flaws and all? Kotaku really shouldn't create headlines based on small snippets of footage? A combination of these and more besides? Or that all game promotion is a sack of shit and that waiting until the game is out and make your judgements from there on out. Why has 'Pre-Alpha' become this years' nom de guerre for gameplay trailers? Do publisher really think their potential customers are stupid or is this a way of saying 'hey this shit could change you know so don't hold us for account when the final products doesn't hold up to this'. Don't mind me I'm going back to my grumpy corner *hrmphhh*.
Well MS Conference demo wasn't that different from what he described in second article. I never thought that MS Conference demo was amazing. Cover, dash through time, shoot. beside time laps inside building it was more-less game we played 100 times before. So it is really strange to see 180 turn when honestly MS never showed mind blowing footage of QB.
He just made a mistake, he's given a lot of games on GAF, can't you cut him some slack?
I trust in Remedy.
ModBot said:Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Undead Bokun, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.
Lilly and Sasha: Curse of the Immortals --MB-20498BEEFD021C57- Taken by ExoSoul
The Clans Saga of the Twins --MB-068D019C949AC043- Taken by Baron_Calamity
The Albino Hunter --MB-5ED90D52B55DB07A- Taken by Lain
He just made a mistake, he's given a lot of games on GAF, can't you cut him some slack?
Maybe it's you who should be on a list.
This is not just the end of Woolfe, but the end of the studio that I founded and nurtured through ups and downs the past 13 years. In 2002, when I founded GRIN with 2 partners, it was our goal to develop independant games. At the time we were focussed on browser based 3D games. Not an easy market to make a living from at the time. Less than 2 years after we started my 2 partners stepped out; there just wasn’t enough work to go round.
While not losing my passion and still spending every minute of spare time, I generated my basic income doing work-for-hire jobs. Every year the company grew a little stronger, a little better, a little more stable. Until 2 years ago, GRIN had 5 full-time employees exclusively making games for clients, we even made enough money to save a little cash on the side. We would use these savings to create the game of our dreams. Little did we know this would be the beginning of the end…