Are you sure those are legit offers tho?
just a friend with an extra copy
Are you sure those are legit offers tho?
just a friend with an extra copy
Why not buy KF2 and then trade? You'd still be getting the much better deal.
Why not buy KF2 and then trade? You'd still be getting the much better deal.
Okay. Sonic All Star Racing Transformed.
I was hosting so Ill just state. I have never had a problem with this game but there are so many weird ass online connection bugs. However once you are in the game and able to stay in it it's fun.
KenOD pretty much rekt everyone and I fought for 2nd most of the time with maybe like one or two wins in first.
I don't think we will have another game night for it though since The connection bugs are odd. The game itself plays fine but connecting online woo boy sometimes it just didn't want to cooperate.
Good games guys!
This, it's cheap on Nuuvem right now.
From what I remember it does run on the same engine(with the added bells and whistles and all that)
Right, time to get this thread away from the monsters that want to be cruel to animals.
Early LiS character design sketches
Right, time to get this thread away from the monsters that want to be cruel to animals.
Early LiS character design sketches
Console - Modernized PC knock-offs that financially harm developers, gamers, hardware manufacturers, and the rest of the industry. These are under-powered machines with expensive services and games, and infuriatingly false marketing campaigns. Meaning, the PS3, PS4, XBox One, and XBox 360.
Peasant - One who idolizes, sympathizes, defends, or otherwise shills for Sony and Microsoft and their consoles. One who spews peasant 'facts' may also fall into peasantry. Such 'facts' include claims about 30FPS being adequate, 720p being adequate, and other console marketing lies. See /r/PCMasterRace/wiki/consolepeasants.
Ascension - The moment a Brother obtains a PC, this usually comes shortly after enlightenment.
Enlightenment - The moment an individual realizes that the PC is the objectively superior gaming platform. This is usually a result of reading our 'Why PC?' guide.
Brother - Otherwise known as a member of the PC Master Race. A Brother acknowledges the PC to be the superior gaming platform, but doesn't necessarily have to even own a PC. All brothers have a goal ascend eventually, if not immediately upon enlightenment.
I confirm everything he said, also random crashes as I had one of them and poor Kin had 3 of them.
Fan wars are all the same.
"My console is better than your console."
"My pop star is better than your pop star."
"My community is better than your community."
what i like about lis is that instead of choosing who dies and lives you choose who's feelings you hurt
perfect game for me
you're like, break someone's heart, then someone else's, then play god and figure out which person's heart can heal better or could use a bit of a beating better
i would make such good use of max's power irl
speaking about that sub reddit , i saw their "Dictionary"
AFAIK , making a game based on 1 hardware is alot easier and have much benefits then making a game with a consideration of multiple hardware and you have to be sure the game will work on any normal budget PC and different sittings and graphic cards
yea totally with u on the contrived partI do like that aspect, but a lot of the interactions feel super contrived. Like you talk to some girl who is always a total bitch to you, and get her to reveal a piece of information, then rewind to bring it up before she does, and suddenly she's like "you're such a good person, let's be besties." No, people don't work like that. I can see how you can turn a power like that to your advantage, but that's straining the limits of believability.
I do like how Chloe is finally starting topick up on the fact that I could potentially rewind every choice and conversation though. "You better not rewind this." "I bet you totally did the other thing, and then rewound."
Still only halfway through Ep. 3 though.
uh so I can't seem to be able to buy the game from nuuvem?
paypal window pops up, put the login, get "processing order" and then the paypal window shows up again, need to log in again..
basically does nothing
any ideas?
Metal Gear Rising beat. It's not part of the kojima games but I have been meaning to replay it anyway. Gotta say I've done a total 180 on it. Awhile back I wasn't the biggest fan of the story or tone in the game. But after playing this on the heels of the entire series, and playing it for what it was rather than what I wanted I really enjoyed it. Story works for what it is and the over the top nature fits better than I felt it did originally. Also I really enjoyed playing with the fox blade upgrade. Makes the game feel like the cyborg ninja game I want. Since regular enemies are killed quick, but bosses still take the skill required.
All I have left now is Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. Which I'm playing so that I've finally played every metal gear game.
You're right that it's mostly a problem for the minor characters. I guess since they get so little screen time they rushed the character development to the point that it feels forced, while for the main characters if feels more natural. I think I have a vague idea of what they are doing with the wholeyea totally with u on the contrived part
i think it works much better with the main characters than the supporting cast tho
did you tried using VPN ? or another country VPN ?
what happened to indiegala hidden object bundle happy hour
is gone now
what to do what to do
Metal Gear Rising beat. It's not part of the kojima games but I have been meaning to replay it anyway. Gotta say I've done a total 180 on it. Awhile back I wasn't the biggest fan of the story or tone in the game. But after playing this on the heels of the entire series, and playing it for what it was rather than what I wanted I really enjoyed it. Story works for what it is and the over the top nature fits better than I felt it did originally. Also I really enjoyed playing with the fox blade upgrade. Makes the game feel like the cyborg ninja game I want. Since regular enemies are killed quick, but bosses still take the skill required.
All I have left now is Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. Which I'm playing so that I've finally played every metal gear game.
we in here
havent played a metal gear since like a first playthrough of MGS3 on my PS2, skipped 4 and whatever else
should be.. interesting
also gonna shoot that puppy in the face
we in here
havent played a metal gear since like a first playthrough of MGS3 on my PS2, skipped 4 and whatever else
should be.. interesting
I think you should be good. Considering where the game starts I don't think it's going to be the nightmare for "newcomers" people are thinking.
I have a feeling it won't be all that confusing, simply because Konami has to account for the fact that 4 was a console exclusive.
remember how I got that copy of Killing Floor 2 from the Alienware stream
remember how I activated it and kinda regreted it cause im kinda meh on the game and wanted other similarly priced stuff
gettin offers for tradin KF2 for MGSV
fuck my life again
Salsa go play Peace Walker or watch a movie of it
surprise huehuheuheu
I hate this thing
Salsa go play Peace Walker or watch a movie of it
I have a feeling it won't be all that confusing, simply because Konami has to account for the fact that 4 was a console exclusive.
I own Pace Walker and kinda just couldnt stand the framerate and one analog stick
might give it another shot but considering TPP comes out soon bleh i'll maybe watch a recap
don't have a PS3
we in here
havent played a metal gear since like a first playthrough of MGS3 on my PS2, skipped 4 and whatever else
should be.. interesting
have you considered ripping your umd and using ppsspp?