Not sure about legal mumbo-jumbo but couldn't they do a Zombi(U) ala Ubi and get it un-exclusive?
Well, they don't own the rights to The Order, Sony does. So unless sony suddenly has a change of heart and decides to allow for their properties to come to PC then it's a nogo.
Ubisoft owns Zombi. The U in ZombiU is like the 64 in a lot of N64 games: it's just used to help identify the platform the game is on. So unless they had an exclusivity period with Nintendo, they could ported the game anywhere because it was their game.
TLDR: RAD can't do anything with the order without sony giving the green light.
Best TPS of last gen was Spehs Muhreens.
I dunno, I really really liked RE5. Maybe that doesn't make it the best, but it was the one that got the most gameplay out of me.
Gears 3 might be right behind it because of the amount of content in there. It had good MP, horde mode, and a fun campaign featuring Ice T.
Though Space Marine is legit fun, i did find it to be a bit of a drag near the end. and that ending set up a sequel that doesn't appear to be happening : /