Freedom = $1.05
chivalry: released in 2012, 1 bundle (trivial unit sales), sales as low as 90% off
ftl: released in 2012, 3 bundles (~800,000 bundles total, FTL was BTA in all bundles), sales as low as 75% off
orion: can't calculate number of bundles because of name changes, but prices as low as 95% below original launch price, and it's been in a bunch of turd bundles
7 days to die: no bundles, never been more than 60% off
guns of icarus online: 6 bundles, sales as low as 85% off,not sure how many bundle sales
risk of rain: 3 bundles, price as low as 75% off (200k+ bundles?)
divinity: 0 bundles, 40% maximum discount
shadowrun returns: 75%+ sales, 2 bundles (200k? sales?)
planetary annihilation: can't figure out what's going on with this to check price or bundle data
thomas was alone: 6 bundles, 75%+ off, many hundred thousand sales from bundles
i would say in light of that, 7 days to die and divinity are both quite impressive.
Divinity OS is definitely a huge success outside of its KS.
Like i said, when RoR was in a bundle it came with 4 copies total so it was as close to free as it could get for a while. You couldn't find a taker in this thread after a while because everyone had it lol. But the rest are probably only somewhat affected by being bundled.