Huh, then why is it taking up 14 GB on my drive?
Because that's the install size. >_>
Huh, then why is it taking up 14 GB on my drive?
Huh, then why is it taking up 14 GB on my drive?
Because that's the install size. >_>
Download size ≠ install size
I think free to play games get deleted from the library after uninstall unless you buy one item.
Wait, what?
Hexadrive did the FF Type-0 PC port?
Is this some sort of test run before Okami PC port?
Capcom, you know this would sell shitloads. Do it!
Wait, what?
Hexadrive did the FF Type-0 PC port?
Is this some sort of test run before Okami PC port?
Capcom, you know this would sell shitloads. Do it!
Doesn't hope that the l'Cie stuff from XIII is making an appearance.
Just play the game, you aren't meant to know everything going in.I just barely know what's going on in Type 0; I've watched the opening movie a few times now to try to internalize all the exposition thrown at the player in the first 5-10 minutes, and all I've gotten is that the White Tiger faction sucks and went to war against the Flying Birds. Still don't know fully what the kids are, will try to read the manual and see what I've missed in the first hour.
Doesn't hope that the l'Cie stuff from XIII is making an appearance.
I am shocked that a company as behind the times as Atlus would hate the idea of getting more money. Shocked I say.
A PC release for an Atlus developed game is as likely as a timely European release.
I am shocked that a company as behind the times as Atlus would hate the idea of getting more money. Shocked I say.
A PC release for an Atlus developed game is as likely as a timely European release.
I am shocked that a company as behind the times as Atlus would hate the idea of getting more money. Shocked I say.
A PC release for an Atlus developed game is as likely as a timely European release.
Hexadrive also did the PS4 and XB1 versions of Type-0 HD, not just the PC version.
Edit. And, actually I'm not so sure that they helped out in the PC port, I mean yeah, they did the HD remasterization for PS4/XB1, but the PC port? It could have been S-E alone heh...
Wait, what?
Hexadrive did the FF Type-0 PC port?
Is this some sort of test run before Okami PC port?
Capcom, you know this would sell shitloads. Do it!
Type-0 is not a bad port, it's just an exact port from the console version, 1080p/30fps.
PC version even has some imprevements over console, and it's actually cheaper. The problem is, lots of high-end PC gamers have higher resolution than 1080p and already used to 60fps gaming. So it's a good port for some, but not for the others.
Finished LiS Ep 4, had a feeling about that person, could never put my finger on it.. Things aren't going to end well with the current trajectory.why was he so chummy with the Vortex Club? Victoria did have a nice turnaround though, at least in my play through. I'm also guessing alternate universe Rachel Amber makes an appearance in episode 5 like the transparent deer and the moon
Type-0 is not a bad port, it's just an exact port from the console version, 1080p/30fps.
PC version even has some imprevements over console, and it's actually cheaper. The problem is, lots of high-end PC gamers have higher resolution than 1080p and already used to 60fps gaming. So it's a good port for some, but not for the others.
Final Fantasy Type - 0 on PC is superior to any other platform, but it's being called a bad port? How is it a bad port when it's done nothing but upgrade from all the other platforms? It even provides 4k downsampling. Yet it's a bad port when there is absolutely nothing missing from the other versions? The only major thing being that it's 30FPS. Maybe some other issues with not starting up on Windows 10 because of commas.
Come on man. I hate 30 fps as much as the next guy, but what are you going to do with games that have their frame rate tied to game logic? Or whatever it is the tech guys say. It's a PSP game...
I understand the complaining of 30fps, but to outright say it's a bad port is idiotic. Game runs as intended with more bells and whistles which makes it an above average port.
The only thing this game has a problem with is the actual story and gameplay itself. I feel like I'm going to have to push through this one.
The problem is that over 60% of reported display resolutions in Steam's hardware stats have resolutions other than 1280x720 or 1920x1080 and with a small amount of work that wouldn't even be an issue. Fine for you isn't fine for everybody and we're not even talking about high end users plucked from thin air we're talking about no support for 1440x900 or 1680x1050 which are 2 quite popular display resolutions. Are they high end in your eyes?
The problem is that over 60% of reported display resolutions in Steam's hardware stats have resolutions other than 1280x720 or 1920x1080 and with a small amount of work that wouldn't even be an issue. Fine for you isn't fine for everybody and we're not even talking about high end users plucked from thin air we're talking about no support for 1440x900 or 1680x1050 which are 2 quite popular display resolutions. Are they high end in your eyes?
Since we're always telling developers that they should get with the times, maybe we should start doing the same to people with those kind of monitors. Time to upgrade to 1080p duders!
The framerate isn't the only problem with this game. It's nearly everything else.
No way am I playing this until there are some hotfixes/fan patches. The reviews on the store page are terrible.
Since we're always telling developers that they should get with the times, maybe we should start doing the same to people with those kind of monitors. Time to upgrade to 1080p duders!
I jumped from 720p directly to 1080p.
I even had no idea that there are 900p and 1050p monitors. I think they're not available here in my region.
Edit: holy shit wtf am I seeing
Since we're always telling developers that they should get with the times, maybe we should start doing the same to people with those kind of monitors. Time to upgrade to 1080p duders!
I'd pay 100$ for it.
What am i saying, I'd even pay 100$ for a port of P4:G.
life really is strange
Urgh, you've only got to go look at SPUF to see driveby posts by folks saying 'What game runs shit for you? Get a decent PC then fool!'. It's not a hard thing to implement and evidence shows the engine is clearly capable of doing so. This isn't an issue where the game might have had some fixed timestep hack to get some core systems of the game running on fixed hardware than upping might make everything go chaotic, it's rendering resolution. Their renderer shows support for multiple resolutions at a 16:9 aspect ratio at least so just query a users system resolutions available, that's fucking easy that I can do, and then cross reference that with what your engine can support and then populate a list for the user to select. You know like 99% of games on PC have for nigh on 30+ years. Pointing the finger as the end user isn't the answer.
life really is strange
Considering that by google translating their blog post they seemed proud of their downsampling, it feels quite weird that they have the output resolutions locked at 720p and 1080p. It's pretty clear that their game engine is quite capable of scaling resolutions internally well and I wonder if it's just a case of ignorance in regards to what the end users would be using to play the game than anything else.
Based region free hack. I'm actually surprised that it took this long to get a sequel. I remember playing the Japanese version a long time ago on my DS Lite. I'm excited!
Considering that by google translating their blog post they seemed proud of their downsampling, it feels quite weird that they have the output resolutions locked at 720p and 1080p. It's pretty clear that their game engine is quite capable of scaling resolutions internally well and I wonder if it's just a case of ignorance in regards to what the end users would be using to play the game than anything else.
2560x1440 (native)
As I said in my earlier diatribe it's running on their engine which up until now had only been used on fixed platform hardware and it looks like no consideration has been take for variable configurations that you have with PCs. Like I said on modern consoles you can only output 480i/p, 576i, 720p, 1080i/p signals (that's signals folks not resolutions) as that is what TV standards are at this point in time. From 360 to PS3, WiiU to Xbone they all have that but right now here's my supported resolution list on my PC
1680x150 but no 1680x1050? Aw.![]()
Yeah it's like looking through a letter box.
My excuse for my fat fingers is that it's early![]()