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STEAM | August 2015 - Three versions of Windows since the last Half-Life

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The only CoD that's fundamentally as bad as Colonial Marines is MW3. And that at least doesn't fuck around with the story of a beloved franchise. Also has no rap from Mickey Rourke and thus is inferior to Rogue Warrior by default. Also Randy Pitchford. Assholes everywhere, cock breath commie motherfuckers.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
If you're really desperate, 2K forgot to yank the Japanese edition of Mafia 2 and its DLC. English audio is supported despite the store page claiming otherwise.


You're looking at ~USD$44.50 for the lot, though.


Shame you couldn't play the Fast and Furious arcade game. Those are fun.

There was some Fast And Furious game in another arcade I think, but I didn't go there often. Basically only once to play one of the arcade Mario Kart games, which I felt was pretty disappointing.

Along with the initial D ones.

I wish. I'm pretty sure there was a cab years ago (like 10 years or something), but I haven't played it that much back then and I think it only was there a year. Wish it was there still, I played the PSP port and loved it even if it wasn't on a racing wheel.

Never knew arcade cabinets could be running XP and the like. Guess it makes sense as to why some of these later games are so easily ran on PCs.

Duh, back in the day I remember arcade machines running on PS2s. Basically when you started it, it inputted a combination to select arcade mode in the main menu of Tekken, Soul Calibur or whatever else.

And yeah. While most of modern arcade cabinets are PC-based and run Windows (Embedded) or Linux, this was just a shoddy emulation.
Come on guys, lol, it was pretty obvious. 85%off and posted immediately after posts questioning a site's legitimacy? And the terrible sounding name? Lol

Oh, the one guy who posted it worked didn't make it amusing. >_>

I dismissed it initially, but reading that post made me frantic, i'll give you that.


I don't understand how 2K can't handle their licenses. They're a big team. This is the second time a mafia has disappeared.


Speaking of Aliens:CM I have to agree. Outside of the lies of what was originally promised. I don't feel the game was all that bad either. Nothing special sure, but it was worth my 2.50


Anyone who's done a Steam preorder on MGS5 Phantom Pain?

I can see that the Ground Zeroes you get from preordering can be gifted, so I was curious if anyone has one they want to sell?
Risen 3 actually looks really nice once you get off the first island, nice lighting and variety in the landscapes. Not sure what the new version has changed.

Dr Dogg

I wonder why this is happening (black bars). Only game doing this too.


All AssCreeds on PC are weird and outside of Brohood and Unity none of them render at anything other than a fixed 16:9 aspect ratio. For 16:10 users you get a slight letter box and for 21:9 users it thinks you have a mulimonitor setup and does that weird thing you see. Thankfully the chaps over a WSGF come to the rescue with Black Flag (and III, Liberation, Freedom Cry Standalone and Rogue) and have modified the executable so the resolution scales correctly.

Linky:- [url]http://www.wsgf.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=26834&start=20[/url]
Should be towards the bottom of that page bur seeing as the game got patched a few times you might need to head further in the thread for a more up to date exe replacement and for the other games bar III and Rogue.

My own pics of various AssCreeds at 21:9
[B]Black Flag[/B]


Those are some nice AC pics. I think I missed it, do you actually have a super-wide monitor, or letterbox?

ZP is for entertainment only, not to be taken seriously.

Yeah, I often times disagree with him, especially since he can be so overly critical sometimes.

But he felt strongly enough about it that I wanted to at least hear a sane person's opinion.

Do you feel differently or just don't trust ZP?

[this was in reply to asking if it's true that Freedom Planet should be played in the mode that skips the story]


You should definitely give them your credit card information and some money and report back to us.

They are currently advertising their website as official authorised digital retailer for Aspyr, Paradox, 2K, Bethesda and Rockstar (it's in the bottom of every page of their website).

Three months ago Bethesda confirmed ESO keys bought from them are legit.

The deal I reported about Borderlands the Presequel (2K) is 11 months old and is in reddit gamedeals, which allows official reseller deals only. Furthermore I think 2k having at least 11 months to know they are advertising as official/authorised 2k retailer, would have at least made them took legal actions.

And again, from reddit - about a Project CARS deal (here):

are you an authorized seller?
Yes, we are authorised - only authorised stores have the modified Cars DLC. Also, we have been checked by the mods here as only official sellers can list up here.

That's what a bit of my google-fu discovered, where the most negative things I found were about out of stock keys with people waiting for restocks or refunds.

It's the first time I hear of them, so I am not 100% sure they're legit, but I don't know a valid reason to put them automatically in the shady resellers cauldron.

Why are you so sure they're not legit?

Dr Dogg

Every MegaMan Legacy Collection video I watch the more and more anxious I am to get stuck in. Though I bet my timing and memory of the levels is waaaaaay off. Still 3 days only until release!

Those are some nice AC pics. I think I missed it, do you actually have a super-wide monitor, or letterbox?

Nah been tempted to get one but there's still not the right combination of elements in a monitor that I'd want to spend £800. But that doesn't stop me using a 21:9 resolution of a 16:9 display. I mean the vast majority of film are not filmed at a 16:9 aspect ratio and 2.35:1 is still pretty popular which we've been watching content framed like that on 16:9 TV's now for close to 2 decades so it's not an alien look to me. The bars generally disappear from your view as you're focusing on the content or so I've found.


I wonder why this is happening (black bars). Only game doing this too.

If you have an Nvidia card and the game was set to scale, it's a problem with the latest drivers. For Win 10, scaling's broken despite what settings you have, and SLI is giving people issues. You'll either have to roll back your driver or wait for Nvidia to fix the issue.


Why are you so sure they're not legit?

We are obviously wary of a seller we have never heard of. Feel free to dip your toes into the water based on a Reddit post, which, in my opinion, isn't a very reliable source for independent confirmation.

Best case scenario, they are legitimate and you get to keep your game. Worst case, the game is completely removed from your account due to charge back or general credit card fraud. Whether it's legitimate or not, it would be disingenuous to recommend a site to you that we have no prior knowledge or experience in.

Every MegaMan Legacy Collection video I watch the more and more anxious I am to get stuck in. Though I bet my timing and memory of the levels is waaaaaay off. Still 3 days only until release!.

Too bad it comes out so closely to MGSV, I don't have enough time to devote to Mega Man. Looks great though, and I'm hoping Capcom will continue the project with the developer.

Mega Man X? Mega Man Battle Network? Mega Man Zero? There are some cool games in that series that I've never played before. I actually own the majority, but due to time constraints I haven't been able to play them.

ANy ETA on when GG Xrd will hit Steam? Im about it buy it on PS4.

Never been announced.
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