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STEAM | August 2015 - Three versions of Windows since the last Half-Life

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For you.


Different reviewers have different opiniões?

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
they should make the one who reviewed in on wiiU review it again on other platform

also , gaming site like IGN should put more then one person to review a game
every game need a team to review , not just one

Maybe the WiiU reviewer doesn't want to play the game again? I mean who wants to replay a 6.3 game again? We have better things to do in life than repeat tasks we view mediocre.
they should make the one who reviewed in on wiiU review it again on other platform

also , gaming site like IGN should put more then one person to review a game
every game need a team to review , not just one
I like that idea,like 3 people review the game and their separate score is given but the man score is the 3 averaged out. Doesnt that japanese magazine do that except with 5 ppl?


For you.
they should make the one who reviewed in on wiiU review it again on other platform

also , gaming site like IGN should put more then one person to review a game
every game need a team to review , not just one
Those are both fucking terrible ideas. Why the hell would it need to be the same person reviewing it again? There's literally no logical reason that needs to be done.
And team reviews? Lel, good luck with that , hope you like reviews 1 week after release!


Greg Miller isn't at IGN anymore.

I like that idea,like 3 people review the game and their separate score is given but the man score is the 3 averaged out. Doesnt that japanese magazine do that except with 5 ppl?

That's how lots of magazines did it in the past and some still do where a few reviewers seperately write down their opninions. Online it's more rare, costs time and thus money and someone will still complain.


Stormy Grey
The visual style in Life is Strange is so fantastic. (Potential Episode 4 spoilers) This area was so gorgeous.

I can't wait to see how their next game looks, especially since it's on UE4 IIRC.

Love the vivid style they went with. It's borderlining on being realistic, but the hand painted strokes give it a distinct look that their art team really knows how to work to fit the mood.

Gonna miss Arcadia Bay once it's all over. Episode 4's
scenes were exceptional.


Those are both fucking terrible ideas. Why the hell would it need to be the same person reviewing it again? There's literally no logical reason that needs to be done.
And team reviews? Lel, good luck with that , hope you like reviews 1 week after release!

why its bad idea ?
i think its great idea , so we don't have any biased review

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Hello Queen Of Hunting
Your purchase has been refunded by Steam.
We’ve issued the refund to your Steam wallet. The funds will be shown now as pending and will become available to spend within 7 days.
You’ve requested a significant number of refunds recently. Please keep in mind that refunds are not a method for trying out games. If we think the refund system is being misused we’ll decline to grant future refunds.

sad face ):

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Someone who is told to by their employer regardless of their "want"?

Assigning someone to re-review a game that's released on another platform when they felt the initial release was just okay is asking for phoned-in, sub-par work. Yes, you will always have to assign someone work you know they don't want to do in life, but in IGN's case they have a much better alternative here: a fresh pair of eyes to take a look at the game to offer a second opinion. So of course they went that route.
Assigning someone to re-review a game that's released on another platform when they felt the initial release was just okay is asking for phoned-in, sub-par work. Yes, you will always have to assign someone work you know they don't want to do in life, but in IGN's case they have a much better alternative here: a fresh pair of eyes to take a look at the game to offer a second opinion. So of course they went that route.

also the original reviewer doesn't work at IGN anymore...so there's that


For you.
why its bad idea ?
i think its great idea , so we don't have any biased review

I like when sites have multiple verdicts at the end of their reviews/impressions, done by multiple people who played the game.
Bias would still happen either way, and the advantage for the is basically null as they would read several reviews from several different sources anyway. Also, putting 2 or three people isn't practical or cheap.

sad face ):
More like Queen of Refunding am I rite

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Please continue until they block you and then tell us how much in what time frame got refunded, I'm still curious to know the limits.

:D ive refunded around 16 games so far since the feature launched


Oh my, keep in mind all I played was a 20 minute demo last year though. But what I played was much better than I had initially expected, despite being one of the people who's been checking in on the game every once in a while since it was announced to see if any word had crept up during the years they went super quiet on the project.

I know someone with the full version of the game is really enjoying it though, and I feel the game will hit well with its target demographic, which happens to include me most certainly as I'm quite a fan of these recent narrative driven choice games, and obviously I love horror, so I'm kind of in the ideal to like this type of game.

This said, a few things surprised me from what I played and what I know. From what I played, what surprised me from the 20 minute segment I played was the classic survival-horror feeling, the fixed camera angles, jump scares, light puzzles, key collecting, picking up and reading notes, and the way they used those camera angles to focus on specific things or slowly reveal something, along with interesting things in the environment, gave it something of an older horror game vibe. And something I have been guessing for ages seems to be true from what my friend has confirmed for me, I was almost 100% sure the 'Slasher' look for the game was just the game's 'surface' appearance and there was much more going on, since even in the demo there were things that didn't add up if it was a straight-up slasher story, there were hints of paranormal going on's and some deeper psychological story, and it seems like my guess wasn't far off the mark.
Is it proper Sony first-party / Sony-funded?

Because I sure hope not, I'd kind of like to play it.


Yeah, a 6 on a game made with a peanut budget can be understandable and if anything, inspiring for whatever comes next should the profits be good.

A 6 on a AAA game just means that it's a huge mess that no amount of dev money could fix.


People who exploit the refund system make me sick, it's sam and all of steam's fun holiday events all over again.

when you refund games, you could choose "it's not what I expected", so I don't think someone impulse buying a game, hating it within the first 15minutes and refunding it is considered exploiting, I mean I agree if you're refunding too much then I think the person should do more research but it's still within the boundary


The visual style in Life is Strange is so fantastic. (Potential Episode 4 spoilers) This area was so gorgeous.

I can't wait to see how their next game looks, especially since it's on UE4 IIRC.

That image quality is ridiculously clean, good screenshot.

they should make the one who reviewed in on wiiU review it again on other platform

also , gaming site like IGN should put more then one person to review a game
every game need a team to review , not just one

Somewhat contradicting yourself here. You are calling for the same reviewer to review the game both times, yet at the same time asking for them to have a team of reviewers to get multiple opinions.

With that said, I think citing an IGN review for this game will be inherently problematic. Zombi is trying to fit a square peg into a round hole so to speak.
IGN is looking for a certain style of AAA game that is massively polished, has a large marketing budget, and fits their demographic.
Zombi is obtuse, difficult, no marketing budget, and didn't have access to an astronomical development budget. These type of games will rarely score 'well' as far as IGN metrics are concerned.

People who exploit the refund system make me sick, it's sam and all of steam's fun holiday events all over again.

From what I've heard from various developers, the statistics are showing people are more likely to take a chance on a game with the refund system in place.

People willing to exploit the system will always exist. I agree that aspect should be discussed and mitigated, but if they remain the minority than it shouldn't be a problem.
I was mostly exaggerating anyway, one imagines steam will eventually follow through on their threats to stop refunding people who abuse the system which should keep things in check unlike Sam which there was no coming back from.

Console people should add me, I have all three <3


Unconfirmed Member
Is there a way to request a refund more directly than the system provided?

I'm looking to get a refund on Half Minute Hero 2, which isn't a good game. I've previously owned the first, which is great. HMH2 cannot be purchased on it's own, it's a bundled package.

It seems if I was to refund, I'd lose both games, even though the extra copy of the first one I bought with the package wasn't given to me. I've own the first prior to this bundle. I don't believe it's fair to lose the first game, because it's not.


A nobody compared to the legendary Juan Deag

I love you. My old deagle (prior to me getting a Blaze) was called Juan!

I should get a new nametag and call my new one Juan. (420 Blaze was considered very shortly, but then I realised it was very childish and also overused)
I was mostly exaggerating anyway, one imagines steam will eventually follow through on their threats to stop refunding people who abuse the system which should keep things in check unlike Sam which there was no coming back from.

Console people should add me, I have all three <3

I have the three best ones!

Playstation 1, 2 and a Gameboy Advance.

All I fokken need.
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