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STEAM | August 2015 - Three versions of Windows since the last Half-Life

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You're right--achievements should be abolished entirely. They're a disgusting remnant of console gaming's attempt at inducing an addictive compulsion into their users.

PC has hat-based free-to-play economies now. Why would it possibly need achievements?


i agree they should ban all the dudes using SAM tho, those filthy bastards

It's like using a cracked exe, Valve realizes you are doing this, but that person has ownership of that game. Valve would be punishing legitimate consumers for arbitrary reasons.

I concede that SAM users effect the whole due to achievement percentages, and I'm not a fan of that aspect either, but there isn't much Valve can do.

Now, punishing consumers in multiplayer games should be allowed as that is actively harming the community and potential future purchases.


yea life is strange looks good bruh

That looks real good.

You're right--achievements should be abolished entirely. They're a disgusting remnant of console gaming's attempt at inducing an addictive compulsion into their users.

PC has hat-based free-to-play economies now. Why would it possibly need achievements?

Are you setting up a straw man?
I hate when people say that. Remember school marks, if they work like german marks in your country. You get 50% of the answers right, that's not mediocre, that's bad.

Well, marks work like that in our schools too, but when we get to the university stuff becomes different. Now we need 58% correct in order to get a 4 (which is the passing mark)

Anyways, it's not the same. If they use a scale of 1 to 10, they should use the full scale.
You can see where stuff went wrong in an exam for example. That doesn't work in a videogame review, as we are all different and something that is awful for someone may be the next big thing for someone else.
Secret of Magia

Secret of Magia, despite proclaiming itself to be inspired by famous franchises like The Legend of Zelda and the Secret of Mana series, barely qualifies as an RPG, let alone anything resembling quality.

It was incredibly disappointing to play this game, which is equal parts broken, short and frustrating.

See that plot description at the top of the store page? It's a load of garbage. The game starts with a cutscene where a bird(?) tells you to gather four elements, then you get inexplicably dropped back at your house so you can start training. Apparently, your character can't use weapons without a license(what?), so you have to first prove that you're worthy to bear arms before the plot even gets going. Once you do, you'll be able to pick up quests in the couple towns you come across as you make your way through dungeons to find the aforementioned elements.

If this plot summary comes across as boring to you, it's because there is none to begin with, and everything is so vague and non-descriptive that you'll have mentally checked out long before the endgame.

Where do I even start with this?

Let's talk about the bugs first. It's clear that whomever the developer decided to give beta keys to either never bothered to test the product or the dev didn't enact any of the changes they sent him. The game is absolutely riddled with bugs. My character can walk through walls and beds, there are random feedback loops where you get caught between a boss' attack and a wall, and enemies scale with the player's level. It's one of the few RPGs I've played in recent memory where you get punished for grinding levels too often, as enemies will often wreck most of your HP due to shoddy design.

The game is full of spelling and grammar issues. One of the first things I did when I started the game was talk to a pair of "Gaurds" at a watchtower who spoke to me in slightly-broken English. Things didn't improve from there. The worst part is that there's no way to repeat the tutorials you get at the beginning of the game, so if you didn't catch the (already-vague) instructions on how to switch and use accessories, you're pretty much out of luck.

There's a world map, but you can't view it outside of the one building you find it in. There are items like the shovel and lantern that don't have any discernible purpose outside the one (plot-mandated) time you use each of them. All the innkeepers tell you to pick your choice of a room to rest in, but you can only ever access one room at each inn. There's a choice to play a male or female character, but neither of them have any different or unique content related to them, you can't rename them and it doesn't make a damn bit of difference anyway.

And don't even get me started on the ending. You deliver the plot items to the final boss, who decides to kill you anyway(why?). When you beat him, he thanks you and the game ends. That's it.

Game balance is incredibly broken. Most enemies can be easily dispatched by attacking them from an angle (they can't shoot diagonally, while your character can hit three squares in front of him/herself). Conversely, enemies keep getting stronger while your weapon damage output almost always stays around the same 50-60 power. Once you do get a legendary weapon, though, it breaks any sense of challenge in the game and you can go around picking enemies off at your leisure.

Admittedly, there are a couple interesting ideas here. There's a crafting system with an ad-hoc timing minigame that you can use to create better weapons and armor, although this system really doesn't penalize you in any way, nor does it create any compelling incentives when you can get a legendary bow from a dungeon anyway. Likewise, in a better game, the weapon license system and different professions/jobs could have been used to encourage replayability and experimentation. However, even the passable parts of the game are so mediocre that it's barely worth mentioning.

If you're going to compare your game to RPG titans like Zelda or the Ys series, you'd better make damn sure that your work is up to snuff. This barely qualifies as an RPG, let alone an entertaining adventure that makes the player want to get invested into the world it sets up.

At best, Secret of Magia is a hot mess. The few interesting gameplay mechanics it has are lost in a haze of mediocrity, poor programming and a barely-coherent plot.

Don't buy this.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Is there a way to request a refund more directly than the system provided?

I'm looking to get a refund on Half Minute Hero 2, which isn't a good game. I've previously owned the first, which is great. HMH2 cannot be purchased on it's own, it's a bundled package.

It seems if I was to refund, I'd lose both games, even though the extra copy of the first one I bought with the package wasn't given to me. I've own the first prior to this bundle. I don't believe it's fair to lose the first game, because it's not.

The refund system is a little limited in its knowledge of your licences. You can have multiple licences for the one app:

] licenses_for_app 297810
License packageID 43403:
 - State   : Active( flags 512 ) - Purchased : Mon Jul 28 15:25:17 2014 in "RU", Guest Pass
 - Apps    : 297810, 298670,  (2 in total)
 - Depots   : 297811,  (1 in total)
License packageID 43405:
 - State   : Active( flags 512 ) - Purchased : Mon Jul 28 15:25:22 2014 in "RU", Guest Pass
 - Apps    : 297810, 298671,  (2 in total)
 - Depots   : 297811,  (1 in total)
License packageID 43407:
 - State   : Active( flags 512 ) - Purchased : Mon Jul 28 15:00:50 2014 in "RU", Guest Pass
 - Apps    : 297810, 298672,  (2 in total)
 - Depots   : 297811,  (1 in total)
License packageID 44320:
 - State   : Active( flags 512 ) - Purchased : Mon Jul 28 15:00:59 2014 in "RU", Guest Pass
 - Apps    : 297810, 301820,  (2 in total)
 - Depots   : 297811,  (1 in total)

...but the refund system isn't designed to tell you that you won't lose a game because it's included in another licence.


It's like using a cracked exe, Valve realizes you are doing this, but that person has ownership of that game. Valve would be punishing legitimate consumers for arbitrary reasons.

I concede that SAM users effect the whole due to achievement percentages, and I'm not a fan of that aspect either, but there isn't much for Valve to do.

Now, punishing consumers in multiplayer games should be allowed as that is actively harming the community and potential future purchases.

haha I was just saying that because LORD used it a while ago, was just messing around, I don't care about achievements, in the perspective of achievement hunters I think it kind of sucks for them because anyone can pretend to be unlocking those stuff they worked hard to accomplish, I don't actually think people should be banned, maybe valve could work something out if they actually care, so it's on them and not people who own the game.

Did you play Life is Strange yet? It has pretty good artstyle, should pick it up for a few bucks at nuuvem if you're not sure


CRAP! I don't have the DLC for Mafia II.
Stuff like this, makes me wanna stop my playthrough of the game.

So now I'm on the hunt for Mafia II DLC and Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfare 1+2.


what's people's opinons on Zombie Army Trilogy? Actually first I've heard of it seeing it on my activity feed but I don't see it mentioned much on gaf


Stormy Grey
what's people's opinons on Zombie Army Trilogy? Actually first I've heard of it seeing it on my activity feed but I don't see it mentioned much on gaf

I liked what the first game had to offer, but never touched the second one. It was a bit of a drag to take out bosses solo, so I think I'd only recommend it if you have a co-op group to tear through. They nail the atmosphere pretty well though. It feels like a slightly schlocky 80s horror film complete with bouncing synth soundtrack a la John Carpenter.



0% bug got fixed.

Guys, I don't care about my completion rate. It's <%40 and I'm happy.

Can't even use SAM on Mac anyway.

what's people's opinons on Zombie Army Trilogy? Actually first I've heard of it seeing it on my activity feed but I don't see it mentioned much on gaf

Chariot should have something on this. I helped him out with a 4-pack just recently.

Dr Dogg

sad face ):

Now I know one persons definition of significant is going to vary compared to another and probably a given amount over a timescale but is 16 really significant? Is it significant in a year or only in a week? Regardless here's Valve's take on abuse:-

From the Refunds FAQ said:
Refunds are designed to remove the risk from purchasing titles on Steam—not as a way to get free games. If it appears to us that you are abusing refunds, we may stop offering them to you. We do not consider it abuse to request a refund on a title that was purchased just before a sale and then immediately rebuying that title for the sale price.

I think that's fair enough but those as some pretty well defined stipulations that you would think Valve's Autobot 3000 would see if you've done any of the following before sending its canned responses.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Now I know one persons definition of significant is going to vary compared to another and probably a given amount over a timescale but is 16 really significant? Is it significant in a year or only in a week? Regardless here's Valve's take on abuse:-

I think that's fair enough but those as some pretty well defined stipulations that you would think Valve's Autobot 3000 would see if you've done any of the following before sending its canned responses.

the last refund i did which was one i got that msg for was gta5 did plenty of research n asked for opinons in this very thread and official thread.

all very positive i love sandbox games but the game felt clunky and rigid for movement etc, and it really turned me off the game so i requested refund. most of my refunds have been for legitmate problems not making the game bad as such but either systems in the game hinder me from enjoying it.

every refund i do i give a reason why in detail to steam in the box they give.

in gta's case the game looks brilliant it has a great atmosphere and stuff but the janky systems in place just turned me off and you wont know that till you play the game.

Dr Dogg

the last refund i did which was one i got that msg for was gta5 did plenty of research n asked for opinons in this very thread and official thread.

all very positive i love sandbox games but the game felt clunky and rigid for movement etc, and it really turned me off the game so i requested refund. most of my refunds have been for legitmate problems not making the game bad as such but either systems in the game hinder me from enjoying it.

every refund i do i give a reason why in detail to steam in the box they give.

in gta's case the game looks brilliant it has a great atmosphere and stuff but the janky systems in place just turned me off and you wont know that till you play the game.

And to be fair you probably won't unless you know someone really, really well who could tell you what's the score with a game. And then controls and feedback are some of the most subjective parts of a game. But the really crackers things is that the first sentence in the Abuse section says "Steam refunds are designed to remove the risk from purchasing titles on Steam" which I'm pretty sure all your refund reasons submitted support that. Now sure Valve might flag it up after a certain threshold has been reached but with the amount of shovelware that's on their now you could buy 30 stinkers in a row that even a good bit of research might not highlight all the possible reasons you might not want that title.
Dead Island has earned an award for the least annoying collectible achievements in any game.

There are two. One for getting 60, and another for 120. There are over 150 in total to collect. Not having to find 100% of them makes a huge difference in their search, because you don't have to worry at all on missing one or two along the way. And what's more, the entire game is about looting, so finding these comes naturally as you explore and rummage, unlike other games (that DO require you to find 100%) where the collectibles are often out of the way and sometimes counter-intuitive to level progression (looking at you, Alan Wake).

I didn't even have to use a guide to get these, so I applaud Dead Island for making my second most hated achievement type be bearable.

Dr Dogg

You know what works? Origin works. Pack it up folks it's only a matter of time before EA join forces with Ubiosft and we have Origin-Play. They already sell each others games so it's only a matter of time.


You know what works? Origin works. Pack it up folks it's only a matter of time before EA join forces with Ubiosft and we have Origin-Play. They already sell each others games so it's only a matter of time.

It'll be a third account you have to sign into before signing into origin and uplay. Other than that, they will be exactly the same.
Guess I underestimated how many fans of Secret of Magia there are. Got my Steam review downvoted en masse within an hour.

It's still a terrible RPG.


Enslaved Odyssey to the West has a very beautiful look to it. I like the voice acting and the story is keeping me going. Too bad the gameplay is so damn repetitive(both the platforming and fights are very simple). I'm currently up to chapter 10 and will have to force myself to make it through the remaining four.
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