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STEAM | August 2015 - Three versions of Windows since the last Half-Life

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Bah... Will buy after I get done with XII Zeal


pretty sure that the only things canon from PO are the ending stinger and that Big Boss was in that area at that time. Otherwise, everything else has been pretty much tossed aside as Kojima didn't direct or have any heavy involvement with the game.

Well Kojima also tossed OILX/the energy crisis subplot from Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, so he definitely is fine with retconning his own stuff.


I was laughing until he posted a pic of a toliet and I was thinking 'that is way too much water in the bowl there'. Dude's probably threw a bucket of water in there to back up his narrative that our transatlantic cousin's are under endowed because I don't remember it being like that last time I was in the US.

I'm not a rocket scientist, but would that work?
I'm led to believe that it wouldn't.

Opening the toilet and messing around with the water level thing though would work up to a certain degree (up until it goes into the safety pipe that prevents overflow).
Well Kojima also tossed OILX/the energy crisis subplot from Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, so he definitely is fine with retconning his own stuff.

he's always been retconnin'. Metal Gear Solid featured a bunch of retcons of MG and MG2, just no one in the west had played the MSX versions of those so you couldn't call him out on it.

I'm not a rocket scientist, but would that work?
I'm led to believe that it wouldn't.

Opening the toilet and messing around with the water level thing though would work up to a certain degree (up until it goes into the safety pipe that prevents overflow).

it wouldn't. If you throw a bucket of water into the toilet it would drain the excess water and even things out on its own


he's always been retconnin'. Metal Gear Solid featured a bunch of retcons of MG and MG2, just no one in the west had played the MSX versions of those so you couldn't call him out on it.

Yeah, when I finally watched and then played the MSX games it was pretty neat to see all the stuff I never knew about.



Amnesia: Memories is live.

$29.99 normally, $17.99 with the 40% launch discount that goes until September 1st.
Looks good, but the release date is inconvenient for me, so it'll have to wait for the next sale. First IF game I won't buy on launch.

I'm sorry Iffy.
The release date? It's not a pre-order. Unless you just mean that this week is bad timing.[/QUOTE
Yeah that's what I meant. Sorry for the confusion.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Looks good, but the release date is inconvenient for me, so it'll have to wait for the next sale. First IF game I won't buy on launch.

I'm sorry Iffy.

The release date? It's not a pre-order. Unless you just mean that this week is bad timing.
Amnesia: Memories

The only game in recent memory where you have to get senpais to notice you in order to get your memory back.

Amnesia: Memories is a port of a 2011 Playstation Portable visual novel, where the player takes control of a young woman who loses her memories and is forced to retrace her steps (and romance one of five vaguely-androgynous men) in order to get them back. Classified as an "otome" (girl) game, Amnesia is equal parts fascinating and hilarious.

The game starts with your character entering a spirit world, where a being named Orion tells you that he has somehow become lodged in your consciousness, and can't leave until you recover your memories. At that point, you gain the choice of one of four different paths (with one unlockable later), and you have to make decisions over the course of the story in terms how much information you gather and who you choose to romance/hang out with.

The most interesting part of Amnesia is that there's a lot of replay value. There are five distinct storylines, each with a wildly different set of situations and stories that occur. I was part of the beta testing team for this, and was initially struck by how separate each path is. The first storyline I played through (Shin's) had the characters attempting to solve a mystery, while the second was so off-the-wall that it might qualify as a parody of visual novels.

I know the opening line might seem a bit flippant, but that is the crux of the game. You can only trigger your memories by spending as much time as possible with your respective suitor(s), who have a bad habit of not revealing anything important to you until later on in the storyline.

From a plot standpoint, Amnesia is absolutely bonkers. In a good way, of course. The novelty of being a girl trying to collect information about her missing memories is balanced by a set of off-the-wall characters. Depending on which storyline you play, you'll run into a pair of childhood friends competing for your affections (one of whom locks you in a dog cage for half of his storyline), another teen who has somehow been gifted with the ability to be attractive to every woman he sees (thus explaining why he has a harem of girls who harass the player character) and a "Mr. Nice Guy" tutor.

The art style really sets this apart from other visual novels. Characters are expressive, blinking, moving their mouths and speaking in full Japanese. The backgrounds are generally detailed and varied, and there are nice interstitial moments that break up each scene.

There are also a pair of minigames that can be accessed through the main menu, but I didn't spend enough time to have much of an opinion. They're very simple (rock-paper-scissors), but are a neat diversion for anyone who wants to go for high scores.

In the end, Amnesia: Memories is one of the most interesting games I've played this year, and certainly among the best visual novels I've experienced in quite some time. It's well worth a look and offers a lot of value for the money.

Definitely worth a look.


So, anyone already played Evoland 2? I really liked the first one, but it was way to short fo that price. What about the second one?

Dr Dogg

I'm quite surprised that the MegaMan Legacy Collection OT isn't full of horror stories of these 2 dudes.

As they're ball bustlingly hard for newcomers.

Seems like you could substitute some Mad Max for your nightly Advil/Tylenol PM.

Even with shifting the release date of Mad Max a day forward isn't going to stop a case of 'Two games enter, one game leaves' for next week. MGS5 is going to eat it for lunch on consoles. Can't see the price getting much cheaper on PC but I imagine it will be heavily discounted come Seal time.

USA is weird. Maybe that's their way of "bidet". Dunk your junk.

Hahaha. Don't Veggie, that's a horrible image.

I'm not a rocket scientist, but would that work?
I'm led to believe that it wouldn't.

Opening the toilet and messing around with the water level thing though would work up to a certain degree (up until it goes into the safety pipe that prevents overflow).

Well technically as soon as you throw any water down the toilet it will push what is sat in the trap (ie the u-bend) and out the waste pipe. If the trap is clear from blockage you shouldn't have a high waterline like that unless you've got a stupidly setup waste pipe. Could even really stink if it's not trapping sewer gases correctly. Don't ask how I know this, let's just say we had some 'issues' with our bathroom at an old house.
Even with shifting the release date of Mad Max a day forward isn't going to stop a case of 'Two games enter, one game leaves' for next week. MGS5 is going to eat it for lunch on consoles. Can't see the price getting much cheaper on PC but I imagine it will be heavily discounted come Seal time.

Generally speaking, the demographics of the game buying consumer has changed radically from the time of my youth. Long gone are the days of rarely getting a single game from the store -- a good majority of gamers these days have means, one way or another, to get more than a single game at a time if they're legitimately interested in them both and the genre's don't directly conflict. However, some people have the common sense to know they won't play a game right away and will wait and some are just ridiculously cheap by nature and refuse to pay more than $x.xx value that they think the game is worth (again, showing how stupid the "is it worth it?" question is).

Now Mad Max and MGSV? I can see people skipping Mad Max because the interest isn't there to begin with, I can see people skipping it because the movie hype has come and gone, I can see people skipping it because they know they're going to absorbed completely by MGSV. But even those who have no interest in MGSV -- they're not going to necessarily be looking to pick up a movie franchise tie in open world whatever the hell Mad Max is...

TL;DR: Not sure the launch date is the real reason that Mad Max is going to tank.
TL;DR2: Consumers are hard to predict, but it's still going to tank.


Killing Floor 2 beta update will become available later today. Patch notes are hefty. So hefty, in fact, that they take up two Steam announcements. [1] [2]

I need it now. I've been a KF2-aholic lately.


Amnesia: Memories

The only game in recent memory where you have to get senpais to notice you in order to get your memory back.

Thanks for the long description. Don't know what I expected but now know to keep my distance.


Killing Floor 2 beta update will become available later today. Patch notes are hefty. So hefty, in fact, that they take up two Steam announcements. [1] [2]

Two new maps and the firebug. I can't not pee myself.


Well Kojima also tossed OILX/the energy crisis subplot from Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, so he definitely is fine with retconning his own stuff.

How was OILIX/energy crisis subplot dropped?

The game states there was an energy crisis, so Dr. Kio Marv invented OILIX.
Big Boss kidnaps Dr. Marv in order to steal OILIX for his own use and so that he's the only one who has it. Foxhound sends Solid Snake into Zanzibarland to recover OILIX. He does so as the data was encrypted onto an MSX game tape given to him by Dr. Kio Marv. OILIX is recovered and so the energy crisis is over.

There is no need to mention it in any of the Solid games, and MGS1/2/4 never mention anything about gasoline or other petroleum products.



Killing Floor 2 beta update will become available later today. Patch notes are hefty. So hefty, in fact, that they take up two Steam announcements. [1] [2]

I need to get this now!!! Too bad I have no money :'(

When was the VR button added? Never noticed it until now. Too busy with Rocket League xD

grim fandango for $6 on the vita right now shit shit shit

gonna hold, it's probably coming to PS+ soon but ill be damned if my pointer wasn't hovering over the add to cart button for a while there


There's been some nice talk of the MG series in this thread. It's actually a good way to get a refresher since I've forgotten so much over the years and I'm not much in the mood to play through the entire series.


So Toy Soldiers. I've bought a Toy Soldiers game four times now and here's how those four purchases have gone:

1) Original game on Xbox 360. It didn't run well and wasn't much to look at. I finished the base game and enjoyed it tremendously despite the technical issues and having to use a gamepad. I was about to buy DLC on discount but then the PC version was announced.

2) Original game on PC. Oh, it has GFWL. So much for that, at least I have the game in case something changes in the future. (They did eventually remove GFWL afaik. but I didn't go back to that and eventually they released the Complete edition anyway.)

3) Toy Soldiers Complete on PC. It was in early access back when I bought it but decided to support the team for pricing the complete version fairly on PC. I don't really play early access versions, I'd rather wait for the release. That was over a year ago. The game is still in early access. I still haven't played it.

4) Toy Soldiers War Chest - Oh man, they are milking this now but I really want to finally play a Toy Soldiers game on PC. Luckily Nuuvem had the complete set for pennies. And here goes.. or not. Damn game doesn't work at my 2560x1440 resolution. It stays at 1280x720 resolution and there's no way to change resolution. I mean sure, there's a resolution setting, but it doesn't work. So now I'm waiting for the same dev team to fix/release two Toy Soldiers games.

Can't wait for their next game. Fifth time's the charm!
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