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STEAM | August 2015 - Three versions of Windows since the last Half-Life

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Well I guess I can live without the internet for a week. See you on the flipside SteamGAF and don't let the spoilers get you.



I get that head-tracking is its own thing, but if I buy a mouse, I expect it to work with every game, if I buy a steering wheel, I expect it to work with every game (people can even play Dark Souls with a wheel), if I buy a monitor, I expect it to work with every game.

The idea of what is basically a monitor with some heard tracking won't work with any game is a really weird thing for me to wrap my head around. I don't know why it's okay for a head-set when it wouldn't be okay for a flight-stick.

So if I tried to play Half-Life 3 with the OR, would I just get a black screen?

I would love Geralt spinning attacks in first person. The best part of GTAV was being thrown through a windshield and seeing the world spin uncontrollably.


Unconfirmed Member
It looks like it. Like a goddamn minefield in here.

...If it keeps up, I may have to hide in a box for the next week.
One week? Lucky you, I'm still stuck at PO. And by stuck, I mean the game is horrible and killed my motivation to keep playing it, but I need to finish it so I can move on to the rest of the series and eventually reach Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain (already had all of MGS4 spoiled because I'm such a fool).

What I'm really afraid of is Youtube comments. That is going to be no man's spoiler land.



Random encounters really clog up the PlayStation-era Final Fantasy games in particular; every step or two is punctuated by a combat experience that requires low skill and serves nothing but to pad out the experience and tank the pacing.
He's not wrong. Among the things that makes FFXIII the best game in the series is that the non-boss encounters aren't random and do require skill, and also they're avoidable with some fancy footwork. I guess XII is the same to an extent, but instead of the fights being random you just have to set up a lawnmower gambit for all the enemies between you and your objective.


Just watched the MGS5 Trailer. Dont really get what the spoiler outcry was about.
Well you see, gamers don't understand subtlety so when Big Boss turned into Skullface they thought that Big Boss = Skullface.

"Media literacy? I don't need that! I've got video games!"


Well you see, gamers don't understand subtlety so when Big Boss turned into Skullface they thought that Big Boss = Skullface.

"Media literacy? I don't need that! I've got video games!"

Oh so it's like that scene in 2001 where the ape throws a bone into the air and it turns into a satellite, demonstrating that apes can magically create space weapons out of bones? That movie was so confusing! They never explained what happened to the wizard apes.
I get that head-tracking is its own thing, but if I buy a mouse, I expect it to work with every game, if I buy a steering wheel, I expect it to work with every game (people can even play Dark Souls with a wheel), if I buy a monitor, I expect it to work with every game.

The idea of what is basically a monitor with some heard tracking won't work with any game is a really weird thing for me to wrap my head around. I don't know why it's okay for a head-set when it wouldn't be okay for a flight-stick.

So if I tried to play Half-Life 3 with the OR, would I just get a black screen?

I would love Geralt spinning attacks in first person. The best part of GTAV was being thrown through a windshield and seeing the world spin uncontrollably.

I can't wait for VR support to be the new arbitrary resolution support.
Gonna do a replay of Dragon Age: Origins, any recommended mods/origin? My last playthrough was the Human Noble, and I've already played the Dwarven Noble too (not completed it wiht it though).


Well you see, gamers don't understand subtlety so when Big Boss turned into Skullface they thought that Big Boss = Skullface.

"Media literacy? I don't need that! I've got video games!"
Oh so it's like that scene in 2001 where the ape throws a bone into the air and it turns into a satellite, demonstrating that apes can magically create space weapons out of bones? That movie was so confusing! They never explained what happened to the wizard apes.




Unconfirmed Member
He's not wrong. Among the things that makes FFXIII the best game in the series is that the non-boss encounters aren't random and do require skill, and also they're avoidable with some fancy footwork. I guess XII is the same to an extent, but instead of the fights being random you just have to set up a lawnmower gambit for all the enemies between you and your objective.
You are a good person, you know :)

Still haven't finished it, one day I will...
Some early impressions for Portal of Evil: Stolen Runes Collectors' Edition (cause as we all know, people like to collect digital copies of hidden object games):

Note that I've only put three hours into the game thus far, and based on that, I'm gonna say the length is going to be around 5 hours including the bonus chapter. So not too bad.

The story: You play Vanessa Helsing (or possibly Vanessa van Helsing - it's not always made clear which,) a woman of indeterminate occupation with a nosering, a lisp, and a case of the visions. Shortly after her first vision, she gets a letter and she's called to St. Peter's Cathedral in Italy - not St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, to their credit - by an archbishop who knows her grandfather. There's trouble afoot, and your grandfather, Abraham (van?) Helsing told His Excellency that only you can help. In Italy, everyone speaks English to some degree, and apparently only the guard has an Italian accent (and maybe this is a good thing, because his accent was horrible.) You soon find a door from your visions, and are told you have to recover some stolen seals for the door or else OMG demons will come out and unleash hell on earth or something. There are some characters with varying degrees of suspiciousness, so we'll see if "obviously suspicious guy" is in fact the baddie. Overall, it's actually decently told, even if it's almost JRPG-esque.

The dialogue and voices: Not every day you get a protagonist with a speech impediment, but you know what? Makes her seem more natural and convincing. And she tries to put some emotion into it. Most of the other characters sound true to archetype, despite the lack of accents: the smarmy guy, the surly guy, etc. The worst one I've found was the "Guardian" character, who doesn't seem to understand the difference between "runes" and "ruins."

The graphics: Not bad at all. The cutscenes look nice and many of the environments are gorgeous. It's clear they put a lot of effort into it.

The puzzles: This is one of those hidden-object games where you don't get to see all the items you need at once. They show you eight at a time, and start replacing words when you find some. I have no idea why developers do this, especially if they expect you to solve a hidden object scene in less than a minute for an achievement. (Spoilers: I haven't yet, so I may have to go with a second playthrough to do it. Sigh.) Also, it's got the cardinal sin of more MISSABLES. They have areas that get closed off as soon as you solve the main puzzle within, so if you didn't find all the collectible items, sucks to be you! ...And by "you," I mean "me," cause I already know I missed one. :(

In addition to the standard hidden object scenes, there are also scenes where you're given objects and you place them INTO the scene: putting a quill in an inkwell, an arrow in a quiver, a playing card next to more playing cards, etc. It wasn't the first time I've seen things like that, but it still feels original.

The verdict: for a non-Artifex Mundi hidden object game, it's not too bad. It's also the developers' first HOG, so I can kinda forgive some missteps. If they at least dump missables from their next efforts, 8Floor might be a company to watch.
You obviously didn't play the PC port.

So you're telling me the PC port has an increased encounter rate over the PSX versions?

Surely with the amount of traffic that a site like IGN will drive through cdkeys the amount of revoked keys and other such problems should be relatively low, shouldn't it?


Plague Knight trailer (60fps):


Man am I enjoying Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots right now! I always hated the game, and still partly do, for ruining MGS2 and the series for me, but I'm giving it another go in anticipation of The Phantom Pain.

Act I is probably some of the best gameplay in the entire series, and I love the whole Weapon ID system, and auto-camo they got in place. I still miss more codec conversations but Otacon will do for now.

And the in-game iPod, I love it.



From their site:
We’re happy to share that, as of August 5th, Plague of Shadows has completed development! Now the game is in the “submission phase” where we coordinate with everyone to make sure it arrives on your system without a hitch. This can be a mystifying step, since we need to coordinate with a lot of teams beyond just our own. Once we hear word back, we’ll be able to share a true final release date. But expect it very, very soon! In the meantime, get ready for updates in the near future detailing the new campaign!​


Just finished Shadowrun: Hong Kong. Here's a picture of the streets of Heoi, followed by my thoughts.

Firstly, Harebrained Studios write some damn good characters. Even relatively minor characters, if they get development, get to develop in interesting and nuanced ways that really speak to the strength of the writers over at HBS. As for the main cast, I loved all of them, and greatly enjoyed learning their stories and the conflicts at the heart of each of them. They're all broken in fascinating ways, and the personal missions that some of them get are real highlights.

The writer's strengths can also be found in how well the setting is developed, showing off the grimy underbelly of corporate run Hong Kong, the triad gang lords and Taoism mixing with cyber technology and metahumans. It's all very well put together. If you could turn the camera, I'm sure the sky above Victoria Harbour would be the colour of a television, tuned to a dead channel.

I also rather enjoyed the central story, although the pacing was rather off. Dragonfall's pacing was spot on, with the big mystery being revealed early, then a clear goal being established (earn money to pay an information broker), giving you a great reason to go Shadowrunning. Hong Kong doesn't quite have that clarity, and the plot seems rather front and back loaded.

That said, there's a good variety in the shadowruns you take, with lots of ways for your skills and stats to become useful out of combat. Which was very much appreciated. Charisma can be useful! Frustratingly though, one of the missions had a stealth section in, which would be fine if the game itself had any stealth mechanics in, at least in 'meatspace'. There's some new stealth mechanics in the matrix part of the game, but it's an awkward interaction of real time movement and turn based powers. It doesn't control tightly enough for any satisfying stealth play.

Unfortunately there's a few bugs in the game that can hinder progress (at one point I had to enter the debug menu to warp my characters into an elevator to take out a glitched enemy). But hopefully they'll be fixed in good time.

On my exclusive personal cyberpunk rating scale of Johnny Mnemonic to Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: 2nd Gig, I'd give this game a rating of Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence. A worthy addition to the series, and one that makes me want to see more from the creators, but not quite the best. That title still belongs to Dragonfall.


Wasn't sure if I should post it here.
It btw also works if you put more than one game into your cart.
Battlefront and NfS for 60€.
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