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STEAM | August 2015 - Three versions of Windows since the last Half-Life

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Yeah, sometimes I just hate steam reviews.
But sometimes they're doing a good job, such as Risen 3. The game is kinda got bombed by professional reviewers and metacritic users, but it got mostly positive reviews on Steam currently. Perhaps it also depends on the community/target users of each game, I guess.


It baffles me how Type-0 got massacred by the negative reviews while Grandia II is very positive so far. I'm not talking about the 4:3 and 30 fps of Grandia II, the game is very buggy atm.
Is it the nostalgic feeling of Grandia II or people just hate SquareEnix?

It's their first port (not really though http://store.steampowered.com/app/317840/), while Squeenix already had the FFXIII games. Also, the promise of more Game Arts games getting ported is very tempting, at a least to me.



uhhhhhh plat does not disappoint



Dr Dogg

Looks like Anarchy Reigns with much faster combat and some Transformers craziness too. Any word if this is going to be a retail title or smaller downloadable title?

Dr Dogg

The Umbran Crows in Bayonetta were a right pain as they're collectable that fly away like Franklin's pages or Sea Shanties. Vanquish's Pangloss Statues were bloody hard to spot but going after all the Wonderful Ones was pretty cool in W101 (still loads short mind).


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Hmm, the app the store page [for The Universim] is tied to had been dormant for six months up until a few days ago. I might ask the devs if the alpha is a separate app.

Err, my ticket was marked as resolved earlier without so much as a word. I'll take that as a "No."


I finished first run of Fairy Fencer yesterday, will start second soon, but as technically I finished the game only didn't 100% it, here are some of my thoughts

The game is good fun and very likeable, but it has balance issues, playing first time there are some bad difficulty spikes and there is this feeling most of the time that you are severely underlevelled, then again I decided not to do fetch and kill quests somewhere in the middle of the game, so maybe that's why.
Now about other unpleasant things, item drop rates are horrible, also I spent all game having no money, I upgraded my equipment maybe two times during all game none of those happened in the second part of a game. I had no money during all game because of certain sidequest line and I ended the game having less money than I started with, sigh.
Oh and I already complained about stealing, so won't repeat that.
All that probably will get better second time around, at least I hope so. I probably will get some dlc for my second run too, still haven't decided.

Dr Dogg

I played SKATE for hours and hours. Well the demo at least, as you pretty much had the full game right there just with an hour time limit before having to start over.


It baffles me how Type-0 got massacred by the negative reviews while Grandia II is very positive so far. I'm not talking about the 4:3 and 30 fps of Grandia II, the game is very buggy atm.
Is it the nostalgic feeling of Grandia II or people just hate SquareEnix?
Final Fantasy is a bigger franchise and thus will attract more casual passers by just checking out a familiar name. Grandia is probably just attracting fans of the original and/or classic JRPGs who are just happy to have the game on Steam at all.

Also the bigger the name the more people want to shit on it if something goes wrong.

Dr Dogg

SKATE glitches are some of the funniest in how they freak out and some of the crazy way your character interacts with environmental objects..


Because im bored, here are some (negative) impressions of Partey Hardey:

This strategy game, does lack strategy, literally all of it. You're just walking around, stabbing people in the back and interacting with 4 or 5 objects that are placed on the map, like ovens or cars, to make them go boom and kill a few people more making it look like an accident.

You stab people when they are alone so you aint seen, and in the case you are seen someone will call the cops. The only way to get rid of them is by "luring" aka walking towards one of those few objects that you've manipulated beforehand to make them go boom. In case you cant do that, because you already used up all the interactionpossibilitys, you're screwed and lose.

To repeat there is absolutely no strategy involved whatsoever and the stealth consists of not beeing in sightrange of other people if you're gonna stab someone.

Its a cool concept, but a bad execution in my eyes.

Mabye you wanna give the game a go if its in a sale, but i really dont recommend it for the "full" price.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I enjoyed Thrasher back in the day, although it took me a while to adjust to the more realistic/sim-like approach. Console Classics should throw it up on Steam and hope R* doesn't notice. :p

Dr Dogg

Well even if you subtracted the amount someone owns from the total available there's still lots and lots of unobtainable titles. Does that 6,000 also account for removed titles as well? I guess not.


why Deques avie got shrunken, are there more mad scientists around?

Aslo guys, you totally should join second clan for steamgaf of clicker heroes, I can't stand it being not full, it's too hard.

I wonder if there are any games on Steam with no owners? Probably a couple of fuck ups in there somewhere.

There was that one I posted some time ago, can't remember a name for the life of me, but it never was discounted even once and nobody played it ever and it was released already some years ago. I wish I wrote down its name.

edited: the most shocking thing about it was that Jasec hadn't it either


JaseC is lashman's alter ego, which are both saoirse ronan's second life

I recently learned this is in fact still around and well alive. Thought the servers of that had already closed years ago. Its kinda insane thinking back, when some people including mainstream media acted like that was going to be next big thing after the internet itself.

Dr Dogg

I'm in this weird place as I need exactly 8 games to hit 1,000 but my DLC count only needs 80 to get their first. Going on my purchasing habits this year I will more than likely hit the DLC mark before the Games one!

There was that one I posted some time ago, can't remember a name for the life of me, but it never was discounted even once and nobody played it ever and it was released already some years ago. I wish I wrote down its name.

edited: the most shocking thing about it was that Jasec hadn't it either

You also know what Jase doesn't own? Stubbs the Zombie. But I do! I got to take these little victories when I can :(


It's not shrunken, it's just a pixel perfect sprite of Mega Man :)

are you sure? It looks like blueish smallish blob to me


You also know what Jase doesn't own? Stubbs the Zombie. But I do! I got to take these little victories when I can :(

eh, it was entertaining at the beginning, but nowadays I find Jasec buying games I already own so often, that it's no longer an attraction.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
A whole generation is not going to know what the old Electronic Gaming Monthly /Official PlayStation Magazine/Computer Gaming World, later on 1UP netwprk, ziff davis empire brought us.

That makes me sad.
Had some fun with Lucius today. You pretty much play as a little kid named Lucius who goes around murdering everyone at his home, Dante Manor, for his true father, Lucifer. Some complaints are that hints for a murder sometimes seem to appear after you already complete an action you need to do and that his base walking speed is so slow (though you can hold shift to sprint). Some parts are glitchy, but the game is fairly enjoyable. It's currently on sale at 95% off on Steam for $1.

His face is like this the whole game, lol.

Fun times glitched to a wall.

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