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STEAM | August 2015 - Three versions of Windows since the last Half-Life

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gave away the keys to the kingdom.
where my one piece modbotz at?

edit: let me ask again what are your (pl) thoughts on The Last Tinker'''

edit2: fuck ive been playing splatoon and drinking bourbon for the last hour and so and i thin i am drunk. ddid not notice the time of the post of the one piece and PM'd JASECCCabout it!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ueh5hrUGpZw Pity it was 2early4me.


edit: let me ask again what are your (pl) thoughts on The Last Tinker'''

There really aren't anything special about it, it's a pretty simple action adventure that starts off really slow, with a few abilities to unlock, and overall it's decent for what it's going for and it's decent length with a variety of areas to go through, but the core mechanics are simple, like the platforming is automatic (ass creed-like), and combat is just basic beat'em'up with I think some shooting, it's enjoyable and worth trying if you want a colorful adventure game, as I don't think there's a lot out there, but it's nothing really too great.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Been out all day and just saw the news that I'm getting a free copy of Rocket League. I'm okay with that.

Shame I missed the cheap One Piece though.
Tried out ARK a bit. Weird game. Never played an MMO before, so it feels unusual that there are tons of people with me. I died to a bee and pretty much everything immediately. People just lay on the ground "sleeping". Not a good first impression. Maybe in a year or so I'll try it out again. It looks good though. Too much bloom though holy smokes.

I've got about 200 hours in ARK and still having fun, but I can feel a little bit of burnout coming. It's a great looking game, and like you've experienced, there is a lot of death early on. The "sleeping" people are just those who've logged out at random spots. They're somewhat vulnerable in that state to the environment (possible to drown someone that is logged out) or others who might want to drag them to other locations, so that's where building a shelter for yourself is key. The default Island map is fairly large with a limit of 70(?) people on at any given time so you may not see people at times except close to default spawn points.

Takes a large amount of grinding and farming materials to start appreciating the crafting and building in the game, and then comes the taming of the dinosaurs as mounts, which may take hours depending on its level and food you're using. Once you get to ride a few dinos, especially the Rex, that's when a lot of the fun begins and farming materials gets easier. I've been playing with the Alienware Twitch tribe, and we've almost done everything to do in the game so far in about a month, but new updates continue to add more content. It's worth getting through the beginning grind, so hopefully you come back when it's a little more polished.


the movement use click or ASDW?
If you turn on keyboard movement, it's WASD for movement, pick up things by clicking on them, aim by moving the mouse.

when I played marvelous miss take the controls were either mouse OR keyboard.

Stop dreaming you played games while high on drugs, Ozium.
I played it before you and played it like that, and I just tested and it still fucking works like that.
Ergo, you were on drugs.


when I played marvelous miss take the controls were either mouse OR keyboard.

don't listen to Turfster's lies, you couldn't use both at the same time like a normal fucking game it was hella stupes


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Here are the games people have pledged recommendations for in the next OP:
  • Act of Aggression - Uzzy
  • Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain - Dr Dogg
  • Mega Man Legacy - jshackles
  • Zombi - Dr Dogg
  • Duskers - More_Badass
If anyone else is interested in writing a recommendation for a game releasing on Steam next month, please send me a PM.

I'll need these recommendations by Sunday night PST.


only good game in that bundle is deadly premonition

miss take is a mistake she doesn't even controller and the only optionss are keyboard or mouse, if you use keyboard then you get bored, if yoose a mouse den ur a louse cuz ur playing some touchscreen mobile, mo' dull. you can't use both keyboard and mouse becuz why would u on a computer that is crazy talk.

mistake indeed.

cloudbuilt is decent but runs like poo and is kind of boring compared to other games of its ilk.

tri looks good but 8 dollars? el oh el

muh toosents

Are here, ladies and gentlemen, we witness the side effects of one playing too much DRAGON: THE GAME.


any fun games you guys recommend that I can get through in a day/weekend.

I want something to pass the time until MGS V that isn't dota or black ops beta :p.
Here are the games people have pledged recommendations for in the next OP:
  • Act of Aggression - Uzzy
  • Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain - Dr Dogg
  • Mega Man Legacy - jshackles
  • Zombi - Dr Dogg
  • Duskers - More_Badass
If anyone else is interested in writing a recommendation for a game releasing on Steam next month, please send me a PM.

I'll need these recommendations by Sunday night PST.

Mad Max


Yo so like in this game you play as a guy named Max, hes super mad and you're in a desert cause the world went to shit. its open world and you get this dope car to drive around that you can upgrade! also in this game you got to collect gasoline for your car and go around the world using your harpoon gun to collect scraps to upgrade your car (cause that sounds super fun). It'll probably have a bunch of shitty collectables that any sane person is going to ignore but hey, someone must be collecting all that nonsense, why else would every game have them? The hand to hand is like Batman but my boy Max goes crazy and just shotguns everyone unlike punk ass batman that swears to god he doesn't kill people my mans leaves people in a state worse than death if anything, no way you can tell me what batman does is better than death. Game also features some car combat too which is crazy as hell, you got flame throwers on your car and like you go BSHHHHHHH with it and shit, also you get spikes on the wheels to fuck up other people's tires cause fuck them. Anyways, it comes out the same day as MGS5 so you're probably not buying it but like bro, give it a purchase during a sale or something, it'll probably be a dope game and its being developed in house so it possibly, maybe, perhaps won't run like a dog with no legs.



Just used IdleMaster for the first time, idling a bunch during the past month. Got over 200 cards I never had the patience to get before. Also just sold most of them through the quick sell thing in Enhanced Steam (best feature ever) and got more than enough to buy Shelter 2: Mountains. Yayness! :)


Divinity 2 Kickstarter got more money out of me, they put new tiers up than include lore and art books. Also, for anyone that missed the $25 tier for the game, there's now a $26 tier.


Aside from button prompts for controllers and 58-59 FPS, One Piece turned out to be a moderate port. I don't know if it's because Bandai Namco sent folks over to help KT out or not. Thoroughly enjoying the game and haven't experienced any hiccups.


irresponsible vagina leak
Aside from button prompts for controllers, One Piece turned out to be a competent port. I don't know if it's because Bandai Namco sent folks over to help KT out or not. Thoroughly enjoying the game and haven't experienced any hiccups.

The visual comparison tho...


Divinity 2 Kickstarter got more money out of me, they put new tiers up than include lore and art books. Also, for anyone that missed the $25 tier for the game, there's now a $26 tier.

Awww, what the heck.

That gives me a year or so to make 3 friends.


The visual comparison tho...

I know.. it's the PS3 version. And it pisses me off. This will be the last game I buy from this shit company. I'm just happy the game actually works.

Koei Tecmo just doesn't seem to get the point of PC. It's like they have it easy with x86 architecture but port the last gen version just for shits a giggles. One of the WORST Japanese companies on STEAM right now.

Actually they ARE the worst. Can't think of a shittier Japanese company right off the top of my head when it comes to porting games over to PC. What's even worse is I think they are using PS4 screenshots to promote the game.


At this point Koei Tecmo can get fucked and ditch the PC all together for all I care.

I'm beyond the point of buying or making excuses for these companies that can't manage competence just to get a shot at their games on my preferred platform.


The new Double Fine/Adult Swim joint, Headlander, looks hot.
Oh, so that's the project Lee Petty moved to from Broken Age.
It was his pitch back in 2014 Amnesia Fortnight, but didn't actually get a prototype back then at all.

Better get used to it, even with Pro you can only delay updates.
There are some things you can do with Group Policies that are not available in the normal Windows Update settings.
I've set mine to notify about updates, no automatic downloading or reboot scheduling until I'm good and ready to install.



Free Rocket League on PS4 and now Steam. That's great, all games should free!

So how long are chapters 4 and 5 in Peace Walker? I think I am at the end of chapter 3. Should I be able to finish this weekend? Although I think I'll need to collect some tanks and helicopters because I was dumb and got mine blown up.
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