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STEAM | August 2015 - Three versions of Windows since the last Half-Life

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Going through all of my PMs now.

Will be getting back to everyone gradually, but I'd say if you send a PM after this, I probably won't have any left.
Because of

i actually just completed episode duscae yesterday, made me excited for ff15, i really enjoyed the combat a lot, i hope they make it more complex though cause it was pretty easy, just use the drain sword whenever you're running low on health. the boss at the end wasn't even hard, it just had an insane amount of health so its just better to kill it with the summon.


"Hey, why are there 2 full pages since my last post? Oh, perceived price mistake begging."

What's Marvelous Mistake control scheme?

mouse or keyboard?

Mouse and keyboard.
Don't listen to the quitters that gave up because they played it with lolcontroller =p


"Hey, why are there 2 full pages since my last post? Oh, perceived price mistake begging."

Mouse and keyboard.
Don't listen to the quitters that gave up because they played it with lolcontroller =p

I was playing it earlier. It isn't as bad as Ozi made it out to be, at least in the single heist I went through. I found that first one incredibly easy, though. Tell me it scales in difficulty.


What the hell. If anyone still has a cheap One Piece copy I've got around $7 in Steam wallet that I can use to gift something in return. I'd offer more but, uh, broke.



win10 clean install went really bad.

It's past 3 am... I have to resurrect my PC asap since I got to work (a lot) in a few hours...



I was playing it earlier. It isn't as bad as Ozi made it out to be, at least in the single heist I went through. I found that first one incredibly easy, though. Tell me it scales in difficulty.

It does.
It also opens up different characters with different objectives and movesets.
And then you can also speedrun all of them.
Why are you assuming that I don't think the game doesn't have it's flaws? It does, but people shitting on the game for being $1 is stupid. It's worth $1. One. Dollar.
I agree, it's one fucking dollar

There are police on the autobahn?
It's for people driving too slow.


It takes place in Russia.

They speak Russian there.
I played Last Light and few hours of 2033 in Russian, doesn't really help much with immersion. Every line sounds like VAs reading from the script, maybe it's the shitty VAs, but maybe that's just how the language sounds.


Missed OP price mistake


I love the manga but I'm not sure the game is any good. Hopefully way better than the horrible PS2 ones.

On the other hand, I got this in the mail after several months of waiting :D

Hotline Miami 2 Collector's Edition 3LP (sorry for the shitty pic)


The AI seems to sort of bad in Metro 2033. I played up to The Bridge chapter and the bandits in the tunnel before that just kinda stood around waiting and not even attempting to search for me, while their buddies were actually getting shot.


mgsv in five days

i cant

send help

The AI seems to sort of bad in Metro 2033. I played up to The Bridge chapter and the bandits in the tunnel before that just kinda stood around waiting and not even attempting to search for me, while their buddies were actually getting shot.

Redux or vanilla?


Missed OP price mistake


I love the manga but I'm not sure the game is any good. Hopefully way better than the horrible PS2 ones.

On the other hand, I got this in the mail after several months of waiting :D

Hotline Miami 2 Collector's Edition 3LP (sorry for the shitty pic)

Just completed the prologue in OP and it seems pretty decent if you enjoy musou games. Sadly the port isn't fantastic, but can't expect much from Tecmo Koei. :/


I played Last Light and few hours of 2033 in Russian, doesn't really help much with immersion. Every line sounds like VAs reading from the script, maybe it's the shitty VAs, but maybe that's just how the language sounds.

Some characters are like that, others are pretty decent. Some of the side ambient stuff sounded surprisingly great. And I'm really not a fan of the language they are using, especially Burbon. It's this stereotypical version of Russian criminal slang that sounds cheap and unnatural.
Tried out ARK a bit. Weird game. Never played an MMO before, so it feels unusual that there are tons of people with me. I died to a bee and pretty much everything immediately. People just lay on the ground "sleeping". Not a good first impression. Maybe in a year or so I'll try it out again. It looks good though. Too much bloom though holy smokes.


where my one piece modbotz at?

edit: let me ask again what are your (pl) thoughts on The Last Tinker'''

edit2: fuck ive been playing splatoon and drinking bourbon for the last hour and so and i thin i am drunk. ddid not notice the time of the post of the one piece and PM'd JASECCCabout it!
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