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STEAM | August 2015 - Three versions of Windows since the last Half-Life

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I am now ~5 hours in Evoland 2. It's pretty good so far, but I think a few sections could have been shortened a bit.
Especially the SHMUP, which wasn't even that interesting aside from the bosses and when a new enemy appeared.


Repost for the new page

From the Yong / Peeler livestream

TPP Release on Steam - cut off time to prepurchase is 10am 1/9 PT. "Potentially" soft launch when NZ goes live at midnight over there, at which point anyone can download and play (no confirmation of whether this means VPNs or not)

Fiddles everywhere. Don't know who to believe anymore.

I am sure the Konami reps are having a great time trolling people with their superb communication skills.
I keep losing my login status when I browse through my inventory or community market on browser. It's not always happening and kinda random.
Is it just me?


For you.



Fiddles everywhere. Don't know who to believe anymore.

I am sure the Konami reps are having a great time trolling people with their superb communication skills.

Yeah I just went to the other thread and saw that minutes before Konami had said 5am London time.... which in itself makes no sense, but makes even less sense than that now that Peeler has contradicted it yet again.

Fuck it, I'll play it next week


Not sure if this was already used, so:

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This is a garbage dump. No other rules apply, you may claim as many as you want (there are no limits or throttles), and keys you win won't be counted as wins for your record. Do not SELL these keys for a profit.

Adventures of Shuggy -- MB-BF4AF89628671F1F - Taken by Eila

Dr Dogg


Awwwww, I only got 2. Then again I did have 15 keys at one point to give to friends and family. I'm sorry Squenix but I can't do that or they'll no longer by my friends if I do.

I anyone is really interested that email contained a link to download Triad Wars.

Edit: And now I'm being spamed Lara Croft GO emails. Squenixxxxx!!!


Was the Portal 3 stuff true? Did I mishear it?

Fake / Joke.

Apparently Chet has said that Valve will release "At least one thing" along side the Vive by the end of this year - but he is talking a lot about the past of L4D, and has shown new figures and stuff to buy, so that seems like it will definitely be a thing very soon. I'm still holding out hope that biometrics is a thing and will be a part of it and the Vive, but we'll see soon enough I guess

He also posted an amazing let's play someone did with a funny mod. The whole thing is pretty fun - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwqj-0oGkRw


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Sölf;176833857 said:
I am now ~5 hours in Evoland 2. It's pretty good so far, but I think a few sections could have been shortened a bit.
Especially the SHMUP, which wasn't even that interesting aside from the bosses and when a new enemy appeared.

I got about an hour to play Evoland 2 last night, and I'm already liking it a lot more than the first.

The first was really similar to DLC Quest in that it handed out "upgrades" along the way that did things like "Allows you to move left" or "Allows you to move right". It was fun but really short and the overarching joke kinda fell flat after a while. In contrast, this game obviously draws a lot of it's inspiration from Chrono Trigger, and the different eras of gaming are represented as different eras of the game's timeline. I thought it was really well done, and I'm a huge fan of the game's humor (and even liked the humor in the first game quite a bit).

I'm definitely looking forward to finishing this one, I hope the game is as meaty as most of the reviews are saying.


So someone from the One Piece forums gifted me a copy of the game last night. Do I have anything to worry about? The trade went through smoothly (Typing of the Dead for One Piece), but the person put their profile on private shortly afterwards. I've never done this before so I wasn't sure on if everything is okay. The game is in my library, but I can't install it since my PC is being repaired.
Currently op musiu 3s graphics options dont work properly and bamco are working on it
If u like musou games ull enjoy this game.
Are they going to be adding more games to that Humble sale as it goes on, or will they just be giving larger discounts to games that are already on sale? I'm really hoping for another sale on Van Helsing III before Final Cut comes out.


Are they going to be adding more games to that Humble sale as it goes on, or will they just be giving larger discounts to games that are already on sale? I'm really hoping for another sale on Van Helsing III before Final Cut comes out.

I don't think they generally increase the discounts on Humble sales over time. In my experience they work pretty much like Steam sales. New games on sale every day (but yesterday's sales overlap with today's) and an encore sale at the end.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller

Now that my partner returned from her vacation, we're pushing to try and release Close Your Eyes on monday, it's an experiment game and a bit of a quicker developed game, but I'll be interested to see people's response to the little free game, love or hate it, come hopefully Monday.



Now that my partner returned from her vacation, we're pushing to try and release Close Your Eyes on monday, it's an experiment game and a bit of a quicker developed game, but I'll be interested to see people's response to the little free game, love or hate it, come hopefully Monday.

i promise to do a write up when i play it


Still getting through Portable Ops because yeah. How's Roy going to send Snake to blow something up and then say "We can't blow this up" right when he fucking gets there? Come on, not-Kojima of the past, at least have someone stop Snake or steal his fucking TNT, not say you need to powwow at the truck.


Dust: An Elysian Tail is about to reach a million on Steam. Might already did, considering the confidence interval.

997,076 ±25,390
...so....when can I download TPP? Not knowing is really screwing up my work schedule for next week.

Not a bad idea haha. If the game is ridiculously obtusely grindy, then I'd wait for a resourceful modder to find a way to unlock the stuff that is nigh on impossible to attain. Having said that, I'd rather do the entire thing with as little help as possible and just really savour it and take my time..... as well as forming a mother base noah's ark / jumanji animal army. Although this might be futile if I can't add armaments to the animals

I'm sure CheatEngine has you covered.


...so....when can I download TPP? Not knowing is really screwing up my work schedule for next week.

I'm sure CheatEngine has you covered.

Latest and greatest.


That's 7am for me. I should probably just wake up, put the thing on download and go back to sleep and then stay out of the internets for a few days.


The fuck 12am ET is garbage for everyone on the east coast. Only NZ should have to wait till midnight.

Why are we punished for living in the future from the rest of America.


The fuck 12am ET is garbage for everyone on the east coast. Only NZ should have to wait till midnight.

Why are we punished for living in the future from the rest of America.

Should live on the best coast, playa. This is punishment for ruining every tv show before it airs.


i guess now that i have Witcher 3, i might have to reconsider making Life is Strange my GOTY
there's no competition really

life is strange is nice and all in what it tries to do but it's too rough around the edges to be much of a good game, specially since what it tries to do relies so much on polish and presentation.

witcha3 has some awful trappings of modern open world design but there's a really good game constantly showing up with really good quests and story and a pretty enjoyable combat system and a very well realized environment.

like, obviously you can like life is strange better and there's something to be said for what it tries to accomplish but it's so flawed in its execution that it ends up being so dang campy that i can't fully take it seriously. it's gonna be on my list, if anything cos i didn't play many new games this year thanks to my dead videocard, but still, i don't really think it's a contender


The fuck 12am ET is garbage for everyone on the east coast. Only NZ should have to wait till midnight.

Why are we punished for living in the future from the rest of America.
Hmm 7 am here apparently. Get up, start download and go back to sleep. Works out.

This whole launch really is a mess. Well understandably, it's a small game by an indie studio after all.
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