"Xbox Live on PC"
Please be excited.
They can fuck right off if they intend to try to make us pay for their garbage again.
Remember 2007 Microsoft ? We do.
"Xbox Live on PC"
Please be excited.
This is the weirdest tomb I've ever seen.
I don't know, I was busy watching the Arkward One conference.How did you guys like the Windows 10 conference
Germany Stuff in Rainbow Six.any cool announcements?
I hope Forza 6 rain looks better than Driveclub so I can see the shit storm ensue.
I actually got excited and though it was gonna be MCC for PC announcement.
it only took 10 short years
but halo is finally on PC :3
This was all so bad, even as someone who already owns a One and pays for the gold sub. I known what I'm not buying in November. Tomb Raider.
I actually like them too.
those games don't exist
until they're 75% off on steam
I agree, pretty decent show par the Windows 10 segment and Halo eSports commentary thingy.I thought it was a decent show, they did make a big deal that it was mainly a 2016 focus.
I'd probably get a bit too excited if ODST 2 ever became a thing. Then again would that be Halo 3 ODST 2, Halo what ever number they're upto already: ODST 2 or what?
I guess we should add Gamescom 2015 to the list of "MS is saving PC once again" :-D
Thought the dude from ODST is in Halo 5 as part of chiefs team now. Regardless i'm good without. Least favorite halo campaign.
No interest in Dark Souls 3, i'm just burnt out already from the series atm.