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STEAM | August 2015 - Three versions of Windows since the last Half-Life

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I'm torn. Do I finish up my Dark Souls run (2 souls left) or try and finish up 100% Dark Souls 2?

Or ditch them both when ESO finishes downloading...

Tough choices....

35 dollars for an upcoming anticipated game that would most likely be a great port is not a bad deal.

Even more so when they've released new videos the past few days.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I've now encountered a second bug in AssCreed Rogue that's going to prevent me from hitting 100% completion. You had one job, Ubi.

Edit: Oh, wait, I haven't overtaken the fort yet. Still, though, there's no fixing that first bug (the game thinks I've not synchronised a viewpoint even though I've done so multiple times).

Despite this, I just completed the "Synchronise all viewpoints" challenge. There's still hope for 100%!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I'm torn. Do I finish up my Dark Souls run (2 souls left) or try and finish up 100% Dark Souls 2?

Have you finished Dark Souls before? If not, do that.

If yes, then attempt to 100% Dark Souls 2
Not really worth it, IMO but...

Despite this, I just completed the "Synchronise all viewpoints" challenge. There's still hope for 100%!

You're a better man than me. After moving my Assassin's Creed titles from Playstation to PC, I gave up the 100% stuff since the achievements don't count (IMO) since they aren't on Steam. Broke my OCD about that sort of deal in Assassin's Creed so I just finish them for the stories now.

I'm still waiting for Unity and Rogue to hit sub $30 in the Winter Sale. Come on, Ubi. :|
My only experience with AC is playing AC2 for a couple of hours, getting bored and never touching it again.
I know I didn't get to the good part, but sometimes you just know a game isn't going to do anything for you, you know?

Have you finished Dark Souls before? If not, do that.

If yes, then attempt to 100% Dark Souls 2
Not really worth it, IMO but...

Sounds like it isn't his first playthrough though.


I'd definitely put TEW above AW, AW is more polished but it loses in every other department imo. TLOU trumps everything for me though.

I'll have to see how I feel after I finish the evil within but I loved everything about Alan Wake and it still hurts that we'll probably never see a proper sequel.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I'll have to see how I feel after I finish the evil within but I loved everything about Alan Wake and it still hurts that we'll probably never see a proper sequel.


Now you know how Max Payne fans feel when there's no Max Payne 3 and Remedy did Alan Wake instead.

In before Pax Mayne 3 by Rockstar, which is a funny troll guys.

Dr Dogg


New MGSV news? Nice! Heey hang on that's from June! And doesn't say anything asides from the doofus ruined his thumb nails because he's silly.

Speaking of MGS V does anyone here own Ground Zeroes on Xboneo or PS Quadripple? Can you be a dear and go check out if they also have multiple dynamic shadows cast from separate light sources please? Meant to mention this a couple of months ago but just had a look at the PS3 version and doesn't appear to be.

Here's a couple of examples.


That's something you next you never see in real time rendered games and usually it's faked (eg. Pro Evo used to have a sprite for multiple floodlight illumination).

I was sure you need one, now I am really confused. Are you sure you don't need? Didn't win8 (or was ir 8.1?) already required an account without any option to choose otherwise? That's how I got my third account, actually, wasn't expecting that and hadn't my passwords handy at that time.

Oh Win 8, 8.1 and 10 all nag you to death about signing in with a Microsoft account. The sign in screen is all like 'Hey buddy you can sign in with your Microsoft account for all cool apps and stuff just like smart phones and tablets! What? You don't have a Microsoft Account? Well you can click this link right here and create one now! It's better this way.' but at the bottom left in teeny, weeny text is the text Skip This Step to fuck that right off.

Now that doesn't change the fact you do need a Microsoft account for think like accessing the store and such but you can totally use a Local Profile. Of course Windows 8 was a fickle beast where the Metro Apps would fuck up if you didn't use a MS Account and if you signed into apps like Mail, Calendar etc separately somewhere along the road your session data would expire and need to be resynced but it wouldn't happen unless you signed out and back in again. Funnily if you used a Microsoft Account and Hotmail/Live Mail (ewwwww) then strangely you didn't get this issue. Hmmmm. It's a lot better in 8.1 and 10 though

Now you know how Max Payne fans feel when there's no Max Payne 3 and Remedy did Alan Wake instead.

In before Pax Mayne 3 by Rockstar, which is a funny troll guys.
In their defense they ended it with a be cliff hanger which imo is the absolute number 1 reason you never ever end something in a cliff hanger, you simply do not know if you will or financialy can make a sequel and then when you dont fans of the original get pissed because you decided to be a dickhead and not allow your game/movie/show/book/etc. stand on its own
I flipped a coin on Binary Domain and The Old Blood and BD won. I guess i get to see what all the fuss was about.

Expect a fun TPS and you'll be fine.
Now that I'm done with TEW, Old Blood is next on my list. Those were the only 2 games my poor sorry ass was able to afford during the GMG sale.
I also need to get back to This War of Mine which was the only thing I bought during the steam sale.
Most of my time still goes into TW3 though.

Hm, once I'm done with all of the above I'll wait for TITS which should be cheap, don't see myself having the spare cash for anything else.

Fortunately my brother still lives with our parents so he blows all his money on games and stuff which will allow me to play Type-0 and MGSV :)


I flipped a coin on Binary Domain and The Old Blood and BD won. I guess i get to see what all the fuss was about.

the coin did the right thing.

binary domain is one of my favorite third person shooters. It still boggles my mind that something like gears of wars became a franchise and binary domain didn't.
the coin did the right thing.

binary domain is one of my favorite third person shooters. It still boggles my mind that something like gears of wars became a franchise and binary domain didn't.

I remember trying the demo back in the day on the PS3 and the robots were bullet sponges. Does that get any better? It's one of those things that irks me in shooters


Oh Win 8, 8.1 and 10 all nag you to death about signing in with a Microsoft account. The sign in screen is all like 'Hey buddy you can sign in with your Microsoft account for all cool apps and stuff just like smart phones and tablets! What? You don't have a Microsoft Account? Well you can click this link right here and create one now! It's better this way.' but at the bottom left in teeny, weeny text is the text Skip This Step to fuck that right off.

Now that doesn't change the fact you do need a Microsoft account for think like accessing the store and such but you can totally use a Local Profile. Of course Windows 8 was a fickle beast where the Metro Apps would fuck up if you didn't use a MS Account and if you signed into apps like Mail, Calendar etc separately somewhere along the road your session data would expire and need to be resynced but it wouldn't happen unless you signed out and back in again. Funnily if you used a Microsoft Account and Hotmail/Live Mail (ewwwww) then strangely you didn't get this issue. Hmmmm. It's a lot better in 8.1 and 10 though

I like how I'm every time surprised by my blindness still, I actively tried to find any skipping option, there was none, according to me, I thought, what the heck and created one more account. I can't decide is it funny or sad.
Xcom EU was such a great surprise for me.
The funny thing is that I probably wouldn't have played it if I hadn't gotten it with Bioshock Infinite for pre-ordering on steam.
The game just wasn't on my radar for some reason but I friggin' loved it. What a gem of a game. Grabbed EW right after beating it of course.


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
Microsoft says Games for Windows "wasn't the right approach"

Kevin Unangst, senior director for PC gaming in the Xbox group, was more forthright in his assessment of Games for Windows than expected when we caught up with him at Gamescom today.

"Games for Windows was a prior approach where it was more, at that time, like 'how do we take things?'" he said, "We knew we wanted to help make great multiplayer, we knew we wanted to bring things over... but it wasn't the right approach. It was the approach of 'let's just take those things and transplant them'."

With the launch of Windows 10 and a renewed push to unify Xbox and PC into one huge ecosystem, it's a busy time for Microsoft. PC gamers who had to put up with the old Games for Windows system have cause to be cynical, however. Will the refreshed Windows Store included with Windows 10 be any different, and is Microsoft planning to use the Windows userbase to challenge Steam?

No—at least not according to Unangst: "We are not intending to compete with Steam," he told me, "If anything, we want Steam to be even more successful—they've done great things for PC gamers in terms of having a single store.

"Over time do we want more developers to come over to our store and offer it in addition to Steam? Absolutely. Is competition good for people? Absolutely. But our goal right now isn't to do anything else other than support Steam and help it run great on Windows 10."


Subnautica Habitat Update


I remember trying the demo back in the day on the PS3 and the robots were bullet sponges. Does that get any better? It's one of those things that irks me in shooters

shoot them in the legs and watch them terminator crawl towards you.

or head shot them and make them fight each other.

it's so satisfying.

"Over time do we want more developers to come over to our store and offer it in addition to Steam? Absolutely. Is competition good for people? Absolutely. But our goal right now isn't to do anything else other than support Steam and help it run great on Windows 10."

I hope this means Killer Instinct/Gears of War/etc. is coming to Steam, but it probably doesn't.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I played the first two chapters in the evil within and took a break.

I should get back to it though.

So far I would say in terms of third person horror shooters I would rank the top 3 in this order:

1. Resident Evil 4
2. Alan Wake
3. The Evil Within

I think you need to play a lot more of Evil Within to form a judgement. I'm not just saying that, Evil Within changes tones multiple times through its campaign and literally is introducing a new thing every chapter, and the first two chapters are literally about 1/15th of the game. It's a long game, and the first two chapters are some of the shorter ones (besides Chapter 8 and possible 12 maybe). But some are really long (stares at chapters 5, 10, 11, and 14). At some points the game feels almost like it changes horror genres, but in Chapter 2 you haven't even really been introduced to the main flow of the game yet or all the mechanics, Chapter 3 is the first chapter that really lays them down, while Chapter 4 is the first chapter that really follows the game's normal pacing. The first three chapters are kind of tutorial chapters before they get into the main game, and even when the game goes, they literally are introducing new stuff all the way to the end of the game. The game is full of ideas, which it pulls off to various successes. It's literally got several new ideas every chapter.

Some people play the first 2-3 chapters thinking they can judge the whole game off that, but trust me, in Evil Within's case that's not remotely true, The game almost feels like it completely changes genres in certain chapters and the first few only introduce you to basic stuff before they go full out on the rollercoaster ride that's Evil Within, though definitely not a short one as the games around 13-17 hours long, 13-15 average for most on their first run.

Dr Dogg

Yeah I don't think buying up exclusives is really competition in the fairest sense. If you want to compete offer the same products as your competitors but make your service more attractive than theirs. Not that anyone else does this as EA took their ball and went home to mama Origin, GOG have their timed exclusives, even a few Uplay titles had ULC exclusive to them for a time being (then again it's almost always insignificant content) so not going to be surprised if all first party Microsoft titles are exclusive to them and they will have titles with exclusive content to their store like Battletoads in Shovel Knight and such. It's when then start pulling Rise of the Tomb Raider style things with third party's on PC we should all watch out for.

I'm going to spend way too much time messing with Mother Base.

dat Wormhole Fulton though.

I can see lots of SteamGAF FOB invading going on. you might need the Wormhole Fulton if you don't want your shit nicked when I come a busting in uninvited.
I have a feeling keeping away from all these gameplay demos of MGSV means that I'll play the game, then read up on it, and then realize i either missed or misunderstood half of the systems in the game, like that time i finished the entirety of MGS3 wondering why every guard knew I was sneaking up on them because the game never explains that you need to use the Dpad to sneak, a feature never seen in any other MGS game before or since.


I just noticed how close I am to demotion from God to an accountant.
C'mon Xseed, make it worth for me, kindly release that Trails SC already!


Mine is pretty and pink
"Over time do we want more developers to come over to our store and offer it in addition to Steam? Absolutely. Is competition good for people? Absolutely. But our goal right now isn't to do anything else other than support Steam and help it run great on Windows 10."

I hope this means Killer Instinct/Gears of War/etc. is coming to Steam, but it probably doesn't.

This is the question most people have about this. They are pretty vague about it.

FOB seems like a really cool idea that's just going to piss me off. Kind of like PvP in Dark Souls.

Good thing it's an optional thing that only adds some more resources faster.


FOB seems like a really cool idea that's just going to piss me off. Kind of like PvP in Dark Souls.

I really think such options should allow to disable them in a game if one wishes so.

edited: also I don't subscribe to "but devs know better how their game has to be played" policy.

Technically you can just not create any FOB and you don't have to worry about it.

I had in mind DS PvP too.


I wish Valve has the option like with Xbox Game Preview where you can try games for 60 min before buying them.

They do. It's called 'game demos', they're incredibly futuristic, it's not like we've had them since the 90s.

Seriously though, I wish more devs made demos. It's a big selling point for me. :|


Yeesh. That 'Bloodborne is a great game, but a bad Souls game' thread has really brought out some lovely people.

All threads that are even slightly related to Souls usually turn to shit. People are very passionate about these things it seems. I kind of dislike the SoulsGAF more than I dislike MGSGAF or say FFGAF. They are all awful, but SoulsGAF somehow takes the cake.
Any question on maybe W10 experts here.

Somehow my PC loses its HDMI-Audio sometimes. So it could be that in the morning I can have audio from my TV, then in the evening I dont have it and I have to restart the PC:
When I have those issues and try to see in the audio properties, it still shows that my TV should have sound, but when I test it out, it shows, that some other device is using it.
I am actually not sure though if its because of W10 or the AMD Beta driver :(


All threads that are even slightly related to Souls usually turn to shit. People are very passionate about these things it seems. I kind of dislike the SoulsGAF more than I dislike MGSGAF or say FFGAF. They are all awful, but SoulsGAF somehow takes the cake.

IDK... I think no fanbase can beat FF fanbase, on any boards, they never agree on anything. At least Souls people agree that games are good, well, for the most part anyway, MGS people also never agree on anything but to lesser extent, at least they don't have "hated character lists".

Wait... I was wrong Sonic fanbase beats any and all of those, in weirdness department at least.

no 100%?


Mine is pretty and pink
IDK... I think no fanbase can beat FF fanbase, on any boards, they never agree on anything. At least Souls people agree that games are good, well, for the most part anyway, MGS people also never agree on anything but to lesser extent, at least they don't have "hated character lists".

Wait... I was wrong Sonic fanbase beats any and all of those, in weirdness department at least.

no 100%?

Is there even a SonicGaf?

Thought that fanbase mostly hid on places live deviantart


No—at least not according to Unangst: "We are not intending to compete with Steam," he told me, "If anything, we want Steam to be even more successful—they've done great things for PC gamers in terms of having a single store.

"Over time do we want more developers to come over to our store and offer it in addition to Steam? Absolutely. Is competition good for people? Absolutely. But our goal right now isn't to do anything else other than support Steam and help it run great on Windows 10."


If they wanted Steam to be successful they would give us the option of buying their PC releases on either Steam or the W10 store but I don't believe for one second that they will do this with any of their 1st party games except for the occasional exception.
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