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STEAM | August 2015 - Three versions of Windows since the last Half-Life

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gave away the keys to the kingdom.
A publisher saying it's "considering" a release is literally always PRspeak for "We're working on it but don't want to talk details at the moment."


I hate games that uses the registry to store saved progression. Now after win10 upgrade I have lost my progress in Hexcells plus :(

Dr Dogg

A publisher saying it's "considering" a release is literally always PRspeak for "We're working on it but don't want to talk details at the moment."

"We're listening to fans and we love their passion but not right now as we got to sell all these console copies and then hopefully the fans are so full of passion they'll buy it twice when the PC version is released at just the right amount of time to tempt them. Thrice even when we release the Definitive Edition we're 'considering' making 12 months or so afterwards".


She's arguably the best original SF character since SSF2, so she's got a shot, I think... or I hope. As I said, Cody is not gonna make it...

I certainly think Juri's the best newcomer in SF4, and that even with her 'not in SF2' debuff she's got a good chance of making it into SFV. But equally I wouldn't be surprised if we got 10 SF2 veterans showing up.

The only character I'd hate too see would be El Fuerte, which would be grounds to abandon SFV completely.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
"We're listening to fans and we love their passion but not right now as we got to sell all these console copies and then hopefully the fans are so full of passion they'll buy it twice when the PC version is released at just the right amount of time to tempt them. Thrice even when we release the Definitive Edition we're 'considering' making 12 months or so afterwards".

That or a cheap ploy to generate positive pre-release buzz (e.g. The Division).

Dr Dogg

That or a cheap ploy to generate positive pre-release buzz (e.g. The Division).

Urgh that was horrible. "Hey if enough of you sign a petition we'll 'consider' a PC release from you know PC centric studio Massive who have been working on their engine and tools for 3 years already." Though to be fair I think Uplay itself is always going to be the Achilles Heel there.
Tempted to buy ff13 but these polarizing opinions got me holding.

Depends on what kind of Final Fantasy experience you're looking for.

Not sure if it helps, but I'll throw out this list of +/- for why I like/dislike each:

FF4, FF6-FF9:
+Most stories revolve around central, if predictable, plots that are mostly fantasy-based
+Classic turn based menu for fighting, if you like that sort of thing
+Large number of characters for your party, each with unique roles or abilities of some sort.

+Sphere grid
+Great battle system
-Most characters are unlikable to me. I only liked Lulu. Maybe Rikku. Couldn't stand Wakka, Yuna, etc.
-Religion based plot did not resonate with me
-Extremely linear. People complain about the first 20 or so hours of FF13 being linear, but 99% of FFX was linear by comparison and people seem to love that.

+Interesting combat system in real time; including mechanics like bows or guns needing to hit flying enemies and the gambit system for controlling the AI party members was robust.
+/- Some cool character designs, though most of the dialogue and story wasn't appealing to me, so I don't recall their actually "personalities".
- Takes place in Ivalice, from FFT fame. I am not a fan of this world.
- Plot is a sub-story from a bigger political story about two kingdoms at war. It never becomes a standard FF type story with a real quest to save the world from some ultimate villain hell-bent on destroying it.
+/- While the map feels a hell of a lot more open than FFX, there wasn't anything really compelling to me that made me feel that I should explore and find everything/do everything.
- Crazy bullshit required to get certain items (and maybe more) that revolved around not opening certain chests and stuff.
- Characters, from a party standpoint, are pretty generic and there's nothing to really differentiate them from one another. There's no character specific abilities, really, and the way the job card system works, you can make anyone learn anything.
? Zodiac/International version is supposed to put a job system in place where it may address my above complaint, but I'm not a fan of FF games with jobs (which, coupled with the piss-poor english translation/localization work is why FFV is not mentioned above in the classic section)

++++ Combat system is fantastic, if you take the time to learn it and care about getting good rankings on your battles, especially if you decide to tackle the trials/hunts/whatever the sidequests that open up mid to late in the game.
+ More likable character designs for me; while FFX had Lulu and maybe Rikku and FF12 had Fran, FF13 gave me 3 characters I liked the designs for (Fang, Lightning, Snow); some people dislike Hope a lot and bag on the writing for him, but I found Sazh and Vanille to be more annoying on just about every level.
- The plot is indeed a mess. It's hard to follow, for me, because I had a mental block at all the French type names thrown about (such as La'Cie)... but I still found it more compelling than X or XII because it was close to a classic FF plot instead of being a religious or political tale.
+Trophies or Achievements! (Probably my first FF game with them, silly I know, but I love me some trophy/achievement hunting; just finished 100%'ing Shovel Knight today.)
+ Return of a leveling system like that of the sphere grid, which was a + from FFX.
+/- No real "towns" to explore -- but I honestly didn't really miss that much -- talking to random NPCs that just spout generic lines and running in and out of houses mashing x/a on everything to find some hidden potions never really did much for me. In a way, it's "streamlined" so it's all about the combat once the game opens up.
+ If you end up liking it, it spawned two additional games with references and a common thread of Lightning or her sister Serah (I think that's how you spell it). FFXIII-2 is supposed to be a little closer to traditional FF games in terms of town exploration and such and what I saw of the beginning sections of Lightning Returns (FFXIII-3) makes me want to play that as well.

frost is right. It's different, and that's why the opinions vary so much. It's not a bad game. It was slow to start, imo, but I have no hate for it. Once it opened up from linear hell, I enjoyed it.

Gran Pulse. That's all I'm saying.

That's all you need to say, man. Gran fuckin' Pulse.
Fighting those Long Gui... dammmn, what a rush.
Tempted to buy ff13 but these polarizing opinions got me holding.

Don't make Vanille sad and get it.



frost is right. It's different, and that's why the opinions vary so much. It's not a bad game. It was slow to start, imo, but I have no hate for it. Once it opened up from linear hell, I enjoyed it.

Gran Pulse. That's all I'm saying.


FFXV is vaporware. Its never coming out.

Tabata was lost during that ATR few days ago. The guy couldn't even answer a simple question about character design or some shit. They have nothing to show. The game is dead.


FFXV is vaporware. Its never coming out.

Tabata was lost during that ATR few days ago. The guy couldn't even answer a simple question about character design or some shit. They have nothing to show. The game is dead.
It will b the new ff13
It will release this is just like ninty whenever they dont show much of a game then gaf rants about it
Come release months and hype is back again.
Its just that it seems they are more focused on kh3 and ff7r atm
Heck who knows we mite see actual new stuff during tgs


Tempted to buy ff13 but these polarizing opinions got me holding.

Okay, so FFXIII is a terrible FF game. The combat system requires you to pay attention and think tactically, and the UI is designed to let you restart any fight to reconfigure your party and try it again without a game over screen; FF games are supposed to be really easy, just put all your strongest people in and auto-attack while half-asleep. Also it's linear, where most of the game is a long corridor (figuratively) before opening up in the final chapter; FF games are supposed to be either linear but with an overworld map to make you think they're not linear, or linear but with a fast-travel menu called "airship." There aren't any towns; FF games are supposed to have a bunch of NPCs walking back and forth saying the same thing to add verisimilitude to what's basically a shop menu, rather than just buying stuff online like you do in FFXIII. Oh and the story is some kind of nonsense about the intersection of man and divine and those marginalized by prejudice and fear, but FF stories are supposed to be really serious stories about riding whales to the moon and fighting clowns who (literally) destroy the world by moving furniture.

So, yeah, FFXIII has no business being a FF game, since it's actually good.
So, yeah, FFXIII has no business being a FF game, since it's actually good.

The characters are shit, the story is shit, the combat is shit and insulting simplistic.

FF13 is a shit game and should only be purchased in the vain hope that one day, somehow, SE will make another game worth buying again and will decide to release it on steam. Which incidentally, Type 0 is not such a game, since it is incredibly mediocre in every way, but still a billion times better than FF13.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member

Nothing beats the excitement of playing against friends. In Wacky Wheels, you can do just that. Play with a friend in split-screen mode, play head-to-head using a modem connection or play via serial (null-modem) cable. Race against challenging computer opponents with adjustable difficulty settings.

lol. those were the days!

and the description should probably have been updated for the steam release lol
Eurogamer just posted a piece on scalebound, loved this part:

I don't think I help matters particularly when I point out that Scalebound's lead character Drew, a spunky teen who dons a pair of Beats headphones before he goes into battle, seems like something of a jerk, and ask whether he's deliberately obnoxious.

Kamiya stares blankly into the middle of the room, where his gaze remains fixed while giving his answer. This is what it feels like to be blocked in real life

Dr Dogg

Eurogamer just posted a piece on scalebound, loved this part:

Ha! I get the feeling Kamiya doesn't really ever want to talk to the press... or most of the folks who pester him on Twitter... or many folks at all if they dare to ask him questions. Dude is really cool and does offer up some great insight into titles he's worked on if he's asked a decent question.


The characters are shit, the story is shit, the combat is shit and insulting simplistic.

FF13 is a shit game and should only be purchased in the vain hope that one day, somehow, SE will make another game worth buying again and will decide to release it on steam. Which incidentally, Type 0 is not such a game, since it is incredibly mediocre in every way, but still a billion times better than FF13.

Combat isn't simplistic at all for later area.



dota2 hitting >530k viewers on twitch alone
Dota is getting huge. There are even several really, really big pubstomps here in Denmark, which is... Highly unusual. I've yet to watch more than two matches though; I'm dumb like that. I wanna watch more though. But lazyness and all that.
Be nice but they're Activision's key player now so fat chance of that unless Bobby has a spat with Mark Lamia or something. I remeber the days when the COD community wanted these guys out as they were ruining the franchise but then I guess Zombies happened.

I think a lot of that came from the fact that... Well, IW had always been the sole dev of CoD. It was before the days of seeing sequels and spin-offs done by different studios, and WaW was the first one for CoD.

This has become commonplace for big publishers now though, so... Yeah.

Although I did think World At War was a tad shite, though I loved the gore and mutilations, lol.
Sweet giveaway chummer. Now to jack into Modbot and save me some nuyen.

Also, here's 18 minutes of Eitr gameplay. Game looks so good.

This is the game with the entire like, viking-esque family, right? Where there's like 4 or so (playable?) characters? If so, been waiting for some mo' gameplay. Tyvm.


Dota is getting huge. There are even several really, really big pubstomps here in Denmark, which is... Highly unusual. I've yet to watch more than two matches though; I'm dumb like that. I wanna watch more though. But lazyness and all that.

I think a lot of that came from the fact that... Well, IW had always been the sole dev of CoD. It was before the days of seeing sequels and spin-offs done by different studios, and WaW was the first one for CoD.

This has become commonplace for big publishers now though, so... Yeah.

Although I did think World At War was a tad shite, though I loved the gore and mutilations, lol.

I didn't know there were other Danes in here. Join our Denmark OT.
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