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STEAM | August 2016 - No Man's Sky will leave Mankind Divided

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Old news, but it seems that people who choose to stay on Win7 or 8 will still get forced update from Microsoft? That's a quite extreme way to force their user to switch to Win10, I guess.

It's funny how everyone on GAF's like 'Okami! God Hand! Ace Attorney! Mega Man! Monster Hunter!' but Jawmuncher is the only one who gives us the hard hitting news on Dino Crisis.

The million-selling ARK and the many other Dino survival games say otherwise.


savage resurrection devs are fucking clowns and don't understand how to fucking steam

their beta ended but instead of having a separate branch for that they have manually removed it from people's account and steam says it's because of a payment problem

like, pretty much accusing people of being a thief because they are ignorant?

so now people's accounts are flagged and they are placed on that 2 hour drop thing for cards

im mad
Fuck that shit, really?

Windows 10's Worst Feature To Install On Windows 7 And Windows 8

Why would forced Win7 and Win8 updates force users to switch OS?

Because if it's essentially the same as Win10, why just don't upgrade. The thing is, people won't know what kind of updates they'll get.


I still can't believe that we're already in the age of Deus Ex.


I'm not disagreeing with you. I just think that people here on NeoGAF, specifically, have been around the block a few times and should know that the final versions of games aren't guaranteed to look nearly as good as the devs promised. It's not like that should be news to anyone at this point.

And yes, the schadenfreude is draining to read. To me it feels like people are flipping the bird to not only the developers, but the people who are looking forward to that title and want it to be good. Reading posts like that makes me imagine some little kid crowing, "Oooh, that game you wanted to play so much is gonna suuuuuuuck! Burn!" I mean, I'll crack jokes and stuff myself when it looks like something's going to be ridiculous (see: Metal Gear Survive), but I'm not going to get all ecstatic because some game that people were looking forward to looks ready to flop/disappoint fans/whatever.
oh yeah, it's not news, but i think the pushback is healthy as letting these kinds of things go is probably for the worst

i just wish ppl found less cynical ways of doing it
Bannerlord demo video from Gamescom definitely was a better look at the game than the last gameplay demo. It seems they solved the problem of singular blobs of opposing AI. Kinda miff at the lack of kicking when the situation called for it during the mid-end of the demo.
Ugh, working on these last few achievements is a pain. I have three left but one is "get all the achievements" so technically it's two. I tried getting the quest items from the store but the seller isn't there, only her good-for-nothing husband. I dunno if I have to wait until the next day, or replay a chapter, or what, cause it seems nobody's schedule is written down anywhere.

I also need the one to get "64 cards" but that's BS. They mean cards 1-64. I got the "secret card" 65, but that one didn't count, so now I have to go replay the hardest chapter in the game, complete with the shittiest QTE segment EVER. So much A and D to run. SO MUCH. Just for that one stinking card.

Well, it'll all be over soon I guess. :)


Guys, I need some help. If I have changed the settings for Splinter Cell: Double Agent in the .ini file to UltraHigh with a 1920x1080 resolution, and it still says 720 resolution and Low in the in-game settings, which one does the game listen to?
Guys, I need some help. If I have changed the settings for Splinter Cell: Double Agent in the .ini file to UltraHigh with a 1920x1080 resolution, and it still says 720 resolution and Low in the in-game settings, which one does the game listen to?
Well, which does the game look like? Can you set it to 4K? Just curious.


Just saw the Capcom sale going on. Getting DMC4 and Dragon's Dogma for sure, been interested in those for a while and I see them pretty well regarded on GAF.

There's a bunch of Resident Evil games on sale but I can probably only get one. Haven't played any of them before. Should I just go with the HD remaster of the first one or is there a better one to start off with?
In-game? It doesn't allow for higher resolutions than 720.

Ah damn, this makes me sad. I'm really excited about Below. It's alright that they are taking their time though, I can wait.

Yes, I get that's what it says, but it sounds like you're trying to up the settings with the .ini, right? If you set the textures to max and a higher resolution in the ini, what does the game look like visually (not what the options menu says.)? I think I did this with Chaos Theory and the in-game menu didn't adjust to match what the ini said. BUT if you adjust the options menu it overrides the ini settings. Maybe even try setting the ini to max, then adjust the in-game menu, and then check what the ini says. It might work to keep the high settings if you make the ini read only.


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
Question, STEAMGAF !

Which are the worst games you played on steam ?

I expect Bad Rats level games

A lot of freebies from various site giveaways. A lot of F2P mobile ports from bundle cruft that are just offensive busy work garbage. Rush Bros. The Zatwor games. Ghostship Aftermath was memorably bad; A neat idea but executed in "my first game project" terms, where it would download the entire game for every update. Dead Bits. Gun Monkeys. 30 Impossible Levels.

All just shovelware. Bleh.

the grinding in disgaea and many other rpgs have prepared me for this. Whats next? yokai weapons to get the glow in the dark version of that mount :) Also apparently in 2 more levels i can have my chocobo join me in battle? UHHH YES PLEASE!!


DC3>Dino Stalker > Dino Crisis 1 > Dino Crisis 2

I know it's easy to get those pesky "greater than" and "less than" symbols confused, but I understand what you were trying to say, and I agree. You even ranked them in order from worst to best the same as I did. :p
zzz'ing them so they're at the bottom? You're a smart one, bobnowhere.

the grinding in disgaea and many other rpgs have prepared me for this. Whats next? yokai weapons to get the glow in the dark version of that mount :) Also apparently in 2 more levels i can have my chocobo join me in battle? UHHH YES PLEASE!!

It's no fat chocobo, alas.
I really enjoyed DX:HR. I think it turned out very well, which is a good thing considering the lack of high-profile sci-fi RPGs and ARPGs out there. It's not like there are a lot of choices. I mean, you can't throw a rock wtihout hitting a half-dozen big budget fantasy titles. Looking for space opera? If you've already played Mass Effect, you've got maybe a tiny handful of b-list games to choose from. Want a cool cyberpunk game? Once you're done with the Deus Ex games, the pickings are very slim. There's Shadowrun if you're into magic and monsters mixed in with your cyberpunk, which has always been a little... ehh for me - I prefer a more "pure" take on the material - but I'll take what I can get. (I'm really looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077, for obvious reasons.) I really wish RPG developers would start going a little further afield there.
Mass Effect 1 is a good space Opera RPG, the only one of its kind. ME2 and 3 are like action movies moreso than space operas, with story beats happening fast and loose.

And for cyberpunk, I'd go with Hairebrained Schemes' Shadowrun any time; the writing and worldbuilding are superb, and they're not bad RPGs either. For Deus Ex--and I don't know about the other games--but DXHR was really at odds with its slight roleplaying element (that all but vanished after the first hub) and as such its world really suffered; it really felt like more of a game than a place.
zzz'ing them so they're at the bottom? You're a smart one, bobnowhere.

It's no fat chocobo, alas.

i was checking out how to get that one (there are 3 different versions of it) and its really hard unless you fork over the $20 for the digital upgrade of the game which comes with a bunch of useless stuff. I doubt I'll ever get one of the fat chocobos :(
i was checking out how to get that one (there are 3 different versions of it) and its really hard unless you fork over the $20 for the digital upgrade of the game which comes with a bunch of useless stuff. I doubt I'll ever get one of the fat chocobos :(

But that's like the only reason to play... pah.

Square-Enix knows where the money is.
I actually 100%'d Culling of the Cows. It wasn't completely terrible. Not completely.

I'm 4/5! Just need to down some alien UFO. Never going to happen.

zzz'ing them so they're at the bottom? You're a smart one, bobnowhere.

Got a few, easy way to force them to the bottom.


Junk is prototypes and superseded versions of games. Old Deus ex HR, Arkham non-GOTY, the Bioshocks are soon bound for this category.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
savage resurrection devs are fucking clowns and don't understand how to fucking steam

their beta ended but instead of having a separate branch for that they have manually removed it from people's account and steam says it's because of a payment problem

like, pretty much accusing people of being a thief because they are ignorant?

so now people's accounts are flagged and they are placed on that 2 hour drop thing for cards

im mad

You all should contact Steam, they will sort this out if made aware. I'll bring it up on the Steam dev forums if not sorted shortly. But wow, it's not hard to do at all, so yeah, they sound like clowns.

Just saw the Capcom sale going on. Getting DMC4 and Dragon's Dogma for sure, been interested in those for a while and I see them pretty well regarded on GAF.

There's a bunch of Resident Evil games on sale but I can probably only get one. Haven't played any of them before. Should I just go with the HD remaster of the first one or is there a better one to start off with?

Start with the first one, it's quite good and... Well, the first one. But if not that, RE4 is a pretty good hopping in spot as well. It has connections but mostly stands well on its own.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
savage resurrection devs are fucking clowns and don't understand how to fucking steam

their beta ended but instead of having a separate branch for that they have manually removed it from people's account and steam says it's because of a payment problem

like, pretty much accusing people of being a thief because they are ignorant?

so now people's accounts are flagged and they are placed on that 2 hour drop thing for cards

im mad

The issue is nothing more than Steam not having a separate message for the revocation of a promotional key. Accounts haven't been flagged; the message is triggered when a licence is detached (refunds excluded) and doesn't actually mean anything aside from "You no longer own this game" as there are no penalties associated with it. The game is pay-to-play, so it's not terribly surprising that the free beta keys were revoked. A separate sub that's to be emptied after the beta period would have been the more elegant way to go about it, though, as this would have removed the game from accounts without triggering Steam's alert system.

Edit: http://steamcommunity.com/app/263860/discussions/0/616187839289949873/


Question, STEAMGAF !

Which are the worst games you played on steam ?

I expect Bad Rats level games

It's all subjective, but honestly?

Life is Strange and Telltale's The Walking Dead. And since these are contentious, I'll justify them a little.

If I could refund LiS, I would, and I repeatedly consider just removing it from my account. The characters are emo cliches, there's wasted opportunities to flesh out secondary characters (like the step-dad), the script is awful, and the episode-finale which involves Max
mercy-killing Chloe is undercut by alternate-universe "It never happened" wank. An emotional point at which the series could've gone-down an entirely separate path was just ignored
. The game-finale also has a plot-hole a mile-wide.

TWD just annoys me due to characters being stereotypes, and QTE stupidity. Seriously, QTE's need to just die. Or, rather, they should've added an option that was essentially "You've misjudged this QTE 12 times... Would you like to skip it and carry on the story?" The whole "So-and-so will remember this" is also just too blatant for my liking. That said, I really enjoyed Wolfamongus, so I can deal with the Telltale formula and their predictable stories for the most part.

Both games are, I feel, a complete waste of my time. I'm sure I've got the usual bundle rubbish, but I've not played them, and no two games I've played for so long have so completely been such wasted opportunities as those two.
Alright guys, what's the best SSD for its price? I have a 120gb one I use strictly for OS and stuff like Docs, Excel, etc.

I have a 1tb drive but want to add another, large SSD (preferably 250gb and up).


Alright guys, what's the best SSD for its price? I have a 120gb one I use strictly for OS and stuff like Docs, Excel, etc.

I have a 1tb drive but want to add another, large SSD (preferably 250gb and up).

Samsung 850 Evo has a good reputation and good price/GB. Amazon UK have the 500gb version at £130, or the M.2 variant at £140.
Reminder that Life is Strange is the rightful GotY of 2015.

Question, STEAMGAF !

Which are the worst games you played on steam ?

I expect Bad Rats level games

As a whole package? Dragon Age 2 by a country mile. I've never been so disappointed in a game overall. Pre-ordered it before release, beat it, and then reminisced about how bad it was forevermore.

Technically? Batman: Arkham Knight by something longer. It has the worst technical issues I've ever experienced, which made it all but unplayable at launch... and I've played XCOM 2. It also was fundamentally flawed with how the Batmobile stuff was crowbarred into the formula, further bringing it down.

Personally? As in, for no reason other than sheer disappointment? MGSV. I'll never forgive it for that tutorial mission and "story" in general. Like Shadow of Mordor, it felt like a tech demo more than a full game.

Yeah, two of them are 2015 games; 2016 has been kind to me, by comparison. Although I don't think anything has blown me away like Life is Strange did last year... it was really something special.


I played it for Hearthstone's paladin hero, couldn't stand the game, didn't even get that hero skin.

I forced myself through it, the entire 15 hours it took.

I cannot believe people are playing this game. It was such an incredible, unbelievable boring slog.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I forced myself through it, the entire 15 hours it took.

I cannot believe people are playing this game. It was such an incredible, unbelievable boring slog.

How dare people like something I dont like


1080p Full Aspect

1080p Supersampled From 1440p

I don't see any difference but whatever. FEZ got updated to 1.12. It is a technical changelog, detailed with a blogpost including some spoilers.

What I noticed:
  • Scale mode options (full aspect, pixel-perfect or supersampling from nearest multiple of 720p)
  • No more letterboxing or pillarboxing (black bars), unless omitting them would cause an aspect ratio mismatch for the screen/internal resolution combo

Milamber alert.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Where did I say that

When you said you cant believe people play something you dont like.

You could just say you didnt like it, or even that it was shit, its your opinion. When you go "lol how do people like this", thats a big pet peeve of mine. For anything really, as you are passing judgment on not just the thing, but on the people that enjoy said thing.

But hey, thats why they are pet peeves, they are personal annoyances, lets not turn this into a thing :p


When you said you cant believe people play something you dont like.

You could just say you didnt like it, or even that it was shit, its your opinion. When you go "lol how do people like this", thats a big pet peeve of mine. For anything really, as you are passing judgment on not just the thing, but on the people that enjoy said thing.

But hey, thats why they are pet peeves, they are personal annoyances, lets not turn this into a thing :p

For the same reason, I hate it when people say "I can't understand why..." If someone genuinely doesn't understand, there's better ways to phrase that as a question, and if they're just saying it as a way of demeaning what the other person likes or does, don't be so mean-spirited.

Hah... See, this is how much I hate Max - that gif doesn't create half as much hatred directed at the game as the Max gif.


When you said you cant believe people play something you dont like.

You could just say you didnt like it, or even that it was shit, its your opinion. When you go "lol how do people like this", thats a big pet peeve of mine. For anything really, as you are passing judgment on not just the thing, but on the people that enjoy said thing.

But hey, thats why they are pet peeves, they are personal annoyances, lets not turn this into a thing :p

But when I'm saying that I'm not shaming people for liking it - unless we're talking about the order 1886 - but that I just really, genuinely can't understand the appeal.

But I'm sorry if it came off that way.


I'm trying real hard to like Poncho, but this game ain't doing it for me. I'm finding the layer switching and platforming frustrating. Oh well.

Onto the next indie game.


Actually, a random thought just occurred to me, why on earth is every Legacy of Kain title available on PC these days except for the very first one, Blood Omen??

a bit late.

lok is a weak win95 port very hard to run outside of wmware-like w95 env. game cpu logic is broken for fast (read faster than 200mhz) cpu speed too.

rights may be a problem, but code too.
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