someone was begging for games? I wanna hear this story.
Comedy Gold
someone was begging for games? I wanna hear this story.
Are any of these enhancements coming to the base game as well? I kickstarted the thing and I still haven't played it. Was hoping to get to it some time soon but if there's a better version coming, I can wait.
Aww, no more Jack Keane 2 jokes.
There's actually some pretty big names in that list, wonder why so much stuff is leaving.
What happend? No love for no-DRM anymore?It's two publishers leaving GOG - Nordic games and Frictional games
Steam | September 2014 - Nice thread, btw. pls gimme all the keys.
You don't to get to pull off high settings on new games that's for sure, but i don't mind turning down the settings. I've just replaced the GTS250 with 750Ti in my family PC today, for some gaming when I come home.
What happend? No love for no-DRM anymore?
Wait, did you see them getting killed by Kenny? Clem passes out and that's it. Or did I miss something? Was pretty late when I played it yesterday.
* Fix games being installed to a different Steam Library folder than was selected in the install page
Mac OS X, Linux, SteamOS
* Fix a category of client crashes caused by interruptions in peer-to-peer network connections
Huggy just told me about the guy who was begging for games.
All I can say is Lol @ that TWD S02 ending. I don't really see a point to a season 3 unless they want to just repeat all this stuff over and over.
I'm also pissed off that some people escaped my murderous reign of terror.
sorry mik, I'm sure you're a swell fellow deep at heart
What would happen ifAll I can say is Lol @ that TWD S02 ending. I don't really see a point to a season 3 unless they want to just repeat all this stuff over and over.
I'm also pissed off that some people escaped my murderous reign of terror.
So is it worth getting TWD2 now? or Should I wait for that 85% winter sale?
What would happen ifI don't let the family in?
HUUUUGGGS <33 I sent you like 4 msgs and you just ignored them! I thought you were mad at me :x and yea I'm talking about Uprising, last time I played it I got to like ch5 or something, if its that long guess I'll just play as much as I can(till i get really bored/hands hurt a lot) and I'll just continue my playthrough during Friday.Morning Prinny! Are you playing 3DS Classics Kid Icarus or Kid Icarus Uprising? I like both, but Uprising isn't too short to where you can just rush through it, I really looked it though since I found the controls pretty great (They take about 5 chapters to really get used to it though). Also I'm planning to play some Dark Souls 2 later <3
The Walking Dead: S2 ending spoilersI'm sorry I should have been clearer. While the game doesn't disclose what happened I find it hard to believe Kenny just let them walk away. Now that I think of it that's probably still what happened. Damn that moment I thought Clem was dead. It looked like the shot hit her right in the heart.
What happend? No love for no-DRM anymore?
What would happen ifI don't let the family in?
What would happen ifI don't let the family in?
It's due to the local currency support. I'm assuming Nordic (and apparently Frictional) didn't agree with the conversion rates.
Brrr. Sad display.Not if the prices are better for the customer, apparently.
Ok i think i have so many good games on Steam still to play that i could not buy another game for at least 4 or 5 years :O
GOG is now selling movies that are more or less games related
During my playthrough, I asked Kenny what happened to the others and he told me that Bonnie, Mike, and Arvo ran off into the woods after Clem got shot.
What would happen ifI don't let the family in?
Which? Did I fall asleep this morning while playing the game or why don't I remember this lolfamily are all of you talking about
Happy Lethal League day SteamGAF! I really hopeall my hype doesnt blow up in my face
Which? Did I fall asleep this morning while playing the game or why don't I remember this lolfamily are all of you talking about
Our monitor in our home is full hd, won't get that kind of performance here. I got it because it pretty good for its price, and I'm honestly not sure if the PSU can handle higher end cards.Well, I've just wrapped up Bioshock Infinite on my new 750Ti.
768p, High preset (with some tweaks up here and there), butter-smooth 60 fps.
I don't really see the need to have a better GPU - Ultra didn't seem like a massive upgrade, and besides, I was getting 60 fps (with drops here and there) in it...
I need more context to remember that event.
Which? Did I fall asleep this morning while playing the game or why don't I remember this lolfamily are all of you talking about
Nah,I think it fades out to credits regardless of your choice
Oh, unless you mean the Dead Man Switch campaign? I'm pretty sure that will be updated with the new UI, but you can double check the backer update's or their website for confirmation of that.
Is there any possibility of a Directors Cut for Dead Mans Switch?
Currently, we dont have plans for a DMS Directors Cut. However, we've released several updates to DMS over the course of the last year, including a major update with the new save game functionality when Dragonfall first launched. A few weeks ago, we pushed another DMS patch which includes some balance changes to key parts of the game. While its not a Directors Cut, we hope those changes will provide a better experience for everyone.
The one at the end after you kill Kenny. If you didn't you won't see them.
I think they're referring to an event that'sonly present in one of the three possible endings.
Totes spoiled it!My ending:
I finished Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 the other day. This post is a partial rehash of my post from the previous thread, but now that I've completed it, I feel like I should post a proper post. I haven't touched the DLC yet, but I plan to after I finish the Dark Souls 2 DLC that just came out.
So, I actually liked it a lot more than I expected. The overall impression of it everywhere seemed to be very negative (regardless of what you think about metacritic, 58/100 doesn't exactly inspire confidence), but I ended up liking it quite a bit.
The combat is fun, even though it sometimes feel like the enemies have too many unblockacle moves, so instead of sync blocking you are dodging maybe more than I would prefer. Still, Dracula is nimble and there are enough new moves doled out every now and then to keep things interesting all the way through. Void and Chaos powers replace the light and dark magic from the first game, but more in name than function. You still get orbs from keeping your combat focus going, in order to fill out those magic meters, and one of them is more powerful and the other one is less, but heals with every hit landed. It's essentially the same system as the first LoS, but some very minor differences. Probably the biggest difference with combat is not even directly related to combat, but it's the free camera. And they handle it well, the combat camera is smart most of the time (unlike say, the camera in MGRR), and doesn't get in the way. All the finishers take too long though, I get it, you are Dracula, but suck that blood a little faster, thanks. But overall, good stuff.
Presentation is probably the most uneven thing in the entire package. Environments and locations can be gorgeous, but they can also be fucking boring. Boring sewers and industrial plants, but also gorgeous gothic (or something) architecture and fantastic vistas. Dracula seems incredibly tiny in this world too. The grand scale of everything works well in the non-industrial setting, big majectic doors and windows etc, but in the industrial setting it just looks comical. Music is the same, Araujo does some good work with some tracks, but others are just a big meeh. I remember reading an interview from him where he says that he didn't really have a lot of freedom in the end, that he had tried to approach the music from other angles but was told that it needed to be more cinematic. Some of it works, some of it doesn't. The story is really really dumb, somewhat poorly written, but it does its job of pushing you towards your next objective.
The worst part are the sections where they probably thought that they should add some variety in the gameplay design or something. Obviously the much talked stealth stuff is one part of that. They have absolutely no place in this game, they are just poor. But they are also really easy and short, so I'm not sure how the press was so badly hung up on them. Yes, they suck ass, but it takes like 2 minutes to go through. The elevator action section is dumb as well, again, not because it's hard or anything, but a timed switch to restore power in order to use an elevator is not fun. And I imagine the director had played Uncharted and told that we need something like that, heart pounding set pieces. The results are absolute shit. There's one section where the floor falls under you, push forward and push A for awesome. The entire train section is hot garbage, but especially the part where you dodge the roof lights or whatever. And then there's the QTE's, which you can turn off from the settings. If you played LoS, you'll probably remember that most boss fights had some easy quicktime event sequences in them, sometimes in the middle or in the end, and usually if you failed the boss would gain a little health back, rinse and repeat until you were quick and timely enough. That's still here, but if you turn them off, it will just play that whole section as if you were successful. And I very much recommend it. What does it tell you about this hot feature that they added an option to just disable them?
The game is very linear, but it has a hint of that non-linearity with all the secrets you can find. That speaks to me in some primal level and I can just get lost in the world, just running around and looking behind every corner and such to find everything. It just speaks to me man. Of course I would recommend you do this only after you get all your powers back, can't get them all without all your powers. There's also some combat challenges, and I played through couple tiers of them... but didn't bother with the rest. It gets into a little more complicated stuff than I have patience for (you can only hit this dude while he is frozen, while simultaneously killing smaller dudes every 20 seconds etc etc). For me it takes the fun out of it.
So overall, I'd say my experience with the game is positive. I paid ~20$ for it and I'd say it's worth at least that if not more.
My ending:
Clem alone with the baby walks into a field of zombies with zombie guts on her lolololol fade to black
if there is a season 3 i would like clem to find those traitors, especially that russian dick and catch them. and then go full game of thrones ramsey on them.
Farming Simulator 2013 Titanium is 75% off on Gamersgate.
IndieGameStand daily is Letter Quest:Grimm's Journey PWYW, Steam key when greenlit
How often does ModBot do autoreposts? Every 8 hours?