What... Have... I... Done!!!
Assassin's Creed in non-Europe and with a female protagonist? Set the game in Oz and the character as Dorothy Gale.
Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first person she meets and then teams up with three strangers to kill again.
What... Have... I... Done!!!
What... Have... I... Done!!!
What... Have... I... Done!!!
Indie Fund is now backing Due Process.
Alpha trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2Wu0hOSOyA / Dev Blog: http://dueprocess.info/devblog.html
It's a team-based tactical multiplayer game where you set up a plan and carry it out.
What... Have... I... Done!!!
As long as they don't set the game in a Return to Oz kind of scenario.
I mean wtf, it scarred my youth possibly even more than the motherfucking It clown.[/QUOTE]
That scene gave me the creeps when I was little. Heck, the wheelers spooked me too. It was all worth watching for Jack Pumpkinhead though. GOAT character.
[quote="Dr Dogg, post: 126400877"]What... Have... I... Done!!![/QUOTE]
And its achievements let you write out stupid things in your achievement showcase so that's just added value right there.
Shouldve w8ed for the goty edition dogg![]()
And its achievements let you write out stupid things in your achievement showcase so that's just added value right there.
I'm not one to question peoples purchasing decisions, but you just messed up.
Hmm, characters look like some generic animu shit. Will buy. Also I could always use another fighting game.
Shouldve w8ed for the goty edition dogg![]()
As long as they don't set the game in a Return to Oz kind of scenario.
I mean wtf, it scarred my youth possibly even more than the motherfucking It clown.
What... Have... I... Done!!!
Somehow I had this image in my mind where Lyne was a exploration game. Looks like that's not the case. I don't mind puzzle games either though. If they aren't over the top hard that is.
What... Have... I... Done!!!
It makes me happy to see that there's someone willing to fund tactical shooters. Due Process looks very promising and I hope it turns out well.
There's a newer video on their dev blog. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylUlr9StVww
Strictly speaking it's not even a puzzle game, except maybe last levels and some random dailies. Dailies are awesome idea for such a game, btw.
It just something to do when you are stressed or tired while listening to some contemplative music and pondering things. There are no timers, no strain whatsoever, your goals are simple: to connect everything on screen with one line, and it's addictive too.
you preordered an amazing game, nothing to regret, move along.
tits hot springs scene was kind of disappointing
i was expecting it to go all sakura spirit or something
Persona 4 Golden has the best hot springs scene in any game ever.
It also has great achievement icons so you can adorn your profile with something like this
I was more of a fan of P3s.
one of these days i'll play p4Persona 4 Golden has the best hot springs scene in any game ever.
yeah i loved p3'sI was more of a fan of P3s.
Persona 4 Golden has the best hot springs scene in any game ever.
Well I was referring to the animation part with the scene.
Also I watched the P3s scene from YouTube and it was nothing like this on P3P![]()
It also has great achievement icons so you can adorn your profile with something like this
Thanks for idea! gonna do something with it, need to think what, will post result ;)
So sarcastic
I was serious, I loved Borderlands and I'm loving Borderlands 2, the trailers for presequel look amazing, I wish I wasn't cheap, but I'll get it eventually too.
I need to play Borderlands one of these days, I somehow managed to avoid all of them until now (><)
Are those coop only games, as in not being fun alone at all? just was curious about your opinion, as you seem to like them.
I need to play Borderlands one of these days, I somehow managed to avoid all of them until now (><)
Are those coop only games, as in not being fun alone at all? just was curious about your opinion, as you seem to like them.
I need to play Borderlands one of these days, I somehow managed to avoid all of them until now (><)
Are those coop only games, as in not being fun alone at all? just was curious about your opinion, as you seem to like them.
I was serious, I loved Borderlands and I'm loving Borderlands 2, the trailers for presequel look amazing, I wish I wasn't cheap, but I'll get it eventually too.
Persona 4 Golden has the best hot springs scene in any game ever.
I was more of a fan of P3s.
I need to play Borderlands one of these days, I somehow managed to avoid all of them until now (><)
Are those coop only games, as in not being fun alone at all? just was curious about your opinion, as you seem to like them.
I like that game quite a bit too.The real answer is Asura's Wrath
The real answer is Asura's Wrath
I played Borderlands (1) solo and it was about as fun as visiting dentist.
I played Borderlands 1 solo and loved it, I'm playing 2 coop and it's also a ton of fun.
You should ignore the negative comments and give it a try and decide for yourself, I think you'll enjoy it if you like shooters and loot.
ya, opinions seem to be divided on this subject. I like loot games, but I'm vary of games that have waves of identical enemies, and a lot of them. If I remember correctly Borderlands falls in this category, that's why I haven't played it yet.Playing solo depends on how much you like loot games. For every person that tells you, you have to play coop. There's another who spent a ton of time doing it solo and loving it.
I played through the original its DLC* solo. The sequel I played through with a mate, but even co-op couldn't mask the feeling of "This is just more of the same." That said, we agreed to play through 1.75, but for me it's just an excuse to get drunk and order pizza from Domino's half an hour before it shuts.
* I didn't complete the Mad Moxxi DLC in its entirety because I had a high-level character ain't nobody got time for that.
Oh, now I remember! you played some insane hours of Borderlands, I thought you like it.
bolded is as good reason as any (><)
Guys. What's the important part you need to keep in mind if you want to copy your steam stuff over to a new PC. Also how does the Steam game backup feature work ? Reliable? No need to download the game again ?
Yeah I loved borderlands 1. But after playing 2 for a bit. It felt like more like I've been there done that.For the most part, I found Borderlands 2 boring. The most fun I had was when me and a friend were charging each other in vehicles like we were elephant deals competing for a mate.
Yeah I loved borderlands 1. But after playing 2 for a bit. It felt like more like I've been there done that.
That's why I'm most likely going to skip out on the Pre-Sequel. The loots doesn't hook me anymore.