All due to the lack of achievements in Don't Starve? Seems a bit much.
The way I feel right now, I'll never buy another game they develop/publish.
While the main "symptom" would be the lack of achievements in Don't Starve on PC, the root cause of it all is that they've proven themselves to be unbelievably greedy assholes who don't value the feedback provided by and requests of their core fanbase.
When two of the questions big enough to make the Invisible, Inc. FAQ are (1) "Will this have achievements?" and (2) "What about controller support?" it seem that enough people who are interested in the game must ask about it if they included/answered them. And both answers are non-commital at best while the answer to (1) rubs salt in the wounds of fans they have pissed off with the Don't Starve achievement/trophy fiasco.
Will Invisible, Inc. support Steam Achievements?
More than likely, we aren't opposed to achievements in Invisible, Inc., however we don’t have any solid plans on those yet.
The bolded part of the response alludes to their being opposed to achievements in Don't Starve... and yet they still sold out to Sony and included them in the PS4 and Vita versions of the game leaving the PC as the only platform/version of the game without them.
When I was pissed off at Capcom for UMvC3, I refused to give them a single dollar for the game and I managed to buy any copy of the game used to do so (including my digital version, I think).
When I was pissed off at Aksys for the BBCS2E debacle, I also refused to give them money and bought the game used.
At the time I bought Don't Starve, I remember just hearing positive impressions about the game and so I picked it up in support of them. I should've done my research and found out about their refusal to include achievements as a design decision. But I only found out about it when I heard there was a version coming to PS4 and thought "I'll wait to play it until they inevitably patch in achievements since they already threw their principles out the window to get on Sony platforms." And that patch never came... so I haven't played the game and probably won't ever at this rate.
Just like my purchase of Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris, if I was aware of how things would play out in the future, I would not have given the company my money when I did. :|
As I said, if someone gifted it to me, I'm not impolite enough to refuse the gift based on my principles regarding Klei... but my money will not line their pockets anytime soon.
If Invisible, Inc. made it into a humble bundle where I could split everything to charity as I normally do, then I could buy it for myself and not feel as if I compromised my stance as well.
I'd play Spedrunners gladly but it's not fun when there is a huge rift in skill

I need bad players. I should play with stump sometime.
Sick burn. If I were Stump, I'd count those as fighting words, buddy.
Dunder stops and taunts you if he's far enough ahead.
Seriously? People are getting this worked up over achievements??
It's not simply the achievements... though personally, I get a great deal of enjoyment from the metagame of achievement hunting -- I find I simply enjoy games more when I can approach them this way. So much so that I have trouble playing games without them or if I've gotten them all -- some games transcend this issue for me -- games like Spelunky and Crimsonland and Crypt of the Necrodancer (as well as the Shmup/Run 'n' Gun/Fighting genres). But if it's any other genre, it matters to me. Not so much the whole trophy vs. achievement argument, but since games tend to lack a lot of replay value or strong incentive to do collecting or approach certain tasks, I like having something to work to and achievements/trophies fill this need for me.
Beyond that, there's a more important principle at stake here and it's something I think is very important:
How much does a developer really appreciate and value the feedback and support of their fanbase?
The answer Klei has shown, as far as I am concerned, when you read believe the lines here, is a resounding "we only care about getting paid."
For them to so stubbornly spurn the requests of fans to patch in achievements, especially when they could disable them by default and require players who want them to turn them on a la "The Stanley Parable", only to cave to the demands/requirements of Sony (twice!) in order to get their game on other platforms and then to continue to maintain that they're opposed to achievements in the game itself is pure bullshit.