With IGN discount and code G2PO Dishonored is 12 GBP from GamersGate, which is $19 or 15.
I think this is my breaking point.
Thanks for the heads up, picked up a copy. Can't resist $19 Dishonored.
With IGN discount and code G2PO Dishonored is 12 GBP from GamersGate, which is $19 or 15.
I think this is my breaking point.
Deal breaker, brah.
The ideal option would have been buying the Indie Royale Bundle it was in back in October.
I think you'll be able to get it for $6 from gamefly tomorrow. Steam.
Has anyone tried Cargo Commander or Intrusion 2?
Depends who you ask but I loved it. The definitive Zombie RPG with great attention to detail.
There's very little game involved. Lots of talking!
I think no DRM is better than DRM, even if it's Steam.Deal breaker, brah.
The ideal option would have been buying the Indie Royale Bundle it was in back in October.
It's bad and not fun. I bought it for $10 and it was a total waste. The way they designed the combat is really terrible in practice, and nothing like Frozen Synapse that they were cribbing from.I've heard less than great things about the Jagged Alliance remake, but maybe at $8?
that sucks, then why is it praised so much?
GOTY edition on Amazon is back up to $20.
Thanks for the heads up, picked up a copy. Can't resist $19 Dishonored.
Because it is the closest we'll get to a Voigt-Kampff testthat sucks, then why is it praised so much?
that sucks, then why is it praised so much?
Because it is the closest we'll get to a Voigt-Kampff testI smell a replicant
Only 66% off on To the Moon? I'll wait for 75%, thanks.
With IGN discount and code G2PO Dishonored is 12 GBP from GamersGate, which is $19 or 15.
I think this is my breaking point.
How are you guys getting that price. I go to www.gamersgate.com and the coupon only takes a dollar off and it shows up for $28. Am I missing something?
How are you guys getting that price. I go to www.gamersgate.com and the coupon only takes a dollar off and it shows up for $28. Am I missing something?
You need to have an IGN Prime account, and you probably need to be from the UK. Game is $29.99 in the US. With all discounts, it drops to $22 and change.
You can use your GG even if you aren't in the UK. I got my copy from the UK site and I'm in the US.
Say, anyone own Tower Wars? Any good?
So you can. Didn't know that.
Just ordered a decent PC finally, coming in monday. I wanna buy something but I'm so overwhelmed
Gamersgate.co.uk with the IGN code charged me £14.98. So how much is that US?
Gamersgate.co.uk with the IGN code charged me £14.98. So how much is that US?
Use code g2po too and that'll make it £12.09 or $19.77.
I did that and it just took a dollar off. Strange. Did I just pay 30 for it then? :/
I'm finding out that VPN's don't seem to work with steam anymore. This is a fucking disgrace, I'm not paying exorbitant mark-ups just because of where I live.
Sorry for the bitch, I've always been able to use a VPN to get fair pricing, and that seems to be no longer possible.
You conceded, actually.
I don't plan on buying much during this sale, though -- at this juncture, just the Star Wars Collection, Capcom's Dailies/Flashes, and the occasional indie. It's taking every ounce of restraint I have, but with the Christmas/Winter Sale around the corner, I'd rather wait for it and then go nuts.
Edit: I hope next year's Summer Sale also begins late July. The timing was perfect this year as I received my tax return in time for the sale.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=394003Sorry for the bitch, I've always been able to use a VPN to get fair pricing, and that seems to be no longer possible.
CoH is just about the pinnacle of the genre - if you have any interest or inkling toward RTS gaming, I'd be surprised if you don't love it. It has aged well, too. Enjoy!
I'm finding out that VPN's don't seem to work with steam anymore. This is a fucking disgrace, I'm not paying exorbitant mark-ups just because of where I live.
Sorry for the bitch, I've always been able to use a VPN to get fair pricing, and that seems to be no longer possible.
Alternatively, as someone else said, Dishonored is available at Green Man Gaming for $22.50 using GMG25-G4VDR-0ZL4Q.
Where do you live?
Australia. Possibly the most continuously fucked up region in terms of price gouging.
I'm finding out that VPN's don't seem to work with steam anymore. This is a fucking disgrace, I'm not paying exorbitant mark-ups just because of where I live.
Sorry for the bitch, I've always been able to use a VPN to get fair pricing, and that seems to be no longer possible.
MP being dead is BS. I play it quite frequently and there are plenty of servers for every game type at capacity. You really only need to throw 1 or 2 in your favourites, unlike P2P games.