CyL swan-diving into the leaves. Makes sense. CyL is probably closest to a cat, and cats are pretty good at landing gracefully. Terminal velocity for a cat is apparently around 100km/h, which is a lot slower than a human, plus they have the righting reflex. The Straight Dope linked me to a study conducted in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association which suggests that about 90% of cats survive multi-storey falls, because once they hit terminal velocity they stretch out sort of like flying squirrels so that more drag occurs and they land slower. I think CyL has got no problem
And it's confirmed that this point that Sir Roderick is basically a yellow sheet and a skull, so he's parachuting. No problem.
But Tappet (who is looking quite obese from having eaten an entire turkey, holy shit, what a jerk move, you need to share with everyone else) is going to be in a lot of pain when he hits. Maybe it's an Assassin's Creed thing, where no matter how far you fall, you're okay if a bunch of leaves breaks your fall?