It's happening!
Can someone explain to me why The Dig is discounted but yet all the other LucasArts adventure games are not, I want all of them!at a discount
Is Sanctum 2 worth it?
So I picked up Dark Souls the other day. Two quick questions:
1. Is there anyway to play the game without using GFWL?
2. My laptop monitor's max resolution is 1600x900, should I still use the DSiFix and is that resolution supported in the fix?
Max Payne for 3-fucking-99 is such a ridiculous price that I'm tempted to buy it, even though I I already played it and thought it was pretty shit.
The disk could contain a text file with a Steam download key.Hahaha. Just imagine if it was on 3.5" floppies. It would be close to 7,700 disks. And I thought Fate of Atlantis was bad.
Did you enjoy the first one?
Disney logic. Me, Grief and a few others were looking at a few Star Wars titles we had our eyes on but since they bought LucasFilm and subsequently LucasArt and sacked everyone nothing has made a lick of sense. Discounts are so random.
Ya, but I'm not sure about the co-op stuff in 2.
Can I beat it just by myself?
What's the easiest way to get all the Borderlands 2 DLC? At this point it just seems waiting for next year's sales is the best bet. I doubt it will be any lower during the winter sale.
The disk could contain a text file with a Steam download key.
I would be perfectly fine if that was a form of physical distribution for PC games moving forward.
Ya, but I'm not sure about the co-op stuff in 2.
Can I beat it just by myself?
Next you'll tell me you still have something that can actually read floppy disks =p
Waiting for this Lucas Arts bundle to get a discount so that I can pick up The Dig. I really enjoyed it in middle school from what I can remember of it. It has been almost 18 years ago.
Hello Yogscast Pre-Purchasers,
Thanks for supporting the The Yogscast's Dwarven Dairy Drive!
Unfortunately, the version of the site that you purchased from was not intended for the public and did not properly represent the structure of the promotion. With that in mind, redemptions will work as follows:
- Users who donate over $1 will receive a TF2 "Heart of Gold" DLC
- Users who donate over $25 receive Torchlight, Chivalry, Shank 2, Magicka: Wizard Wars, Sonic All-Star Racing Transformed, Napoleon Total War and the Yogscast War of the Vikings
The content will appear on your download pages after the launch of the promotion. If you wish to increase your order, you can do so by using the order adder on the top of your download page
oh shit i forgot to get don't starve, bummer.
Damn. People sure undercut their stuff in the market during sales.
The disk could contain a text file with a Steam download key.
I may end up buying The Dig now and with some luck in the Christmas sale they discount the others, it makes no sense so that makes sense.
I'm so glad I gave Antichamber a shot. This game is easily in my top 3 of 2013. This is like Portal's dark, twisted and insane brother.
I still haven't pulled the trigger on the Dishonored DLCs. Are they worth it? They seem pricey right now.
Yogscast Humble Bundle news... (via e-mail)
Yeah, what victims, donating change to real victims here are those that donated more than $1 but less than 25? Typical (><)
Oh well
What I really got myself into?
Or better question what copons got me into?!
It can't be that hard to park a truck in real life, can it? Nobody would drive a real truck, instead they'd play a game with virtual trucks. wait...
so real victims here are those that donated more than $1 but less than 25? Typical (><)
Oh well
so real victims here are those that donated more than $1 but less than 25? Typical (><)
Oh well
Yeah, what victims, donating change to charity.
All right GAF, what's the most visually stunning racing game on PC right now? After seeing that Drive Club footage, I've been craving something similar.
All right GAF, what's the most visually stunning racing game on PC right now? After seeing that Drive Club footage, I've been craving something similar.
All right GAF, what's the most visually stunning racing game on PC right now? After seeing that Drive Club footage, I've been craving something similar.