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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game

I dont think the company is finished, but I do think all of this happening will affect sales in some way for sure for them and others. There will be plenty of influencers out there with early copies of Wolverine and they will be ringing the goddamn dinner bell over any sort of pandering, or needless political bullshit weeks before release. And that will spread like a wildfire.

Yeah sure, it'll sell millions, but I think there is a pretty reasonable chance that it also sells below expectations.
there's definitely a point for most people where being lectured/scolded, & being talked down to, will begin to grate. insomniac finally hit that point with me with rift apart, &, after being a fan of theirs since the first r&c, i'll not be getting any more of their stuff, aside from maybe at a deep sale price, until they get their shit back together. I was sorta looking forward to wolverine, but, if it contains the same kinda hollow, vapid 'get-along-gang' crap rift apart did, i know i'll only end up getting pissed off at myself for buying it...

i imagine younger people likely have a greater tolerance level for such shit than I do. but if any bunch of brainless ideologues has the capacity to eventually disgust/piss off even them, i'm confident that it's this crew...


No idea, first time I'm seeing it.

I really have no idea why unhealthy body types are being promoted and embraced in the west. It's baffling.
Because there are many people here in the United States who REFUSE to change themselves to better their bodies to combat "beauty standards". Lose the weight for the betterment of your life, not for beauty standards.

Here in the west, the very notion of "beauty standards" are being challenged and you have movements like "Healthy At Every Size" and "fat activism" because being slimmer and healthy is considered bad and "fatphobic". This is why you don't see the Victoria Secret angels anymore and other shit like that.

"I'm big and I accept what I am and I'm learning to love my body. If you don't then you're a bigot, misogynist and an asshole!" You see this a lot over here. When I was obese, I was fucking disgusted with myself and dropped the weight over time. Going up a flight of stairs was just a chore and it was a turning point for me. I got fit because I want to be healthier and NOT have any complications. It's also a BLATANT double standard. Women are supposed to be liked no matter what their size is, but men need to be chiseled like a statue. It's disgusting to be honest. The phrase "body positivity" and "fat acceptance" are often used interchangeably here. I'm sorry. I'm personally not going to accept myself looking like a house. I have have enough self respect to take care of how I look.

Because bettering one's self is harder to do, we should all just accept it instead of doing anything about it. Combine that with the "women are wonderful" effect and you get Dove videos like this one. And you wonder why the US is one of the biggest nations in the world.
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Alyssa "crazy eyes" Mercante from Kotaku just went on a safe-space podcast to blow smoke up everyone's ass about everything that's been going the past few weeks. If you like getting gaslit this is the podcast for you.

Beware of fake laughter, irrational thoughts of a women off her meds, gay frogs, sucking dick(s), daddy issues, victim mindset, its all here folks. Enjoy the cringe.


Boss Mog

Alyssa "crazy eyes" Mercante from Kotaku just went on a safe-space podcast to blow smoke up everyone's ass about everything that's been going the past few weeks. If you like getting gaslit this is the podcast for you.

Beware of fake laughter, irrational thoughts of a women off her meds, gay frogs, sucking dick(s), daddy issues, victim mindset, its all here folks. Enjoy the cringe.

Does she have time for this? Doesn't she have game guides to write?


Gold Member
Alyssa "crazy eyes" Mercante from Kotaku just went on a safe-space podcast to blow smoke up everyone's ass about everything that's been going the past few weeks. If you like getting gaslit this is the podcast for you.

Beware of fake laughter, irrational thoughts of a women off her meds, gay frogs, sucking dick(s), daddy issues, victim mindset, its all here folks. Enjoy the cringe.

i always wonder were are the content creators "pro woke"?, 🤷🏻‍♂️

Edit: Not as crazy as I would've tough. some good general observations. but everything falls apart because they are obsessed with the the other side. is not about the "positive impacts of their message" it's about how the "others" are wrong and delusional. this why they get so much shit.
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I thought this fellow did a fine job of giving an overview of the situation, including background stuff about DEI, ESG, and Blackrock. Although he focuses primarily on Microsoft in the video, the problem of course is not confined to Microsoft but is evident at Sony as well.

He traces the ESG/DEI initiative from the Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum to Larry Fink (CEO of Blackrock), to Bill Gates in 2015, and then to it becoming Xbox policy in 2019. If you want to know why MS and other gaming companies are adopting self-destructive policies, this is why.

I'd never seen the clip of Larry Fink (7:40) saying, "You have to force behaviors, and at Blackrock, we are forcing behaviors." I found it chilling. He doesn't even use the word "incentivize." It's just "force." But I also realize, you might be able to force employee behavior, but you can't force consumer behavior. If you try, they will push back. They will spend their money elsewhere.

Now that "DEI" has become somewhat tarnished as a label, MS is calling it "Product Inclusion," but it's the same crap. As one example, see 11:15, where he talks about how MS instructs its developers to "Design for safety, especially as it relates to identity." God forbid anyone feels "unsafe" while playing your game. :pie_eyeroll:

Anyway, I thought he did a good job of providing an overview of the whole mess.

Who knows, maybe Starfield was actuallly good before MS forced an extra year of development?

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Alyssa "crazy eyes" Mercante from Kotaku just went on a safe-space podcast to blow smoke up everyone's ass about everything that's been going the past few weeks. If you like getting gaslit this is the podcast for you.

Beware of fake laughter, irrational thoughts of a women off her meds, gay frogs, sucking dick(s), daddy issues, victim mindset, its all here folks. Enjoy the cringe.

I made it to about 10 minutes after she showed up.

This is a contest right?

I get like a Steam voucher or something if nobody else lasts that long?


Alyssa "crazy eyes" Mercante from Kotaku just went on a safe-space podcast to blow smoke up everyone's ass about everything that's been going the past few weeks. If you like getting gaslit this is the podcast for you.

Beware of fake laughter, irrational thoughts of a women off her meds, gay frogs, sucking dick(s), daddy issues, victim mindset, its all here folks. Enjoy the cringe.

I think people need to download and archive all these things because I really don't want to click on anything this grifter or her grifter friends do to give them any sort of support.

I wish people would do the same with kotaku articles on here too.

These things are all parts of the grift and "reactions" is what these people want and live off
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And we wonder why game budgets are going out of control.

And while that supported a narrative, did it actually make the game better, as in gameplay? Did it contribute anything except indulge the creatives involved? Maybe that time and budget should have gone into making the side quests etc better. And then we wonder why:





Sony needs a tough senior Asian exec along the lines of like Nintendo.

The number of stories you hear of ninty shit canning games cause they just know it's not up to scratch.

I think removing shu from wws was a mistake. It sounded like (from the God of War bts) he was tough on games when he needed to be. Something tells me spending millions on a once off deaf side character wouldn't of happened under his watch
I think people need to download and archive all these things because I really don't want to click on anything this grifter or her grifter friends do to give them any sort of support.

I wish people would do the same with kotaku articles on here too.

These things are all parts of the grift and "reactions" is what these people want and live off

It's two hours of so-called marginalised people trying to marginalise anyone who does not agree with them by calling them chuds and questioning their intellect. No doubt there are some swivel-eyed nutjobs criticising Sweet Baby - but there are a hell of a lot of rational intelligent people doing so also.

I have no issue with Kahlief Adams doing this - I like him on DLC and his podcast is obviously aimed at a certain audience and works as a business- gaming politics, if you will. I would prefer to hear him talk about video games, but there you go. Where it is tiresome is where you have games companies (and video games journalists) pandering to this above all else and distorting the product. Hopefully the video games companies are waking up to this - it cannot be good business - and the games journalists follow.


Gold Member
Black Girl Gamers sent a cease and desist to thatparkplace.com for covering BGG part of this story, like you know discriminatory/racist hiring practices. That was last weeks news.

TPP's lawyer posted this video (long) just destroying their claims.

Holy shit, this guy does not hold my attention.


advanced basic bitch
Oh, it’s real. Within deaf subculture there’s a derogatory term for people with normal hearing: “hearies”
There's been this weird thing in recent years where some people don't want to view people as "disabled" even if they are blind, deaf, dumb etc. And fixing them is somehow bad. Bill Maher did a whole thing on this recently when Mr. Beast got slagged for curing people's blindness. I don't understand it.


You laugh, but a friend of mine has deaf parents and apparently there's this hate towards people who get the implants to be able to hear because it's erasing "deaf culture" and "says that being deaf is a disability"

Like wtf
Can't wait for Neuralink and future tech that helps with disabilities get blasted for destroying X culture.
I don't know any person with disabilities (deaf, blind or paralyzed) who ever said "gee, i'd never want to be healed, that wpuld destroy my culture!"


World’s Biggest Weeb
Oh, it’s real. Within deaf subculture there’s a derogatory term for people with normal hearing: “hearies”
I’ve been around some of the fitness/weight loss subreddits and there’s this same type of attitude in the “body positivity” community toward women who want to lose weight. So often you’ll see women who feel guilty and feel like they need to rationalize and make excuses for why they want to lose weight. Or women asking for support because their “friends” started guilt tripping them and shaming them when they started their fitness routine.

Fucking gross. So many of these people pretend like they’re driven by compassion, but you don’t have to look very hard to see that they’re really driven by resentment, bitterness, and jealousy.

John Bilbo

There's been this weird thing in recent years where some people don't want to view people as "disabled" even if they are blind, deaf, dumb etc. And fixing them is somehow bad. Bill Maher did a whole thing on this recently when Mr. Beast got slagged for curing people's blindness. I don't understand it.
I think it is about disability as a base of one's identity.

Also it ties into equality in a twisted way: all people are equal, all identities are as valued. If you treat the basis of one's identity as something fixable that makes it a flaw.

Also if you cure the flaw the identity dies with it. That can be a frightening prospect.

John Bilbo

I’ve been around some of the fitness/weight loss subreddits and there’s this same type of attitude in the “body positivity” community toward women who want to lose weight. So often you’ll see women who feel guilty and feel like they need to rationalize and make excuses for why they want to lose weight. Or women asking for support because their “friends” started guilt tripping them and shaming them when they started their fitness routine.

Fucking gross. So many of these people pretend like they’re driven by compassion, but you don’t have to look very hard to see that they’re really driven by resentment, bitterness, and jealousy.
Like crabs pulling each other back into the boiling water


I think it is about disability as a base of one's identity.

Also it ties into equality in a twisted way: all people are equal, all identities are as valued. If you treat the basis of one's identity as something fixable that makes it a flaw.

Also if you cure the flaw the identity dies with it. That can be a frightening prospect.
It's the the "There is No Objective Reality Everything is Relative Cult".


World’s Biggest Weeb
Like crabs pulling each other back into the boiling water
It’s so gross. My friend’s wife has a few morbidly obese friends, and every time they get together they’re constantly complimenting each other like “girl you look so hot, that dress looks amazing on you” etc etc.

Like they don’t actually mean “you look attractive”, more like they’re trying to convince themselves and signal that they reject society’s beauty standards.


Oh, it’s real. Within deaf subculture there’s a derogatory term for people with normal hearing: “hearies”
Someone needs to show me how to furiously sign hearies.

Like I'm still not entirely sure if it's parody, because that's exactly what I would jokingly say, like when I say normies 🤣
Which outlet....expose them?
I think they`ve already been mentioned in this thread due to their one sided "hate campaign vs sweet baby inc" article.
It´s a pity. They`ve been around since I was a teen and to see what they`ve become is just sad.. At least I understand now why all the original writers have left, those who`ve actually studied journalism especially.


There's been this weird thing in recent years where some people don't want to view people as "disabled" even if they are blind, deaf, dumb etc. And fixing them is somehow bad. Bill Maher did a whole thing on this recently when Mr. Beast got slagged for curing people's blindness. I don't understand it.
Imagine curing fucking BLINDNESS and people are hating on you for helping humanity. It's like....people out in the world refused to get a permanent buff and instead, would rather stay nerfed. I don't really watch Mr. Beast myself. But I will say, with all the money he makes from YouTube he uses it to legitimately help others.
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Alyssa "crazy eyes" Mercante from Kotaku just went on a safe-space podcast to blow smoke up everyone's ass about everything that's been going the past few weeks. If you like getting gaslit this is the podcast for you.

Beware of fake laughter, irrational thoughts of a women off her meds, gay frogs, sucking dick(s), daddy issues, victim mindset, its all here folks. Enjoy the cringe.

I got about 90 seconds in on this before I had to click away. The new definition of harassment is having a different opinion or questioning their opinion.
There is no room for discourse. She just openly mocks, makes fun of, or generalizes on anyone opposed to her views.
I feel sorry for anyone who looks to people like this to promote or defend their cause(s), because they only care about themselves and maintaining their victimhood.


Who knows, maybe Starfield was actuallly good before MS forced an extra year of development?

It seems to me that Starfield had inherent design flaws from the beginning, so I don't know if it was "good" in the quality sense.

But I do think that the "woke" elements people identified in the game (e.g., the NPCs being all weird racial mixes, few whiteys, uglification, etc.) were the result of joining MS. The timeline works. The woke agenda became MS games division policy in 2019. MS finalized acquisition of Bethesda in 2021, and Bethesda would have been preparing to join them since 2020. So, there were at least 2 or 3 years in which woke MS policies could/would have influenced the development of Starfield. (Unless those woke policies existed at Bethesda before the acquisition, I don't know.)


Legal stuff is pretty dry.

Yeah. I haven't watched the video, but my understanding from watching another is that 1) BGG have no real case, and 2) they are just filing a lawsuit in order to cause fear among others who might speak out, and to shut down further discourse before it causes them more damage.
i always wonder were are the content creators "pro woke"?, 🤷🏻‍♂️

Edit: Not as crazy as I would've tough. some good general observations. but everything falls apart because they are obsessed with the the other side. is not about the "positive impacts of their message" it's about how the "others" are wrong and delusional. this why they get so much shit.

I made it to the end of the podcast mainly to hear if they had a solution or compromise to the blowback. Here is the best I could surmise:

Alyssa said she is ok with women being hot in video games but also wants mid and ugly girls like the girl who makes her "ham & cheese" at the local bottega. Earlier in the discussion they showed a twitter post that had a collage of recent ugly women in video games. Some of the women shown were POC so calling them ugly was clearly "racist". What?

The Black Host (forgot his name) said he is ok with the current boycott of SBI & DEI games. He says "That's Great" and "Please Go Away" as if sales don't matter in keeping a company afloat. Clearly this guy hasn't followed the recent trend of games that have bombed or underperformed. Has a DEI game been released yet since this story has blown up and the steam group was created? I mean the 'real boycott' hasn't even begun yet.


They will say they want this or that, then all of a sudden they’re mandating no curvy women. Which doesn’t seem inclusive at all shockingly.


Gold Member
I made it to the end of the podcast mainly to hear if they had a solution or compromise to the blowback. Here is the best I could surmise:

Alyssa said she is ok with women being hot in video games but also wants mid and ugly girls like the girl who makes her "ham & cheese" at the local bottega. Earlier in the discussion they showed a twitter post that had a collage of recent ugly women in video games. Some of the women shown were POC so calling them ugly was clearly "racist". What?

The Black Host (forgot his name) said he is ok with the current boycott of SBI & DEI games. He says "That's Great" and "Please Go Away" as if sales don't matter in keeping a company afloat. Clearly this guy hasn't followed the recent trend of games that have bombed or underperformed. Has a DEI game been released yet since this story has blown up and the steam group was created? I mean the 'real boycott' hasn't even begun yet.
yeah. I found the dude more annoying that the...woman?.

he was all 'I make my research' he talks about the maket and yet he ignores all the recent flops and how ESG/DEI works.
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