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Drama: Sweet Baby employees start fighting back against Steam curator

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This thread really changed to attacking each other pretty quickly

seth meyers GIF
I'm speaking in reference to the US. If it sounds otherwise, that's not the case. With that in mind, America is multi-ethnic nation. So, at least for US media, your argument is moot. I'm not arguing for representation in French cinema or Japanese anime here. The US is a nation that is ethnically heterogenous. As such, that multi-ethnic make-up should be reflected in our media and often times it is not.
I still don't get it, I've never needed a character to be of the same race or nationality as me to see myself represented in them. Plus there are plenty of characters of all kinds of backgrounds in media, is that really what makes you feel empathy with them? Can't you put yourself on their shoes as easily if they aren't looking like you or from the same background as you in their portrayal?

I remember as a kid (late 80's, early 90's) it was really popular to dress up as Zorro, with the sword, cape and cool mask. Wasn't that guy Mexican? He was cool as fuck in the movies, series and cartoons and most kids wanted to be like him. I grew up in Europe btw, so quite far from Mexico. His country or race were a non-factor.
It's an anecdotal example, but felt kind of appropriate since you mentioned being Mexican.
You are making arguments based on assumptions.
I still don't get it, I've never needed a character to be of the same race or nationality as me to see myself represented in them.
Neither have I.

Plus there are plenty of characters of all kinds of backgrounds in media, is that really what makes you feel empathy with them?
Not at all. It's a type of character I would like to see more of. That sentiment hardly expresses that other characters are beyond my scope of understanding. I feel empathy for a ton of characters regardless of whether or not they match my ethnicity. I never stated nor implied otherwise.

Can't you put yourself on their shoes as easily if they aren't looking like you or from the same background as you in their portrayal?
Of course I can. Again. Never stated or implied I couldn't.

Wasn't that guy Mexican? He was cool as fuck in the movies, series and cartoons and most kids wanted to be like him. I grew up in Europe btw, so quite far from Mexico. His country or race were a non-factor.
It's an anecdotal example, but felt kind of appropriate since you mentioned being Mexican.
Zorro is part of the Spanish aristocracy. So, more European than Mexican. Regardless, yes, he's very cool.

I guess my point here is that it's not some ridiculous zero sum game for me. Wanting representation doesn't mean I can't empathize with other races. It doesn't mean that I don't enjoy stories about other races. It doesn't mean that I can't identify with people that are different than me. That's a real strange extreme position to assume I have coming only from what I have stated. One can want more stories that reflect one's culture while ALSO still loving stories and characters that don't.

As a kid, I wanted to be Luke fricken' Skywalker. Blonde-haired, blue-eyed space farmboy. I didn't look at him and think, oh I can't be him. And I didn't think, man, I wish he was brown. I accepted Luke for what he was and, yeah, empathized with him and his desire to fight against a cruel empire and save the people he loved. I'm also aware, though, that I wanted more characters that looked like me and had families like mine. These are not mutually exclusive beliefs. One can love characters from a variety of cultures while also wanting to see characters that mirror their own.

It's weird how many posters want to put my ideas in a box. Like, here's this guy who wants inclusion. We need him to fit the mold, built by our misconceptions, about what a fan of inclusion must be like. The generalizations, quite frankly, are way off base. I'm just a regular guy who loves a ton of pop culture regardless of where that media comes from or what race/culture is being most represented AND, at the same time, wouldn't mind some more brown people cause I happen to be brown. Sure, you can try and read more into that, but it's not going to go anywhere realistic. The more you want to stretch that and extrapolate new arguments from that, the more you veer off course and describe a version of a person that, whether or not they exist, certainly isn't me.


Dude, it’s a popular meme template that I smacked a company logo onto.. The only point is that they’re shaking in their boots. There’s no “deeper meaning”, it’s all just jokes.

Just got a warning about not knowing what fascism is, so I'm out of this thread cause I'm not in the mood to bicker over that.

Politics and videogames do not mix.


Gold Member
I'm not in the mood to bicker over that.

Politics and videogames do not mix.
That’s a good attitude imo, I avoid those types of discussions as well (or most topics that tend to get too heated/opinionated). We’re all just here to have fun and enjoy games anyway, no point getting into arguments over politics.
new girl fist bump GIF


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Wouldn't you expect to see that specific "Mexican" representation done in... I don't know... Mexican media? I'm sure it exists, right?

Not trying to be a dick here, but expecting a lot of representation of your particular nationality in the media of other countries is a bit weird. No one is expecting a lot of African representation in Japanese anime or Korean dramas.

I agree with the other poster, we need to look outside those small things and find a role model on the person, regardless of skin color or nationality.

The "diversity and equity" logic only ever flows in one direction. Do you see any Irish nationals holding position as Mayor in a major city in India? Or as Prime Minister? How about positions in the Congolese government? Nope. I just save my keystrokes on these topics because there's no point arguing with a brick wall.

Good on this curator, and good on everyone getting a laugh out of the meltdowns. These people are insane. I will not be purchasing anything outside of the bargain bin that these clowns are associated with.


How's the purple place handling this?
Knowing that place, they won't open a thread about it until valve ban it because otherwise it will plataform and signal boost the curator. The silent majority in resetera just want to play good games and stay at |OT|s to avoid banhammer. Opening a thread now will increase the following of the curator. In fact,if somebody here has an account there it wouldn't be a bad idea to make a thread.


I still don't get it, I've never needed a character to be of the same race or nationality as me to see myself represented in them.
That's the reason why these quotas and forced diversity is stupid. Imagine the people at Sweet Baby thinking that just because there are any white people in a game and BAM we are represented. I never felt any connection with these bald american space marines but I don't care. Heck, I feel closer to a japanese persona's protagonist because they're living a school life, something I did too, even if it's not really close. If I may add, that's even racist toward black people: "Look we have a black spiderman and we have people of color all around the city!" Do they really think that a black person outside of america living in a totally different culture really feel represented just because he's black? And I'm not saying that Spiderman, which happens to take place in New York suddently needs to have people from all the countries around the world, but simply that skin color is absolutely nothing in a person identity.

Let's do have diversity, yes, but let's do it smartly: Give these characters some qualities, some flaws, a background, some motivations and maybe everyone will be able to identify to something in these persons whatever their skin color is.
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I think some people are confused. The diversity that SBI is going for isn’t just other races in video games, they’re striving for LGBTQ+ characters in video games. Which honestly is ok with me if it’s not forced. But the problem I see is that when you have a minority of people being forcefully represented, the majority will stop buying because not only do they not relate, but they’re annoyed at how extreme the representation can be.

For instance, my male character in Bulder’s Gate 3 was propositioned by all the guys in my camp and only one woman and she was the green goblin of characters. If the game wasn’t amazing I would have stopped right there.
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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
No wonder this "woman" looks like a troglodyte. The retards at Sweet Baby Inc. are so fucked in the head that they have become actual misogynists. For them the perfect woman is a man with tits, and every woman who looks like a beautiful woman is the enemy.

Legobutts, one of the known Sweet Baby Inc. employees active on Twitter, is a female to male transgender individual. I wouldn't be surprised if this person actually thinks like that.

Power Pro

What is going on with the list of games in this group? It's not going to be actually useful if it's not accurate. When I looked at it yesterday, there were 25 games in their list, now there's only 15.


Gold Member
if it’s not forced
If the game wasn’t amazing I would have stopped right there.

we have media specifically made for those people. Not only that. every "pride month" you have a curated selection of media promoted everywhere.

when then you have "4 quadrants, general consumer" media that has elements of this "agenda", it could rub some people the wrong way.

the issue is that, at the end of day quality matters.

if you have this "agenda" in shitty movies, tv and games people could make a correlation of woke = shit.

the reality of the situation is that 9 of 10 times is that people involved just dont have enough talent to make something great. regardless of their "politics".


Remember when Arrow on the CW, season 1 and 2 were really good, well as good as CW show could be at the time. Then this crap happened and the entire CW fell to pieces. Stop forcing shit on people or crying when your called out for going out of your way to include, which then excludes.


Again, this goes back to my point in the other thread. Everyone is treating this company like some larger than life boogeyman in the same vein as Blackrock Vanguard and Tencent. None of those other companies would go and cry on twitter. It's an ocean of difference.

He's making things worse, but he does have a point about the word woke. The definition of it needs to be more solid than it is because it continues to change depending upon who uses it.
While we're on that so should the term racist because it now doesn't even mean discrimination against a race, it could be for anything. LA Times says camping is racist.
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