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Drama: Sweet Baby employees start fighting back against Steam curator

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Oh shut up, you people are fucking insufferable.

Lol I see you edited your post to say “fascist” instead of “racist”, maybe you’re just so used to reflexively hurling accusations of racism/fascism at everyone that you mix them up from time to time.

No idea what you're on but I edited in the lmfao part so just chill, daddy.

Edit (for clarity): By all means, make fun of woke and SJWs, I won't stop you. Just do it right or you'll undercut your own message.
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Gold Member
This drama has really done a number on some folks lol

You love to see it
Being contemporary to the changes is always an issue as you have people who want the change and people who don't and each believe the other is wrong. That's why Animal Farm and 1984 are such brilliant books, because they were written by someone who saw the whole picture and not just one side. Knowing that "change" usually wins through history (unless you add repression and religion to your side) is like watching the Spartans defend what they hold sacred for as long as they can. For someone who doesn't care about all this it's entertaining.
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Yup, there you go. You people are incapable of having an honest conversation about this.

If you want to make a game with a female/minority main character, go for it.

If you make it your goal to fill your game with bland, boring, stereotype-defying Mary Sue minorities, while making all the white dudes either assholes or soy beta dorks, then you’re getting propagandistic.

If you hire a company to inject this shit into your game and help you meet your DEI quotas, then you can just get fucked.

And when someone objects to this stuff and calls them out on it, you don’t get to casually throw around accusations of racism. Who the hell do you think you are?

The thing these retard nuggets refuse to accept is that there were plenty of games with the characters they’re trying to insert before the cancerous arrival of Sweet Baby, but the difference was they were written better and being a woman or a minority wasn’t their defining characteristic.

Shit like Sweet Baby are setting representations of characters back so much because they want only the color or gender or sexuality to be the defining characteristic instead of just making a great character who happens to be black, or a woman, or anything.
Save The Drama For Your Mama GIF by Ice Cube


World’s Biggest Weeb
The irony of a south american mixed race country going after them.
Their heads are going to explode when they realize that most of the “marginalized” people they claim to champion actually hate this shit.

“B-b-but we tried so hard to be sensitive and inclusive of Latin/e/i/o/x cultures and peoples, they should be thanking us as their saviors!!!”


Gold Member
As much as I detest what they did to Peter and MJ in Spider-Man 2, selling 10 million copies is NOT a flop.

Spider-Man 2 would sell high no matter what, first because is Spider-Man IP and second the game have a good popularity with their previous game from PS4 Spider-Man.

Again, is like saying 'people embrace Sweet Baby because Spider-Man 2 sell a lot'.

Look at Pokemon Scarlet/Violet. I have tons of hours into that game, is easily the worst Pokemon game of history, but sold like no other. This is not indicative of game being bad or not, its just the IP that is juggernaut. If Sweet Baby started to help Game Freak writing the next Pokemon game wouldn't make difference.

Same with God of War. Forget for a second what every fanboy want us to believe about sales, Ragnarok was mix bag in comparison with God of War 2018, but Kratos is one if not the most popular character in the Playstation brand history.

Ragnarok was suppouse to kill Kratos (if you played to the end GoW 2018) but even Sony know that the ideia of killing a popular character is beyond stupid, thats why the ending of GoW 2018 stopped to making sense since Ragnarok.
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Why is Sweet Baby Inc’s writer Chris Kindred’s Twitter set to private??
Because they are a coward and a cuck who is ducking any criticism for their deluded sense of reality. They like to run their big mouth like these other woketards but can’t take any criticism themselves. So they rather hide like the little bitch they are and it shows with their private setting.
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This curator group is genius! It represents a "power level" - the number of people staunchly opposed to woke and DEI initiatives. The gaming press would have you believe they are a minority, so the larger this group grows, the less possible it is to dismiss and handwave them away.

Yesterday, at 5k I feared the group would be banned. Today, that's not possible - at least not without significant backlash.

Be wary since Sweet Baby and their acolytes will act more stealthfully now that they've been exposed. We're seeing it now with Hyper Light Breaker
Now people will buy it..
Oh it gets ignored like it was a week ago.


Have you seen Starship Troopers and actually understood it? It's a satire of fascism and authoritarian governance.

Yes, my point was that using this satirical version of fascism undercuts the humiliation.

It would be like having a meme of a Helldivers 2 grunt mocking them.

Edit: Unless the point is not to take the satirical version seriously, but I don't think people are going that deep.
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EDIT: I had a different reply and changed it to the following. I dunno. Just felt it was a better point to make.

I see this argument a lot. That if the shoe were on the other foot and a character that was traditionally portrayed by a minority were race-swapped, that there would be a strong reaction and that somehow this reaction shows a hypocritical double-standard.

I mean, yeah, there would be a huge backlash. And yeah, there IS a double-standard. Of course there is. When there are so few minority heroes and main characters out there in the first place, losing one of them is a gut punch. This argument conveniently overlooks that all things are not equal and that the playing field is still grossly uneven.

Look man, I WISH there was enough Mexican representation in media for me to be able to shrug off a race-swap. I WISH that was the case. Some of you out there are acting like it's a war against your identity even though the dominant races/genders/sexualities, are hands-down STILL grossly over-represented.

"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."
Sorry mate you think you are entitled to somethings just because of your race.. this is called racism...not two ways about it ... dosent matter what sells or not sells, dosenr matter focus groups.. you want to see colors and races.. thats racism ... but you do you .. keep the good fight I guess


Yes, my point was that using this satirical version of fascism undercuts the humiliation.

It would be like having a meme of a Helldivers 2 grunt mocking them.

Edit: Unless the point is not to take the satirical version seriously, but I don't think people are going that deep.
Our opinions differ on it, then. All good. I thought it was funnier because it was mocking it through the lens of fake alt-right.

edit: changed a word

edit 2: there ARE a ton of people who don't realize that the movie is a satire, and think it's just macho gun-loving bug-killing machismo goodness.
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Perpetually Tired
As much as I detest what they did to Peter and MJ in Spider-Man 2, selling 10 million copies is NOT a flop.

However, we ARE going to witness those games selling less and less, if they keep this route. The M-She-U didn't crash and burn with just one movie; it took 3-4 movies and 5-6 TV Shows to end up in the dumpster fire it currently is.

I think it is safe to assume that many bought the game based on the previous major title and the brand name. I think the best thing to do is wait and see how well the *next* major entry will do. Similar with TLOU2, GoW Rag, Rift Apart, and others. People buy the game from a respected company and think “this will be just like their other/previous games!” Only to end up being bait and switched with heavy handed writing, insulting characterization, and awful YA level jokes.

It doesn’t help that many game reviewers/“journalists” refuse to make note of these elements as they support that ideological view, so consumers are not properly informed.


Gold Member
Yes, my point was that using this satirical version of fascism undercuts the humiliation.

It would be like having a meme of a Helldivers 2 grunt mocking them.

Edit: Unless the point is not to take the satirical version seriously, but I don't think people are going that deep.

Woke is fascism so that's the perfect meme from an ironic standpoint, but either way, I think you are overthinking its use.
Man, that's a great comment that overlooks a very important part of what I said. Here, I'll quote it for you. In my post, I very clearly stated:

Now, it's possible that reading the first sentence there, you could assume that all those heroes I mentioned having no problem identifying with were Mexican (LOL cause, there was a huge problem finding Mexican heroes in media.... it's still crazy difficult). That said, the second part of that quote expresses that having a Mexican "too" would have been nice. That "too" implies that the heroes alluded to in the first sentence were not Mexicans. To be honest, I'm not sure why I'm breaking down the language. I felt it was pretty darned self-evident, but here we are.

So, yeah, there it is. I stated quite clearly that I had no problem identifying with... umm... humans (LOL). I then mentioned a preference to see representation of my race IN ADDITION to other races (which, again, I had no problem doing).

Like, I don't get it. Did you just want to pretend I was the thing you wanted to argue against? So you twisted what I said so that it would fit your attack? Completely ignoring that I am not that thing you are trying to tear down. Completely ignoring that you seem to want me to be some sort of archetype of a hyper-reverse-racist. You're fighting phantoms.

Maybe.... I dunno, you need to look at yourself in the mirror and think about the sort of person you want to be, because I don't think it's quite what you imagined when you wrote your post.
Wouldn't you expect to see that specific "Mexican" representation done in... I don't know... Mexican media? I'm sure it exists, right?

Not trying to be a dick here, but expecting a lot of representation of your particular nationality in the media of other countries is a bit weird. No one is expecting a lot of African representation in Japanese anime or Korean dramas.

I agree with the other poster, we need to look outside those small things and find a role model on the person, regardless of skin color or nationality.


Sure, she was definitely made black for DEI BS, but she's in like 3% of the game. I wouldn't categorize the whole game as woke just because of her.

Santa Monica has a long way to go until they reach Insomniac levels of wokeness.
You dont wait for the cancer to fully spread before you take action, it must be cut out the second it’s detected

Neon Xenon

As soon as I saw that Steam Group, I had a feeling this was going to escalate.

It's very easy to see this situation as "angry gamers are making Sweet Baby Inc. to be a bogeyman because they hate diversity". That is a simple and reductive way to look at it, which is how I also know it's going to be the main stupid take most people are going to make with this, especially if the mainstream gaming press starts running articles. What I want to see is exactly how much influence Sweet Baby Inc. had over the games they were involved with, especially the stories and writing. If there's one criticism that I want to see more with media in general is how writing can (and has) undercut other parts of things that could otherwise be enjoyable.

Just to think, if they ignored the Steam curator, it would barely get any subs. 🤡🤡🤡
This might be the single biggest mistake that I've seen anyone on that crew make. Pure Streisand Effect demonstrated. No doubt that the Steam Curator Sweet Baby Inc detected is only going to grow in followers from this point (65,040 followers as of making this post).

That one reaction tweet (now deleted, but thankfully archived) of the one SBI employee of essentially telling people to report the group and its creator, which could be seen as harassment, says a lot. It does make me wonder, was that because they legitimately believe that the group existing is some kind of an attack on diversity in games, or because they see the curator as being bad for their business?
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World’s Biggest Weeb
Wouldn't you expect to see that specific "Mexican" representation done in... I don't know... Mexican media? I'm sure it exists, right?

Not trying to be a dick here, but expecting a lot of representation of your particular nationality in the media of other countries is a bit weird. No one is expecting a lot of African representation in Japanese anime or Korean dramas.

I agree with the other poster, we need to look outside those small things and find a role model on the person, regardless of skin color or nationality.
I don’t even have a problem if someone has the explicit goal of putting more women/minority characters in their games. But make them actual characters instead of bland stereotype-defying Mary Sues who are obviously just there to meet some quota and portray some marginalized identity in the most positive possible way. When you do that, it’s propaganda, and propaganda is boring.

And cut it out with the race swapping. Have the balls to make something new and original. When you race swap, a) it’s probably going to suck and b) you immediately get into a situation where dipshits feel like they need to defend it and hurl accusations of racism at anybody who dislikes it for any reason.


Snake Oil Salesman
Ragnarok was suppouse to kill Kratos (if you played to the end GoW 2018) but even Sony know that the ideia of killing a popular character is beyond stupid, thats why the ending of GoW 2018 stopped to making sense since Ragnarok.
They should have killed him. You can bring him back for the sequel with some mystical mumbo jumbo.

Wouldn't you expect to see that specific "Mexican" representation done in... I don't know... Mexican media? I'm sure it exists, right?

Not trying to be a dick here, but expecting a lot of representation of your particular nationality in the media of other countries is a bit weird. No one is expecting a lot of African representation in Japanese anime or Korean dramas.

I agree with the other poster, we need to look outside those small things and find a role model on the person, regardless of skin color or nationality.
I'm speaking in reference to the US. If it sounds otherwise, that's not the case. With that in mind, America is multi-ethnic nation. So, at least for US media, your argument is moot. I'm not arguing for representation in French cinema or Japanese anime here. The US is a nation that is ethnically heterogenous. As such, that multi-ethnic make-up should be reflected in our media and often times it is not.

Sorry mate you think you are entitled to somethings just because of your race.. this is called racism...not two ways about it ... dosent matter what sells or not sells, dosenr matter focus groups.. you want to see colors and races.. thats racism ... but you do you .. keep the good fight I guess

I don't think I'm entitled to anything. I'd like more representation, but you're reaching if you think I'm coming off as entitled. It's also rather convenient for you to simply point fingers and say, oh, this guy sees race and wants his race represented, he must be a racist. LOL, man. That's wildly disingenuous and an easy shield for people wanting to defend a situation where the various cultures that make up society are mysteriously often times omitted. Look, I went to a high school with a tiny white population and often times, my white friends would lament feeling left out or not seen. When they did that, I didn't throw it back at them and call them racists for wanting to be seen, heard, and understood. Their feelings of exclusion were valid and I was sympathetic. We all deserve to see ourselves in the broader culture since we are all part of that broader culture. It's not a huge ask. And it's certainly not racist.


Perpetually Tired
So you want trigger warnings for "woke" stuff?

Ignoring your gaslighting attempts and strawman arguments, no. I want to see reviewers properly explain the qualities of the narrative and side quests within their reviews. Are the characters written as tokens? Does it ignore large swaths of the population of new york and the unique cultures that are cultivated there? Does the narrative take random twists and turns into Young Adult level drivel, etc.

I want actual reviews, not what we have been getting for years.

I don’t even have a problem if someone has the explicit goal of putting more women/minority characters in their games. But make them actual characters instead of bland stereotype-defying Mary Sues who are obviously just there to meet some quota and portray some marginalized identity in the most positive possible way. When you do that, it’s propaganda, and propaganda is boring.

And cut it out with the race swapping. Have the balls to make something new and original. When you race swap, a) it’s probably going to suck and b) you immediately get into a situation where dipshits feel like they need to defend it and hurl accusations of racism at anybody who dislikes it for any reason.

There is a reason most people love character’s like Dragon Quest XI’s Sylvando, NieR’s Emil and Kaine, TLOU’s Bill and Ellie and plenty more besides in other titles. They are actual characters, not tokens. Their immutable characteristics are not their defining/only personality trait.
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