SMT IV was my GOTY last year because it was the game I enjoyed the most that came out last year
Obligatory soundtrack mention here.
Fire Emblem: Awakening was up there, too. It's a great system if you like RPGs, but if someone doesn't like them and is indifferent to the rest of Nintendo's franchises then I can see how the 3DS wouldn't be that appealing.
Yeah, just wait until you finish the chapter.
Bravely Default was pretty good. I still think that chapter six shouldn't have been in the game. It's easily my least favorite chapter because unlike chapter five, which establishes the main point of the game, and the later chapters, it doesn't really add that much variety to the side-quest boss encounters. Later chapters mix it up and start including different boss combinations, but chapter six is just there, wasting space.
It's still probably going to end up somewhere on my list though. I just haven't played a whole lot of games released this year.
Only PC related things were the announcements of Banner Saga 2 and the new King's Quest game. Bloodborne looked kinda cool, there was stuff for Zelda Wii U, and Dragon Age won the game of the year award.
Bloodborne looked more than cool to me. It looked good enough that I'm starting to regret my decision to come to SteamGAF last November and I'm starting to think I should've just gotten a PS4 instead. Now I'm going to have to buy a fucking console for it and meanwhile I'm irritated at my 2gb 770 and want to upgrade it to a 970 or 980... which if I go for the former is almost the cost of a PS4 and the latter is definitely more than a PS4 + Bloodborne + Guilty Gear Xrd and maybe even a fight stick if I need a new one.
As far as TEW, I'll get back to you later on that...
And I agree with the "game you enjoyed the most". I just have a really really hard time enjoying anything on 3DS -- between the stunningly bad hardware (from the iffy dpad to the flimsy buttons to the screen permanently smeared with Vaseline plus all my other problems with Nintendo (account system, lack of acheivements/trophies, lack of games that actually interest), it's really hard for me to find anything redeeming about what is currently a waste of money collecting dust somewhere in my house. It was kind of a gift though, so I can't even really sell it. At least I can remind myself that Majora's Mask is being remastered for it and maybe that will make it a little more worth owning.
MGR:R was last year, at least the PC version of it made it to my 2013 GOTY list.
Have you played games like Fire Emblem Awakening, Bravely Default, Kid Icarus Uprising(!), Animal Crossing, Ace Attorney 5, and Shin Megami Tensei IV? All games that would easily make it to my goty list if they came out this year (the last one actually did though

) Smash too of course, if not for the Wii U version which is soooo goooood
You need to open your heart and accept Jesus in your life breh
Let's see:
(1) Fire Emblem is pretty much an SRPG with permadeath, no? Definitely not my jam.
(2) Bravely Default is kind of Final Fantasy Next? Yeah, it might be of interest, but I've not had much of strong interest in JRPGs lately and I've already got a huge backlog... adding another to the pile with no interest currently? I'll pick it up used for sub $15 someday maybe.
(3) Kid Icarus -- most people complain about this game due to the controls and gameplay design, from what I've seen. I've seen nothing that makes me want to run out and buy it, despite really liking Pit and being glad he's made a resurgence.
(4) Animal Crossing -- cutesy "life" simulator? DEFINITELY not my jam.
(5) Ace Attorney -- I played the first Phoenix Wright game on DS and I ended up loathing it. I didn't like anything about it, really, except maybe Miles Edgeworth. And I definitely am not a Phoenix fan, I hated him being added as a joke character to UMvC3 when there were much better fan requests out there, and I just plain do not like the series. [I'm sure this will earn me a ton of boothisman.gifs and the like, since popular opinion is that these games are some sort of gift from God...]
(6) I looked into SMT IV after trying Persona 4 Golden because it had gone on sale for Vita and I was thinking "oh shit, is there more things of this quality that I've been missing out on?" But then I looked into the gameplay and stuff and it wasn't anything I was interested in, as it seemed to be more of a Dungeon Crawler RPG with a lot of first-person movement/viewpoints, which I dislike. So it was quickly dropped from the list.
(7) Smash is up there as another one of the popular Nintendo franchises I absolutely loathe. I remember *THINKING* I had fun with SSBM, but when it came down to it, the game was only really fun against other people in a social setting for me (much like the only time I ever had fun with Uncharted multiplayer was on some random match where it was a free-for-all and all guns had suddenly been replaced by RPGs). So playing a version of this game that is scaled down to fit 3DS combined with the abysmal 3DS hardware itself... yeah, no thanks.
Jesus is all well and good, but unless Reggie Fils-Amie is actually the second coming of Christ, Nintendo is about 2 generations removed from my good graces and I'm thinking back on my N64 and Gamecube experiences noting that they fell far short of the glory days of the NES and SNES. WiiU has a bit of promise at times and I want to like Nintendo again, but they're just not doing it for me. After Bayonetta 2, the most compelling reason I've found to own a WiiU is... well, I'm actually still waiting [Wonderful 101 and Zombi U aside]. I thought maybe the Zelda footage would wow me after I'd been told it was one thing I missed from the presentation and I went and looked up the video... and was left sorely disappointed. Honestly, the best "world premiere" I saw tonight was that first video for Mario Maker... but it wasn't enough to sell me a WiiU yet.