The Witcher 3 delay is great for me -- it will give me more time to get to The Wittcher 2. And since I'm not in a rush to play it now, I can play something else that was released in 2014 to get more entries for my GOTY voting...
That said, I'm looking for what I should start when I finally finish TEW. Here's some of the "major" 2014 releases in my library:
Anybody have suggestions for what I should play next...
If you need a list of what I finished this year cause you're going to do your homework before replying, you can find one here:
If you're wondering whether or not I own something, well, odds are the answer is yes... but if you want to double check, you can look at my library via my Steam profile.
Thanks, guys.
Counter point: I can't see anything.
You say that, but sometimes it works more than well enough. The trick is always consistency... no drops and you can make it work. WipEout 2048 was amazing.