Wat, when did they piss off people on CSGO and Doto?
Every time?
Mission cooldown timers in Vanguard for which you can pay and Nemesis Assassin in Dota. And now the duck stat in TF2. Pay to play mini events.
Wat, when did they piss off people on CSGO and Doto?
Is SHIELD any different? If so I might just have to give it a shot, but after Arrow, The Flash and Gotham I'm... Wary of superhero shows
Quick question: if a game is blocked in my country thus I cannot buy it, can someone else gift it to me?
I don't particularly like anything Marvel with exception of SHIELD and The Avengers (the movie), so I would say, ya, different.
Quick question: if a game is blocked in my country thus I cannot buy it, can someone else gift it to me?
Have you seen Guardians of the Galaxy? It's great, much better than Avengers in my opinion.
In most cases, yes. There are some multi and MMOs that aren't available for reasons of unavailability of local servers and GFWL games are unavailable in countries that are GFWL free for reasons they are unplayable without some titanic efforts.
Now, if you are from Germany there might be other complications too.
Yes, generally.
I just had my little Christmas miracle for the year: my parents have been bugging me about what I want for Christmas and I settled on getting a new case since my Eleven Hundred has seen much better days. I ended up snagging the lucky last ex-demo NZXT H630 a semi-local store was selling for $105, which represents a saving of roughly $65 (38%). The only thing "wrong" with it is that it's missing two PCI-E covers on the count of being briefly used for testing purposes, which doesn't matter to me since I have two GPUs. And it's black! For once, my luck didn't turn around and laugh at my face.
Congratulations on the good fortune. I bought my FT02 in a similar fashion.
Insurgency, like expected: to an anonymous benefactor, I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
ModBot Basics:
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.
Mystery Gift --MB-B3607D96B518DD1D- Taken by PetriP-TNT
Insurgency, like expected:
You might have to add your Steam install folder to your GeForce Experience "Games" list (under preferences), but once it's an option you can just select it like any other game.
You might have to add your Steam install folder to your GeForce Experience "Games" list (under preferences), but once it's an option you can just select it like any other game.
Alone in the Dark has Securom :l
But, but why did you enter it?
I sacrificed myself so you could learn an important lesson.
Game is gonna be garbage anyway, so you should be thankful
He's talking about the 2008 reboot that's currently in a Bundle Stars bundle.
Oh...well that game is also garbage![]()
Garbage or not there's no defending not being able to play a game you bought. Securom is the devil.
Game is gonna be garbage anyway, so you should be thankful
AMD's Catalyst Omega Special Edition is out. Yes, it's called that, they even have some dude talk about how awesome it is. Brings for example downsampling (like GeDoSaTo or Nv's DSR).
Garbage or not there's no defending not being able to play a game you bought. Securom is the devil.
As a 7850 owner, I have no idea how to tell if this is something I want.
ModBot said:I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
ModBot Basics:
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.
Fairy Tale About Father Frost, Ivan and Nastya --MB-4393032D3F57C4FC- Taken by NingenJanai
continuing talk about sims
I can't say that last name.
All I see is Nasty A
That looks actually quite interesting if it has enough content, otherwise it could get old fast.
Alsothanks Jase !
I think they just got lucky, they were the first out the gate with a relatively functional digital download service, they gave the best discounts for a while (now they are regularly beaten), and they had some of the most popular games ( counter strike, half life) on their system to begin with which attracted a lot of their audience. Although it seems more like they have gotten a bit lucky with cs and dota since they were hugely popular before becoming part of valve.
In terms of being forward thinking it seems like they are trying new things but they are leaving behind really important things that need improvements, like all of the apps (pc, and mobile).
I don't know why I just can't finish steam games, I had this problem before, but never so bad like with steam, I have about 100 unfinished games, some near the end even and all I can think of about new ones I bought recently, good that I can't download them before uninstalling some of unfinished, or I wouldn't even be having this speech!
Seriously, I need to finish some games, Wolf surely can wait a little.
It's a nice vid. The fandom is pretty disappointed with the overall update though. It's community-made, but they feel it got shafted by Valve.
You always want the latest driver as long as there aren't any specific problems and this one has improvements for older cards too.
I can't say that last name.
All I see is Nasty A
Curious for sub $5 strategy recommendations. Don't care what genre (fantasy, realistic, sci-fi, etc)... just want something nice and deep (and good). Still kicking myself for not picking up Dungeon of the Endless during the last sale, though thankful there's another coming up.
Dota 2 gets more attention from Valve and TF2 players are getting :salty:
I've finally finished Psychonauts at 100% for the first time! I had forgotten how terrible the Meat Circus is.
Lara Croft ... Temple of Osiris - unlock Bling me up! - £0.10
Lara Croft ... Temple of Osiris - unlock Gotta have them all - £0.10
Lara Croft ... Temple of Osiris - unlock Oh, were we supposed to share these? - £0.10
Lara Croft ... Temple of Osiris - unlock Hey, at least you are the best at something! - £0.10
Lara Croft ... Temple of Osiris - unlock Long distance relationship - £0.10
Lara Croft ... Temple of Osiris - unlock Burn it with fire! - £0.10
Lara Croft ... Temple of Osiris - unlock Human Cannonball - £0.10
Not sure if it was mentioned or anyone cares but - word is the gtx960 will get announced at ces, and is 4gb
continuing talk about sims
Garbage or not. It's still SecuRom
DRM in any form is the devil, Steam is not an exception
AMD's Catalyst Omega Special Edition is out. Yes, it's called that, they even have some dude talk about how awesome it is. Brings for example downsampling (like GeDoSaTo or Nv's DSR).