Point being?
Destiny is what was left in Chiefs metallic diapers after he finally took off his armor after many years?
Point being?
Finally got Dead or Alive 5: Last Round!
Now I have 18.17 in my Steam wallet. Hopefully that'll be enough for MGS V: Ground Zeroes next week.
I used to pirate everything. Then I got a Steam account and now I buy everything. Steam is the best anti-piracy in the market.
Recently converted a friend as well. Guy had like 5 Steam games on his account and mostly pirated games. Then I gifted him a bunch of games. Many bundle extras, Isaac Rebirth, etc. Showed him the various bundle sites and stores with good deals. The guy built a kickass PC since then and bought many games on the Autumn sale, and he is now sitting at 50 games![]()
You may be slightly short of the mark if there's no early bird discount and Konami adopts 1 USD = 1 EUR.
I just noticed, AMD decided to call downsampling "Virtual Super Resolution"
Also, do you think, guys, Ground Zeroes will be purchasable on Nuveem or GMG the same day of Steam release?
I just noticed, AMD decided to call downsampling "Virtual Super Resolution"
This came out today, looks simple enough to get into but interesting.
There's going to be a simulator-branded game for everything until it finally ends with "Simulator Simulator".
You can rip them apart for it, but renaming of downsampling serves several purposes. One, you can patent your variation of the technique more easily by giving it a name. Two, you avoid any confusion someone inexperienced would have looking up how to enable these features by giving it a more descriptive, unique name so that when they search google for it they're not opening a 4 year old thread about downsampling that's probably incredibly out of date.
Or you can think that they're dumb doodooheads who don't know how silly they sound.
I like the latter more than the other options myself, but I'm not sure it hold much water as the real reasoning behind it.
Someone please recommend me short but sweet games from this list. I'm still 5 games away from beating the 52 games in 2014 challenge.
Someone please recommend me short but sweet games from this list. I'm still 5 games away from beating the 52 games in 2014 challenge.
You can rip them apart for it, but renaming of downsampling serves several purposes. One, you can patent your variation of the technique more easily by giving it a name. Two, you avoid any confusion someone inexperienced would have looking up how to enable these features by giving it a more descriptive, unique name so that when they search google for it they're not opening a 4 year old thread about downsampling that's probably incredibly out of date.
Or you can think that they're dumb doodooheads who don't know how silly they sound.
I like the latter more than the other options myself, but I'm not sure it hold much water as the real reasoning behind it.
Someone please recommend me short but sweet games from this list. I'm still 5 games away from beating the 52 games in 2014 challenge.
Someone please recommend me short but sweet games from this list. I'm still 5 games away from beating the 52 games in 2014 challenge.
Do you think that all this "console exclusive" nonsense, is going to attract more players to the PC platform?
I mean, the PC has the best performing option of games otherwise exclusive to a single console. It looks like a no-brainer situation where this console-wars nonsense is going to end with more people looking at the PC for a reasonable solution to their gaming needs.
What do you guys think?
While your justifications for it are not wrong, they heavily attend to the Marketing way of thinking, and not much to the Scientific way of thinking.
The evolution of Downsampling shouldn't be named differently when it's, in reality, just the same thing: Rendering a scene at a higher resolution and displaying it in a smaller resolution, gaining anti-aliasing out of it.
With that said, all the names applied to these Anti-Aliasing solutions are idiotic. FXAA, MSAA, AAx4, so on and so fourth. The only AA option that's both properly named and the one I look for the most in games is NONE, because I like my frames fast, not blurry. I've been playing games since the Atari, I can handle some (natural looking) jaggies. Don't give me any of that 700/900 upsampled to 1080 console nonsense, now that's some terrible shit.
I don't think so, the reason people usually get a specific console is because of the exclusive games, it's been like that for ages, those are the games that sell consoles.
Maybe a small portion of the userbase will move to PC, but I think it will probably have more to do with the lower PC game cost specially on Steam than games being console exclusive or not.
Do you think that all this "console exclusive" nonsense, is going to attract more players to the PC platform?
I mean, the PC has the best performing option of games otherwise exclusive to a single console. It looks like a no-brainer situation where this console-wars nonsense is going to end with more people looking at the PC for a reasonable solution to their gaming needs.
What do you guys think?
Even without it, PC as a platform is still very attractive. The power gap between the consoles and the PC, new business models(kickstarter, early access) brought forth games that wouldn't exist in the AAA age, and publishers stopped targeting PC gamers to screw over.Do you think that all this "console exclusive" nonsense, is going to attract more players to the PC platform?
I mean, the PC has the best performing option of games otherwise exclusive to a single console. It looks like a no-brainer situation where this console-wars nonsense is going to end with more people looking at the PC for a reasonable solution to their gaming needs.
What do you guys think?
Third-party exclusives are a dying breed. You can bet that Microsoft tried to lock down Rise of the Tomb Raider entirely, and ditto for Sony and SFV, but publishers have come to realise that there's a respectable amount of money to be made in the long tail that the PC offers, and since they have the games the platform holders want, they hold the cards -- "We'll give the Xbox platforms temporary exclusivity", said Squeenix; "We'll forgo the Xbox but not the PC", said Capcom.
the blackwell games are pretty short
Metal Slug 3 , Metal slug X and sonic generations ,
The fastest will probably be DLC Quest - you could likely finish that in an hour or less. After that would be the Blackwell Games and/or Ben There Dan That.
from the first glance, really short games on that list are Dear Esther (everything was said about it many times over), DLC Quest (short and funny, imo), Love (not a fan myself, but people seem to like it), Metal Slug 3 is kinda short, seems way longer if you play it alone, though, Proteus (super short but not particularly interesting)
Third-party exclusives are a dying breed. You can bet that Microsoft tried to lock down Rise of the Tomb Raider entirely, and ditto for Sony and SFV, but publishers have come to realise that there's a respectable amount of money to be made in the long tail that the PC offers, and since they have the games the platform holders want, they hold the cards -- "We'll give the Xbox platforms temporary exclusivity", said Squeenix; "We'll forgo the Xbox but not the PC", said Capcom.
But if Rise of Tomb Raider is on PC as well, it would mean the PC is the only place to get both, RoTR and SFV.
Third-party exclusives are a dying breed. You can bet that Microsoft tried to lock down Rise of the Tomb Raider entirely, and ditto for Sony and SFV, but publishers have come to realise that there's a respectable amount of money to be made in the long tail that the PC offers, and since they have the games the platform holders want, they hold the cards -- "We'll give the Xbox platforms temporary exclusivity", said Squeenix; "We'll forgo the Xbox but not the PC", said Capcom.
Borderands the pre-sequel is already -33% too
The problem I see is that is the plattform holder buys console exclusivity just because rhey want it like MS wdid with RofTR and not if they are buying exclusivity, but then they are also co-developing it like Sony does with Bloodborne and Nintendo with Bayonetta 2.
finally finished idling my games. thanks to jshackles and co. for making such a great program! I'm now sitting on a nice Ryu from USFIV foil card that's gonna net me some sick $$$
So did Dungeon Defenders developer eventually treated their employees well enough to make a sequel?
Bloodborne is being entirely funded by Sony -- it owns everything (IP and the game itself) and is therefore more first-party than third. Something like Bayonetta 2 is the exception to the rule: a game within a third-party franchise that is being entirely bankrolled by a platform holder because the IP owner didn't see the value in greenlighting the project itself.
It's still not a first party game, as isn't Bayo2, as I mentioned in previous post (Nintendo securing exclusives)
If console makers can't secure third party exclusives, they still can fund it, and they are taking this way, so no, exclusivity isn't dying.
It's still not a first party game, as isn't Bayo2, as I mentioned in previous post (Nintendo securing exclusives)
They both are. Sony owns rights to Bloodborne and Nintendo to Bayonetta 2.
From Wiki said:Bayonetta 2 (ベヨネッタ 2 Beyonetta Tsū?) is an action hack and slash video game developed by Platinum Games and published by Nintendo for the Wii U, with Sega as the franchise owners serving as its advisor.