Very tricky at this stage to know how much a gem is worth (or will be worth).
330 gems isn't going to get you shit.
The Gem-worth seems very arbitrary, I got stuff that's much more expensive but would get me 30 gems or so.
What are the most.... gemspensive items that can be bought for 3 cents?
New Payday 2 DLC and character coming (female heister) on December 16th.
Pretty cool teaser trailer for it too.
im glad they're still supporting the game.
i should really get back into it..
Weird question: what was the last game that moved you?
All of my CS:GO stuff turned into 100 gems each - even the shitty $0.03 profile backgrounds - though they might have gone up in price already.
Weird question: what was the last game that moved you?
Holiday Sale EmoticonsWhat are the most.... gemspensive items that can be bought for 3 cents?
Just bought 100 "Guarded" backgrounds for $3. What the hell is wrong with me?
Just bought 100 "Guarded" backgrounds for $3. What the hell is wrong with me?
Just bought 100 "Guarded" backgrounds for $3. What the hell is wrong with me?
What happens if I put my gems into a sack?
What happens if I put my gems into a sack?
I crave the simpler times, when the sales were just about buying the stuff we wanted for gleefully low prices. The holiday mass trading events have about the same level of appeal to me as a sweaty stock exchange riot, roiling in its communal greed and desperation.
Don't let anyone kick your sack?What happens if I put my gems into a sack?
You can sell the sack on the market.
What happens if I put my gems into a sack?
Ohyou.jpegZelda Skyward Sword, literally moved me because of the controls.