Next year you can convert all your gems into coins.
Just bought 100 "Guarded" backgrounds for $3. What the hell is wrong with me?
I wonder how long before all this crashes and burn once they find a loop/hole like with the coal...
I'm glad they are back with an event like this but, holy crap, at least I hope they thought about the scammers and the asshats who are going to destroy this. =/
Glad I held off crafting my badges, I'm crafting like a madman atm, heh.
This is another great move by Valve. Also don't even dream of buying anything but crappy games with your inventory gems, there's hundreds of thousands if not millions of 100 gem backgrounds in the market. People will buy all of those and the most wanted games will cost hundreds of thousands of gems. Basically 9 dollars buys you 30000 gems so if the game is priced at 10 dollars, it's still worth buying gems and bidding 30000 gems on it (not taking into account upcoming sales etc. but some people never think that far).
ignore them and just buy what u want at low prices like you said
jshackles, do you know anything more about the Trading Card Booster Pack part? Like how many gems you'd need?
I did it 3 times before it went down and it was incredibly cheap. I did a TitS booster, a Skullgirls booster, and an Final Fantasy XIII booster all for about 450 gems each.
My guess is it's down because they fucked up the cost formula
Just bought 100 "Guarded" backgrounds for $3. What the hell is wrong with me?
$3 sounds like a bit too much, I bought just a little bit over a hundred and it cost me about 80 rubles ($1.4 at the current rate).
$3 sounds like a bit too much, I bought just a little bit over a hundred and it cost me about 80 rubles ($1.4 at the current rate).
The images of the winter sale cards are different when you look at the window from receiving your cards (This is the Clementine card):
They are just blank in your inventory. Doesn't really seem to indicate much though.
pfft, you guys can have your gems. I'm pleased with the background I got during a badge crafting frenzy.
That's because Russian rubles allow (I believe) a minimum price of 0.03 RUB, whereas in the US the minimum is 0.03 USD.
So literally the cheapest thing you can buy is $0.03. Times 100 = $3.
That's because Russian rubles allow (I believe) a minimum price of 0.03 RUB, whereas in the US the minimum is 0.03 USD.
So literally the cheapest thing you can buy is $0.03. Times 100 = $3.
Europeans are at a huuuge disadvantage here. No chance at all to compete against bidders from other countries. US is in the middle, ahead of Europeans but behind most other countries.
It's always 0.03 then?
That's pretty sucky. Brits get screwed because the pound is too strong in comparison. :/
It's always 0.03 then?
That's pretty sucky. Brits get screwed because the pound is too strong in comparison. :/
Very good point I didn't think of. EU has to invest 2x as much when doing this.
I did it 3 times before it went down and it was incredibly cheap. I did a TitS booster, a Skullgirls booster, and an Final Fantasy XIII booster all for about 450 gems each.
My guess is it's down because they fucked up the cost formula
I didn't even notice the Gem Maker badge you get for converting things into gems for the first time until now.
Could you do any game you had the drops for, or did you have to have the badge to get a booster?
Also, can you make enhanced steam make the bidding page have better sorting and filter options?
Huh. It's been ages since I traded, but how long as the trade offer window said how long you've been friends with someone, what level they are and how long they've been on Steam?
Be warned, this first bid is going to be ridiculous since their is a 3 day gap till it happens. Normally that gap would be every 45mins
Be warned, this first bid is going to be ridiculous since their is a 3 day gap till it happens. Normally that gap would be every 45mins
I didn't even notice the Gem Maker badge you get for converting things into gems for the first time until now.