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STEAM | December 2014 - Read OP for winter sale questions

well, it's obvious you should just buy it and be stripped of your illusions.
I kid, I kid
when you'll play it, I hope to read a lot how it went ;)

I just did one short on Byron's World. I like how the planets are divided up between styles of different author, but then you also have variations on those styles.

My favorite so far is Bad Poetry Written on a Bus.

There doesn't seem to be any real word limit, although each style has a word count and a section number.

The prompts it gives you really forces you to think about not only what you're going to not only say in the current section, but what type of story you're setting up. You don't know what you'll be prompted to write about next. And the inclusion of different paths you can take on any given planet is a nice bit of non-linearity, as well.

My first story started out about a man going home and simply talking about how his home is now dead. It very quickly became a tale about a man that had, in his youth, sided with the enemy, and watched in horror as his side systematically shut down the education system, the communication system, and eventually drove the remaining population back into a stone age state... only to promptly and finally kill them off.

I titled it Stupid Kids.


Imposiburu, you are trolling us, right?

I hope I didn't blow all my luck in that one booster.


That won't happen before another 15 movies with him sitting there doing nothing.

He has to plot on how he wants to be beat.

No, only a few €, there was no time for more before the sack-market crashed and then they took it all away.

Did they do anything with people who made boosters.
Should have went to town and made a booster for every game you had after the crash if you didnt.


Was there some Steam event recently? I hit my internet cap a few days ago so I've been going without since. It just reset this morning.

Anyways, just saw that Bundle Stars has a Batman Complete Bundle, which is awesome for me since I don't have any of them and have been meaning to get them all. Blades of Time in the Humble Weekly Bundle looks cool, too. I got it mixed up with X-Blades at first, lol. I'll probably pick up the Blink Bundle and Bundle Bandits ones as well.


Did Steam returned your gems?

I have the correct amount of gems from before the 2xglitch, everything else stayed the same.

Did they do anything with people who made boosters.
Should have went to town and made a booster for every game you had after the crash if you didnt.

No idea, I was more concerned with getting even more gems than with boosters and when I tried it wasn't possible for me.


I have the correct amount from before the 2xglitch.

No idea, I was more concerned with getting even more gems than with boosters and when I tried it wasn't possible for me.

So only the glitched gems got removed. All gems and gem sacks that I bought for cents still intact. I wonder what will happened when auction re-opened. If gem sacks price stabled and I still can sell the sacks, it is possible to make some profit. Better not hold my breath.

Edit: I just realized Eternal Summers got Workshop support.


I just did one short on Byron's World. I like how the planets are divided up between styles of different author, but then you also have variations on those styles.

My favorite so far is Bad Poetry Written on a Bus.

There doesn't seem to be any real word limit, although each style has a word count and a section number.

The prompts it gives you really forces you to think about not only what you're going to not only say in the current section, but what type of story you're setting up. You don't know what you'll be prompted to write about next. And the inclusion of different paths you can take on any given planet is a nice bit of non-linearity, as well.

My first story started out about a man going home and simply talking about how his home is now dead. It very quickly became a tale about a man that had, in his youth, sided with the enemy, and watched in horror as his side systematically shut down the education system, the communication system, and eventually drove the remaining population back into a stone age state... only to promptly and finally kill them off.

I titled it Stupid Kids.
That sounds great and it looks like you are enjoying yourself. The path you chose is dark and full of terrors, though. Everybody died? That's cold (><)
Anyway, thanks and keep posting your impressions.


Sounds more like a f2p game hook. "Don't want to wait 2 hours for your next drop? Drop the card faster with 1,000 gems"


don't give them such ideas, seriously, what's wrong with you people?! You know that valve is watching


Pizza Dog
This whole gems/auction thing is putting me off massively. I missed out on this initial batch of crafting gems or whatever, and now I feel like there's so much involved in this process that I really don't know what's going on. What was going to be auctioned? Was it games or could you just use them to make booster packs etc? If it was games and people have huge amounts of gems and I have no chance of getting anything decent I'll be a little bit disappointed.


Something, something commitment. Something, Something renewed focus. And then announce nothing. But hey a pessimist is never disappointed (and I can't believe I just quoted a Theaudience track).

Yup. It sure would be nice if we got something concrete, but we'll get exactly nothing instead.


I've been off the air entirely since the first minutes of this auction thing, only to find now that the end result of this mess is that the value of cards (and boosters) is now vastly reduced? (I think - I'm still without access to Steam)

Joke is on me for having been too lazy to sell (or craft) the hundreds of the pesky things I have in my inventory, I guess!

Still, well played, Valve - I guess we'll now have to spend real money, rather than card money, during the coming sale.


They already did this with GO :p

I knew there was a reason why I don't want to play it! (><)

I've been off the air entirely since the first minutes of this auction thing, only to find now that the end result of this mess is that the value of cards (and boosters) is now vastly reduced? (I think - I'm still without access to Steam)

Joke is on me for having been too lazy to sell (or craft) the hundreds of the pesky things I have in my inventory, I guess!

Still, well played, Valve - I guess we'll now have to spend real money, rather than card money, during the coming sale.

oh! it suddenly all makes sense. Well played, indeed
well that turned into a colossal fuck up.

When did they end up finally pulling the plug on it.??


This isn't a stealth brag post, but I've seriously got about 6 foils in the last 60-80 cards that have dropped. That's nuts


well that turned into a colossal fuck up.

When did they end up finally pulling the plug on it.??


This isn't a stealth brag post, but I've seriously got about 6 foils in the last 60-80 cards that have dropped. That's nuts

dammit, why some of you are so lucky? To make rest of us to feel even worse? (><)
unfortunately, foils seem not to sell anymore with the exception of very cheap ones
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