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STEAM | December 2014 - Read OP for winter sale questions

You need to enter your steam username and password, no thanks.

You can see the sauce code on Github (it uses node-steam). The login key is encrypted with AES-256 + there's really no chance that someone could change the program so that they would receive your key without anyone noticing.
Thank you volvo for salvaging the card market. I did a huge purge last night of my cards and it was nice to see prices stabilize in the morning. Wonder what the heck they do next with those darn gems.
Neat thing with the cards I suppose. People are already buying and selling 2014 Holiday cards? LOL I remember how rigged that color team thing was in the last big sale (Summer I think?) so I wonder what Valve has in store this time.


"the journey to a thousand games ends with bad rats. ~Lao Tzu" ~Gabe Newell
sooo, I'm just catching up with this whole mess cause my internet went out for the first time since forever exactly after I bought 100 of those CS:GO backgrounds, my luck :/

This got probably already answered but turning inventory crap into gems will return right? Or I am stuck with 100 useless backgrounds?

That I could have bought 100 gem sacks for the same price pisses me a little bit off :p
Valve really messed this one up...
Something, something commitment. Something, Something renewed focus. And then announce nothing. But hey a pessimist is never disappointed (and I can't believe I just quoted a Theaudience track).

I know that PC gamers have no reason to believe Microsoft at this point when they talk about PC gaming, and even I can't make myself accept that anything substantial will comes out of this... but... Phil does seem like a genuine person. Microsoft has handled the Xbox debacle with grace and humility and have done pretty much everything they could to salvage the situation, and it has all been under this guys leadership. And Microsoft has been making baby steps with PC gaming by releasing a bunch of their titles on Steam this year.

So, I still don't believe anything will happen but at the same time I think that if they do 'reaffirm their commitment to PC gaming' again, it's as close as they'll ever come to it being true.

Talk about damning praise :p


If MS wants some of my goodwill regarding their PC gaming commitment just release a wireless X1 gamepad adapter asap.

This got probably already answered but turning inventory crap into gems will return right? Or I am stuck with 100 useless backgrounds?

That I could have bought 100 gem sacks for the same price pisses me a little bit off :p
Valve really messed this one up...

I have more than 100 backgrounds left. And i tried buying gem sacks but it was a lottery so eventually I gave up.


2016 is so far away T.T


thanks i think to chariot for encouraging me to watch black lagoon's second season. you were right, it was pretty good (the terrible jane arc notwithstanding)

pretty weird show, i found it consistently made me feel sick which i think was pretty interesting and the setting is amazing. too bad they go overboard with some of the action scenes and the action characters and at moments it ends up feeling like a parody of itself

probably not gonna bother with the ovas, they sound like they're pretty shit


The Russian Ruble is almost dead, unbelievable. During summer 99rub were ~2,10€. Two or three weeks ago we were at 1,5€ and today it's 1,38€. Which of course means older games that aren't region/trade locked have become even cheaper than before, Shovel Knight is below 5€ for example.


Morning, folks. Glad to see this holiday auction business has, uh... sorted itself out.

What I'm finding kind of amusing is that this gem business has resulted in a major flood of items *out* of the market, making things that were once extremely common, well, potentially rare. There's nothing out there for only $0.03 anymore. The old Summer Sale 2014 / Holiday Sale 2013 stuff has been reduced to hundreds, rather than thousands, of items on the market.

Now that the gem market will theoretically be normalized when it returns, it could still be worth owning a load of backgrounds or emoticons that can be converted to 100 gems a pop.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I forget, is there a limit to how many keys you can modbot at once?


it just helps to remind me how much i loved chef battles in suikoden 2

or basically everything about suikoden 2

seriously, fuck konami :/


It launched on October iirc.

Did it? Maybe I got that mixed up with the Steam release?

It's a game, which had a Kickstarter back in October. I personally can't wait to play it, the art and gameplay concept looks great. Reminds me of all the cooking minigames and stuff in Vanillaware games.

Thanks for the link. The game looks nice. Will keep an eye out for it.

I forget, is there a limit to how many keys you can modbot at once?

I don't know, but wasn't there someone who gave away 100 keys? I think you'll be fine. Modbot will just go through them instead of doing them all at once.


I forget, is there a limit to how many keys you can modbot at once?

I don't know of any limit, but it'll take much longer for the winners to get announced.

Stumpokapow said:
ModBot checks every 45-60 seconds for work to be done. During high usage periods, he can slow down to 75-90 seconds between checks. He can draw for three giveaways at a time. If someone just gave away 150 keys, it's going to take a while to clear that backlog.
Did it? Maybe I got that mixed up with the Steam release?

Hatoful Boyfriend has been on Steam since the beginning of September. Maybe you're thinking of Aviary Attorney?
Yep. Since the thread moved to the community I haven't been here as much and the thread as usual runs at a Sonic pace. Still getting used to certain threads being moved here. In any case, I have a few games I can idle but not much.


So did they remove the sacks of gems from the Market?

Believe so. My buy orders are still there, but the item is not.

I forget, is there a limit to how many keys you can modbot at once?

I think the ModBot purge contained 200ish keys
Ok I finished installing BlazBlue Extend and I can use my ps3 madcatz brawstick.
I simply configured the buttons under the "controller 1" section. They register as 360 controller inputs, in all the other games they register as "button 1, button 2 etc" like a PC controller. My theory is that it works because I use xinput wrapper for my ps3 controller, and somehow the game is convinced that the brawlstick is a ps3 controller and it's emulated into a 360 one with xinput wrapper.


The Russian Ruble is almost dead, unbelievable. During summer 99rub were ~2,10€. Two or three weeks ago we were at 1,5€ and today it's 1,38€. Which of course means older games that aren't region/trade locked have become even cheaper than before, Shovel Knight is below 5€ for example.

It's worrying a bit, considering Russian MIRV missiles can strike up just about any place on Earth and that countries with failing economies are well known for making stupid decisions. :\


it just helps to remind me how much i loved chef battles in suikoden 2

or basically everything about suikoden 2

seriously, fuck konami :/

at least we are finally getting it on PSN, that's something... after we begged for it for years. Now we need to beg another 20 years or so to get it on PC?
nah, ain't happening, still lemme dream

It's worrying a bit, considering Russian MIRV missiles can strike up just about any place on Earth and that countries with failing economies are well known for making stupid decisions. :\

you are in festive mood, I see.
now I'm sacred too (._.)
at least we are finally getting it on PSN, that's something... after we begged for it for years. Now we need to beg another 20 years or so to get it on PC?
nah, ain't happening, still lemme dream

I'm happy we are getting Suikoden 1 + 2 on Vita, those games will be fantastic on the portable :)


The Russian Ruble is almost dead, unbelievable. During summer 99rub were ~2,10€. Two or three weeks ago we were at 1,5€ and today it's 1,38€. Which of course means older games that aren't region/trade locked have become even cheaper than before, Shovel Knight is below 5€ for example.


Must resist...my backlog D:
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