If a giveaway doesn't say "Free for all" what happens if you enter for more than one game?
Either only the first will be registered or entering for more than one will result in you being disqualified from both.
If a giveaway doesn't say "Free for all" what happens if you enter for more than one game?
If a giveaway doesn't say "Free for all" what happens if you enter for more than one game?
it's pretty bad online. im assuming you would be playing online because who plays SF by themselves
You missed the daily deal, but it's probably worth waiting till the next sale kicks off before going for it. There's meant to be a new patch coming shortly after the Capcom Cup (December 13th), so you can see what the online play is like then. It's certainly improved a lot since Ultra came out, that's for certain.
That may or may not happened with some games~~~~I''m not hiring you even to spy on Xseed in case you accidentally kill somebody, postponing release of SC even more!
Divinity: OS. It's so easy to accidentally piss people of by grabbing the wrong item (some may be taken, others are considered stealing. It's marked with colors, but there is no confirmation needed) or by walking into a wrong room.What game?
hey, we need 1 more person for 100% OJ. who's in?
How much? ($)
if you have the game.. it's free to play? I'm asking if anyone wanna join our game right now. We got 3 people in the lobby.
If a giveaway doesn't say "Free for all" what happens if you enter for more than one game?
On the other hand, say that you enjoy the game where you roam around picturesque fantasy Scandinavia, poking around in caves, killing monsters and taking their stuff and people will let you know how shitty your taste apparently is.
hey, we need 1 more person for 100% OJ. who's in?
It's funny how people rip on Skyrim for being boring, while something like Euro Truck Simulator 2 is held in high regard. A simulation where you cruise the highways of Europe in a truck listening to the radio may be engaging to some folks, but I doubt anyone would call it the pinnacle of excitement. Despite that, expressing your love of ETS2 is A-OK around here.
On the other hand, say that you enjoy the game where you roam around picturesque fantasy Scandinavia, poking around in caves, killing monsters and taking their stuff and people will let you know how shitty your taste apparently is.
It just gets a little tedious sometimes.![]()
a man after zky's heart
Why so sudden Cognition giveaways?
Is it on sale somewhere? I'm still missing the last chapter...
anyone got a link to all the screenshots of the Autumn Sale dailies
trying to find out if I missed out on SRIV or Mordor T_T
I need internet explorer for work.
Website to download is showing it off but no download link anywhere wth.
Reminds me of last year when i started PC gaming and i promised i will finish every game i buy, and that i will rarely buy games. Well that turned out to be complete bullshit. I don't have many games (i mean, most of you guys have hundreds), but a significant amount have barely been touched, and they're really good games (i only buy really good games >.>).I just bought Pillars of Eternity and I haven't finished a single player game in god knows how long. I've been playing guacamelee for the past month, Arkham Origins for about 2.
i know that feeling
Well this makes me feel better about my purchase lol. I'm really excited to play it for some reason. The way i see it is, if this game doesn't make me change my mind and like the turn-based strategy genre, then i don't know what will.Clearly, you're a man of good taste, picking up the best RPG of the year.
It's funny how people rip on Skyrim for being boring, while something like Euro Truck Simulator 2 is held in high regard. A simulation where you cruise the highways of Europe in a truck listening to the radio may be engaging to some folks, but I doubt anyone would call it the pinnacle of excitement. Despite that, expressing your love of ETS2 is A-OK around here.
On the other hand, say that you enjoy the game where you roam around picturesque fantasy Scandinavia, poking around in caves, killing monsters and taking their stuff and people will let you know how shitty your taste apparently is.
It just gets a little tedious sometimes.![]()
Sorry :/ I found Ozi. Next time!can i join :v ??
What am i becoming...
anyone got a link to all the screenshots of the Autumn Sale dailies
trying to find out if I missed out on SRIV or Mordor T_T
but yeah, you can't see the link or download it if the site already detects your pc having it installed... lol
I ask since skyrim was made with controllers in mind and I thought I remember hearing that the US and game play works better with a controller.The way you prefer to play games of that genre?
If you like a controller, use a controller. If you like kb/m, choose that.
Makes sense, don't it?
I thought you had dual 980s or something... so why would you want a 970?
And if it makes you feel any better, I don't own a 9-anything yet.
I can't remember if it either voids you from the entire giveaway, or just chooses the first entry only. My bad though, I probably should have set it for free for all
Edit - also check back towards the end. I have a funny feeling some games may be left unpicked, in which case, I'll probably pass keys out to who ever is interested regardless of if they already won something or couldn't enter for whatever reason
It's in the bundle, this one
These Don't Starve blind box figures are expensive. What have I done?
Tomorrow is the last round of deals?
Supported a ridiculous hypocritical douchebag developer.
no. this is it.
Ok thank you bro!
Well The Crew unlocked. I already knew what to expect content-wise and it's exactly as I expected. If you played the beta, you know whether you want this game or not. I bought it mainly for the open world driving experience because that's something that hardly exists on PC right now. The driving model isn't exactly iRacing but I feel it's good enough for the game.
But the performance is a very positive surprise compared to the beta. I've everything at maximum @ 1080p, except AA is "only" 4x TXAA and it's pretty much solid 60 fps with a single GTX 970. The only thing that can ruin this is those microtransactions, if they tweaked the game so that you are expected to spend more money on it. No idea about that yet, obviously, as I'm only about 30 minutes into the game.
Pass.I still haven't started Tomb Raider, so I have no idea what I'm getting into, but for those who have, is the DLC worth picking up? Or should I give it a pass?
I blame you guys and your damn huge impressive libraries!One of us!
Hahaha in all seriousness I stopped caring about what I've played let alone beaten over the past couple of years. Christ I've added 230+ games to my Steam account this year alone. I'll get to them at some point or I might try that amitious endurance run idea where I see how long I can go in terms of days and games beat before buying another but I don't let it drag me down or wear it like a badge of shame. I'm normally only pulling the trigger these days because I'm either intrested in a game or it's at a price I'm happy to pay.
when i found out about truck simulator i googled it and saw videos to see what exactly is the point. i asked folks on twitch but was insulted or banned for trolling. eventually i found out indeed all you do is drive. that game has to be one of the most boring games of my life time. I mean if you like it more power to you but wow is that shit boring.
Np--- the sales dates always get confusing and because there's no encore day it seems, it's even more so -- but since it "ends" on the second, I'm pretty sure that tomorrow at 1pm we will see the return of the weeklong deals with a new midweek madness.
Maybe the tomb of the lost adventurer, but other than that... nothing worthwhile.
Pass even on that.
Worth a dollar at most.
Well, it's 50 cents at the moment, which is the only reason I mentioned it.
have you tried wolfenstein the new order, it doesn't have the driving stuff but it's cooler than rage and actually has a story
One of us!
Hahaha in all seriousness I stopped caring about what I've played let alone beaten over the past couple of years. Christ I've added 230+ games to my Steam account this year alone. I'll get to them at some point or I might try that amitious endurance run idea where I see how long I can go in terms of days and games beat before buying another but I don't let it drag me down or wear it like a badge of shame. I'm normally only pulling the trigger these days because I'm either intrested in a game or it's at a price I'm happy to pay.