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STEAM | December 2014 - Read OP for winter sale questions


For you.
I may be missing something, but what's the point of bidding?

Unless if you have tens of thousands of gems, you wont win anything. Right?

Seems like a complete waste of time.

Happy birthday bruh!

Search for some unknown games and you will see some bids that seems pretty winnable with a couple thousand gems. I'm on a bid for a game that has never been cheaper than 36 euros and it's only at 3000 gems.


Yep, but how do you get so many gems - now I wasn't here for the fuck-up and so didn't buy the gem packs, and my cards are worth shit.


I may be missing something, but what's the point of bidding?

Unless if you have tens of thousands of gems, you wont win anything. Right?

Seems like a complete waste of time.
It is a complete waste of time if you wanna be the one to grab a game from the very first wave. There are 99 more.

Search for some unknown games and you will see some bids that seems pretty winnable with a couple thousand gems. I'm on a bid for a game that has never been cheaper than 36 euros and it's only at 3000 gems.
Yup. On top of that, a bunch of games have their bids drop by 90% past the first few enthusiasts even if the max bid is stupidly high, and some of the games don't even have 100 bidders yet

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
When does the high price of holiday cards come? Is it usually the first few days of the sale? Since right now the existing holiday card prices are kinda lukewarm.

I like PS+ but I see it nothing more than a limited choice rental service that you are constantly paying for to maintain access. The wording some folks use behind it cause all manner of inaccuracies. Like that thread I saw the other day where it said Sony gave away some much worth of games. Well one they didn't give them away as folks had to pay a sub to be able to access them in the first place and two if you don't maintain your sub you don't have access to them and are simply borrowing them. Then again it's also the gateway to multiplayer on PS4 so I can see why some folks are a bit defensive just like some were about Live Gold despite getting ripped off.

I just dislike how people forget that it's a subscription-based service. I mean, you don't call the channels that come with your cable subscription as "free channels".


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
That doesn't list Gem Maker / Auction Participater / Auction Winner (or something) either but I figured out those three :3

They're not tied to the Winter Sale. They're special badges, like the game collector badges, and thus aren't tied to apps.


Hmm, a 1.1 GB for Path of Exile...
Maybe I should just start playing the game? It just sits there on my HDD, eating space and bandwidth...

Dr Dogg

I just dislike how people forget that it's a subscription-based service. I mean, you don't call the channels that come with your cable subscription as "free channels".

Hahaha very true. I mean sure your games on Steam are classed and called subscriptions but they are one price, life time ownership with stipulations set out in the SSA. Saying that pretty much every mobile provider over here like to tout how many free minutes, texts and data allowance they have despite their being a service charge but it's all part of the psycological trickery that's been going on for decades.

What get's my goat is some folks will insist that PS+ is tremendous value with the insinuation that it's the same proposition for everyone when really that should be for the individual to decide. Say that you only own one of the Sony systems and you only like sports games that you can play with friends and family well PS+ is not even close to great value. The more invested in the Playstation ecosystem and broad your tastes are the better value it becomes (so kind of like the carrot on the stick to buy more Sony shit) but it is by no means the same for everyone. There are pleanty of things that could be done also to enhance the service too like the ability to pause your subscription for holidays and such and the ability to purchase a game you want to keep when your sub runs out (which you can only do when it has expired so it's possible to miss sale prices).


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Hahaha very true. I mean sure your games on Steam are classed and called subscriptions but they are one price, life time ownership with stipulations set out in the SSA.

Well. the interesting thing these days is that even if you run afoul of the SSA you can still access your pre-existing library, and the fact that Valve also guarantees game access in the event of Steam being discontinued means the only (remotely realistic) scenario in which you wouldn't be able to play your games is if you forgot your login info and didn't have enough supporting evidence to prove you're the account holder. I'd say that, in practice, Steam users do own their games -- but having an unrestricted account is a privilege and not a right.
I find the January 16 expiry date a little odd. At the very least it should expire a month after the auction period ends (i.e. the 18th).

It could be one month after the auctions start up.

I just dislike how people forget that it's a subscription-based service. I mean, you don't call the channels that come with your cable subscription as "free channels".

Getting so many paying customers to believe that they are getting games for 'free' is the greatest marketing trick that SCE has pulled off in the last decade.

Meanwhile, the 1886 pre-order thread keeps delivering.
It doesn't matter if they are "free" or not,if you subscribe to PS Plus you got access to over a thousand dollars worth of games(many of them huge, critically acclaimed titles) for 50 dollars or less if you look around. Acting like it's not an incredible deal that any other service compares to is pretty silly.
It doesn't matter if they are " or not, either way if you subscribe to PS Plus you get access to over a thousand dollars worth of games(many of them huge, critically acclaimed titles) for 50 dollars or less if you look around. Acting like it's not an incredible deal that any other service compares to is pretty silly.

I don't think anyone is arguing that it isn't a good deal, it's the fact that people want to compare "free" games that cost $50 a year or you lose them, to actually free games on Steam that can be played indefinitely.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
so if you win something from a bid you get Global Offensive? a I reading that correctly?

if so, whats the cheapest thing I can bid on, I only have about 700gems >_>
So with selling my rubbish items, gemming my high value items, crafting anime boosters with my gems, selling said anime boosters for ~10% profit over items gemmed, Idle Mastering the rest of my cards as well as crafting badges to get Seal Cards I'm topping up the wallet funds and clearing out my inventory at a pretty crazy rate.

Happy B'day!

I like PS+ but I see it nothing more than a limited choice rental service that you are constantly paying for to maintain access. The wording some folks use behind it cause all manner of inaccuracies. Like that thread I saw the other day where it said Sony gave away some much worth of games. Well one they didn't give them away as folks had to pay a sub to be able to access them in the first place and two if you don't maintain your sub you don't have access to them and are simply borrowing them. Then again it's also the gateway to multiplayer on PS4 so I can see why some folks are a bit defensive just like some were about Live Gold despite getting ripped off.

I completely agree with your post but I can see how it provides good value for money for a console only gamer with an interest in most or all of the titles available. I feel that such a group is the vocal minority merely based on the number of subscribers and my view of the past year's offerings.

I've subscribed to PS+ for over a year but I won't be resubscribing because, from my current PS+ library, only a couple of titles, that aren't on PC, actually interest me. I feel that it would be better to simple rebuy them for a few pounds* and play them at my own pace, instead of resubscribing to the rental service.

Since I built my PC, I don't think that there will ever be any multiformat title that I don't buy on PC, even if I have to wait for it to be released later or upgrade my machine. My backlog and IRL commitments mean that I rarely have time to play a game on release which means that it's hard to justify buying them on release. As a result, waiting is not only bearable but often necessary, or at the very least a prudent decision.

*I'll probably actually get them for a few dollars as I won't be able to buy them with my UK account as I've already 'bought' the 'free' PS+ version

@Mr Doop, Happy Birthday dood!

Also, how was the Steam auction resolved? Were values heavily nerfed?
I don't think anyone is arguing that it isn't a good deal, it's the fact that people want to compare "free" games that cost $50 a year or you lose them, to actually free games on Steam that can be played indefinitely.
It's not like there have been that many free games on steam, although it's certainly nice when it happens. Of course PC games are pretty cheap in general. It's just such a cheap subscription that I don't really get how it can even be considered a factor. Why wouldn't you re-subscribe indefinitely? I wasn't able to find it for 30 dollars at Black Friday this year so I just bought another year. Oh well!

I would have to scrap 625 backgrounds to get 50,000 gems. Tsk tsk tsk


For you.
so if you win something from a bid you get Global Offensive? a I reading that correctly?

if so, whats the cheapest thing I can bid on, I only have about 700gems >_>

?Where did you read that? You get a copy of Global Offensive if you used gems in a trade before they removed them.
I spent about $1 buying cards to craft the holiday badge. Crafted the badge and got a foil. Sold foil for $1.50. Profited and now I don't need to bother with the holiday event.
Unless the real reward for crafting only occurs if you crafted during the sale. I can see some moral message about not opening your presents early here.
What if there is no real reward?

Is there a quick way to turn 100 pages of cards into gems?
You don't want to do this. You see cards on the whole are not worth many gems. In fact they're worth so few gems you are better off selling the cards and buying any emoticon or profile background...even the ones which will only give you 10 gems, this will net you more gems than the cards themselves plus give you a little extra in the wallet. You save it is 100 pages on my view that is 2500 cards, even an extra $0.01 from selling and buying better gem items is $25.00!
Yep, but how do you get so many gems - now I wasn't here for the fuck-up and so didn't buy the gem packs, and my cards are worth shit.
See above. Another thing to consider is yesterday there were still emoticons/background that convert for 100 gems on the market for 0.03 which made it much easier the market is looking dead for 60 gems for 0.05 currently...

But get perspective here on what you can do with gems. Turning them into booster packs if you solely buying gems is a loss right there.


How come there are thousands of people bidding on Star Wars:Battlefront 2? And the winning bid is so high, you'd get multiple copies of the game just buying it.
Hype for the new SW movie?
The art on the holiday cards are great

So I have already crafted a holiday 2014 badge. Should I sell all the remaining (7) cards? The proceeds will go to my quest to "craft a sakura spirit badge fund".
It's not like there have been that many free games on steam, although it's certainly nice when it happens. Of course PC games are pretty cheap in general. It's just such a cheap subscription that I don't really get how it can even be considered a factor. Why wouldn't you re-subscribe indefinitely? I wasn't able to find it for 30 dollars at Black Friday this year so I just bought another year. Oh well!

I would have to scrap 625 backgrounds to get 50,000 gems. Tsk tsk tsk

$50 is $50, regardless of how small the fee is to you, it's still a factor for a lot of people, I just find it sort of disingenuous to say it shouldn't be considered when the only way to access those games is to pay the $50 or heaven forbid the $17.99 or $9.99 options. Either way it's a great deal and anyone with a PS system should have it for sure.


Starwolf is correct, no longer crafting boosters make you any kind of profit, well, I haven't checked all, but more or less we are back to square one, price of obtaining gems is already so high, that buying any 3 cards you need is cheaper than any other option.
This escalated really fast, items that were on market in thousands are already at 0 or at hundreds at the high price. I didn't foresee this happening so fast.
And bids already being unrealistically high in many cases... ya, basically the party is over. (><)


Another thing to consider is yesterday there were still emoticons/background that convert for 100 gems on the market for 0.03 which made it much easier the market is looking dead for 60 gems for 0.05 currently...
The emoticon/background market will likely not stabilize either until the 80gem ones cost 20 cents a pop, when they're more in line with Steam cards' money/gem ratio

How come there are thousands of people bidding on Star Wars:Battlefront 2? And the winning bid is so high, you'd get multiple copies of the game just buying it.
Hype for the new SW movie?
Well obviousl- hmm.....

Ya know, I'd like an answer myself, unless it's 2 or so different bidders that want A game, any game from this auction, and rest are just placeholder 1 gem bids waiting for the right time

Is there a way to know how much gems a emoticon can be turned before buying them?
Sadly, I don't think there is a way to know that, right on Steam anyway.


If I hold on to the Holiday Sale cards now and wait for the actual sale to start, will they sell for much higher in the very beginning or if I sell them now I would be losing just a marginal profit?


I don't understand why valve didn't made item rewards disposable for gems, I really hoped to get rid of those too. That seems like major oversight, no?

If I hold on to the Holiday Sale cards now and wait for the actual sale to start, will they sell for much higher in the very beginning or if I sell them now I would be losing just a marginal profit?

it happens sometimes, if item rewards are good and expensive, but for very short time usually too.


If I hold on to the Holiday Sale cards now and wait for the actual sale to start, will they sell for much higher in the very beginning or if I sell them now I would be losing just a marginal profit?
I don't know. But I do know that waiting never proved to be benefitting.


another thing that makes no sense whatsoever is rare background and emotes giving the same amount of gems as common or uncommon. Rare items never had such huge listings as common items to begin with and they are really rare and hard to get. That's so strange.


I don't know. But I do know that waiting never proved to be benefitting.

Last sale you got items for crafting the sale badge, so people started crafting them and the demand grew, so were the prices (at the start at least)
the thing is, who knows what valve's gonna do now...
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