So with selling my rubbish items, gemming my high value items, crafting anime boosters with my gems, selling said anime boosters for ~10% profit over items gemmed, Idle Mastering the rest of my cards as well as crafting badges to get Seal Cards I'm topping up the wallet funds and clearing out my inventory at a pretty crazy rate.
Happy B'day!
I like PS+ but I see it nothing more than a limited choice rental service that you are constantly paying for to maintain access. The wording some folks use behind it cause all manner of inaccuracies. Like that thread I saw the other day where it said Sony gave away some much worth of games. Well one they didn't give them away as folks had to pay a sub to be able to access them in the first place and two if you don't maintain your sub you don't have access to them and are simply borrowing them. Then again it's also the gateway to multiplayer on PS4 so I can see why some folks are a bit defensive just like some were about Live Gold despite getting ripped off.
I completely agree with your post but I can see how it provides good value for money for a console only gamer with an interest in most or all of the titles available. I feel that such a group is the vocal minority merely based on the number of subscribers and my view of the past year's offerings.
I've subscribed to PS+ for over a year but I won't be resubscribing because, from my current PS+ library, only a couple of titles, that aren't on PC, actually interest me. I feel that it would be better to simple rebuy them for a few pounds* and play them at my own pace, instead of resubscribing to the rental service.
Since I built my PC, I don't think that there will ever be any multiformat title that I don't buy on PC, even if I have to wait for it to be released later or upgrade my machine. My backlog and IRL commitments mean that I rarely have time to play a game on release which means that it's hard to justify buying them on release. As a result, waiting is not only bearable but often necessary, or at the very least a prudent decision.
*I'll probably actually get them for a few dollars as I won't be able to buy them with my UK account as I've already 'bought' the 'free' PS+ version
@Mr Doop, Happy Birthday dood!
Also, how was the Steam auction resolved? Were values heavily nerfed?