Game 109 of the year (Chains of Satinav) done:
Absolutely amazing all around. Great voice acting, great story, amazing background art, very nice music, superb puzzle design. GOTY contender even in a year when I beat 30+ other point and click games, including some genre greats...
I mean, really, each and every screen of the game was a feast for the eyes:
Puzzle design stands out as well - everything excluding the
is pretty much logical. The game is made up of self-contained 1-3 screen chapters with a rather small amount of objects, so even if you do get stuck and don't want to resort to a walkthrough, it's not hard to try using everything on everything.
Game took about 8.5 hours, rest was card farming I did previously. Absolutely recommended, as long as you don't hate D&D fantasy. Should make a great starting point for those willing to try the pnc adventure genre.