Rolling Girl
Whose Evan and Stampylo I need to know which person I don't follow at all I'm going to vote for.
I do not fear death.Guys, guys.
Did you hear that a certain GAFer will kill anyone who buys Strider 2014? It's true. If you value your life, you won't chance it!
Guys, guys.
Did you hear that a certain GAFer will kill anyone who buys Strider 2014? It's true. If you value your life, you won't chance it!
I do not fear death.
Guys, guys.
Did you hear that a certain GAFer will kill anyone who buys Strider 2014? It's true. If you value your life, you won't chance it!
Guys, guys.
Did you hear that a certain GAFer will kill anyone who buys Strider 2014? It's true. If you value your life, you won't chance it!
Yes, except for Newbee which I don't know.
Guys, guys.
Did you hear that a certain GAFer will kill anyone who buys Strider 2014? It's true. If you value your life, you won't chance it!
Guys, guys.
Did you hear that a certain GAFer will kill anyone who buys Strider 2014? It's true. If you value your life, you won't chance it!
y u gotta be so mean, dood?shaddup marco, you can't even afford it.
shaddup marco, you can't even afford it.
Adrian Chmielarz linked this on twitter and it's amazing:
I love you, steam
Thank God. The Gamersgate box had the GFWL banner.
Guys, guys.
Did you hear that a certain GAFer will kill anyone who buys Strider 2014? It's true. If you value your life, you won't chance it!
valar morghulis
I don't know why this wasn't on my wishlist. Do I just get wounded for wanting it and not owning it?
He technically wouldn't be killing, rather a sort of cleanse.
Even if it's 75% off?
Some guy told me something like that once. I think his name was Ryu or something. Told me to defeat some long chin person to stand a chance..
what if i got if from ps+? do i just lose an arm or something?
shaddup marco, you can't even afford it.
I do not fear death.
Out of all the great IPs sony could bring back people want Crash, a platformer, back. Will never understand the internet's obsession with such a simplistic genre.
The thought process behind that blog and the reason Chmielarz tweeted it's existance is flawed at best. The fact that someone played x hours doesn't preclude a valid manichean assessment that the game is not recommendable.
Secondly, this blog is falsely assuming that the Steam time log is an accurate recording of the reviewers play time.
I'm now depressed.First you have to know, not fear, KNOW that someday you're gonna die. It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.
I just like his voice. So soothing.Yeahhh, I'm really not a fan of TotalBiscuit. >_>
Guys, is Warlock: Master of the Arcane from this Flash Bundle the complete edition or just the base game? Because Steam doesn't sell the DLC separately anymore:
Adrian Chmielarz linked this on twitter and it's amazing:
I love you, steam
It’s alright, don’t feel I’ve got my moneys worth.
2,908 hours played
Makes me wonder how the systems will be cracked by pirates this gen.
Was pretty amazing how long the PS3 lasted.
Man, fuck the boss fight in Valkyria episode 15b
when do review for The Crew come out?
publishers keep throwing money down the drain just making the games more shit for everybody
I lucked out there and basically ran up shot, and then sniped for the kill.
Magically got a A rank the first time through sheer luck.
Ok I admit I was wrong, Evil Within is pretty great, though I still think chapter 5 sucks
I think you are taking it a bit too seriously.
The person spending their time combing through Steam reviews deems it worthwhile or alternatively considers their own time to be worthless. That's why there was an entire thread based upon the idiotic sentiment and why Doc decided to spend his time posting about it. But yeah, your right I'm the one taking it too seriously.
Why does GMG seem to be averse to carrying Steam codes for Telltale games? I was wanting to use credit on Game of Thrones but it's a TT code :/
That Kirby smile just makes everything better, doesn't it?
Do programs get discounts too? I mean are the discounts on programs part of the autumn sale? If so, why doesn't Steam advertise them?
Is Castle Crashers an okay single-player experience? I haven't really looked into the game much, but the $1.49 price is tempting for something that has so many positive reviews.