Shitty attitude? Not at all.
I mean, you buy a PS3 for the price of two remastered, right? You can buy those non-remastered games on PS3 VERY cheap. Basically if you buy 4 remastered titles, let's say, 200€ total, you can buy a new PS3 and all those not-remastered games for the same price. And you can buy other games too.I don't understand why there are so many poeple that haven't played those title. I mean, ok, you had a 360 and not a PS4. Okay. But the majority of those rematered games were multiplatform, so the only explanation would be the majority of PS4 and One sold are bought by non-players at all, like if this is their first system at all.
In the case of PS2 remastered titles on PS3, I agree with the fact those titles were REALLY old and hard to find. Just try to find a copy of MGS2, MGS3 or Ico. They cost a LOT of money. And there's also the fact they won't look properly on modern TV system. So a remastered version was a good way to have those titles in the market again. They were cheap (usually "bundle" of two or three games for 40 or 50€

, they looks good, they were easy to buy/find.
But remastered of titles one year old? No, thanks.