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STEAM | December 2014 - Read OP for winter sale questions


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
This sucks. I have 600 gems, not enough to win anything and not enough to sell them either.

I'm going to end up being stuck with 600 gems in my inventory, aren't I? o_O
Would be greatly appreciated if a few SteamGAF members could help to get Faceted Flight greenlit. I really enjoyed the two stages I played in the demo version (on my Oculus Rift, but of course it works on normal displays as well). It's a very simplistic, "Pilot Wings"-esque flight game with a rather unique style and will receive a variety of game modes during developement along with multiplayer mode.

I think it does quite nicely on Greenlight already, but you know, the more the better :)
You can get the demo from www.facetedflight.com.

Greenlight trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1PkGd7jFbY


Free Steam keys, right?
Would be greatly appreciated if a few SteamGAF members could help to get Faceted Flight greenlit. I really enjoyed the two stages I played in the demo version (on my Oculus Rift, but of course it works on normal displays as well). It's a very simplistic, "Pilot Wings"-esque flight game with a rather unique style and will receive a variety of game modes during developement along with multiplayer mode.

I think it does quite nicely on Greenlight already, but you know, the more the better :)
You can get the demo from www.facetedflight.com.

Greenlight trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1PkGd7jFbY


I love Pilot Wings and I love the look of this game. But shouldn't you have linked to its page on Steam so we can upvote it? I'm not gonna go search for it :p
Has anybody been watching the key market since the 7 day waiting announcement popped up yesterday?

The volume of TF2 keys for sale has steadily decreased 20% (from 3900 to 2900) since 12 hours ago with the price going up around $0.13 (from $2.42 to $2.55). I think we're in for a key shortage.


super ot but my friend just came back from japan and brought me this ryuko nendoroid and i'm bursting with happiness and needed to share lol



Has anybody been watching the key market since the 7 day waiting announcement popped up yesterday?

The volume of TF2 keys for sale has steadily decreased 20% (from 3900 to 2900) since 12 hours ago with the price going up around $0.13 (from $2.42 to $2.55). I think we're in for a key shortage.

Just when I sold a few for 2€.


I caved in and bought Elite: Dangerous. Just tried the tutorial and it seems pretty sweet. I might be too scared to play it though, had problem with the combat tutorial, I just flew in a circle. Need to watch some training videos...


Santa May Claus
Just a quick reminder for my giveaway:
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 15 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This is a giveaway for the thread url: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=952993.
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (GuardianE, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This is a free for all! You can enter for multiple games on the list below. Send an individual PM for each game you'd like to win.
- If you won a game from ModBot in the last day, you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 24 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Devil May Cry 4 #10 -- MB-C0FBD8C7D1C8BD4E - Taken by Mengy. 147 entrants total.
Devil May Cry 4 -- MB-6C59B9C8F869576D - Taken by skLaFarebear. 131 entrants total.
Devil May Cry 4 #11 -- MB-48BE748672B216DF - Taken by chronomac. 128 entrants total.
Devil May Cry 4 #14 -- MB-D089EEFDDFA994F9 - Taken by Revas. 121 entrants total.
Devil May Cry 4 #4 -- MB-94E9C071AF581E1A - Taken by Alfebit. 124 entrants total.
Devil May Cry 4 #5 -- MB-A068F534526D7153 - Taken by Atraveller. 122 entrants total.
Devil May Cry 4 #6 -- MB-FA39100C9282C736 - Taken by efyu_lemonardo. 135 entrants total.
Devil May Cry 4 #7 -- MB-8FAC151A856C7B9D - Taken by Maragidyne. 137 entrants total.
Devil May Cry 4 #12 -- MB-A9821BD908087066 - Taken by -MD-. 131 entrants total.
Devil May Cry 4 #13 -- MB-75F7AB0053E02808 - Taken by Jadax. 133 entrants total.
Devil May Cry 4 #2 -- MB-D26D56055A5897BF - Taken by Accoun. 127 entrants total.
Devil May Cry 4 #3 -- MB-3E1D1609DF9F412D - Taken by swx. 114 entrants total.
Devil May Cry 4 #8 -- MB-918954623C34F94C - Taken by Elija2. 136 entrants total.
Devil May Cry 4 #9 -- MB-6397BF9297AFADEE - Taken by Kyou. 115 entrants total.
Devil May Cry 4 #15 -- MB-9A6D7DE0B836A394 - Taken by Kuroyume. 120 entrants total.




i have 350 gems. I feel like I have a low balance on my metro card. I need to buy 1000 gems, then craft two boosters I guess for 1350 :/

Only very few games' cards/boosters are expensive enough to use gems for. 1350 is plenty to grab a small game off the auction, I recommend that as the go-to option. There are some that have trading cards, so you'll eventually get a booster out of that deal too. ;-)

Dr Dogg

Is it actually good? I loved Origins and was hoping that it would be like that but some people say that it's more like Mass Effect.

Also, no midweek madness. I wonder why...

I'm enjoying it so far at about 2 thirds through the critical path. Good? For me sure but I've played better RPG's let alone games as a whole this year but hey I can see why some folks would fall head over heels about it and not have the same gripes I have. Not like I'm representative of half of this place any way as I though Watch Dogs was awesome :p


So, I've been wondering...

with the steps Steam are taking lately to try and stop this cross region market/trading just how BIG is it for them to care so much?

It seemed like Shadow of Mordor was the first time we actually heard anything about RU sales being significant, apparently they hit something like 35%. Presumably at some point some publishers started leaning on Valve about it, because it's not like Valve would care one way or another. After all, the tools have been there for a long time now. Though I guess it's possible they got hit with a huge credit card chargeback recently we didn't hear about that made them rethink their baseline policies.

I think overall it is actually a good sign though, because it means that PC sales are significant enough now for publishers to care about it. A few years ago the attitude was "it's 7% of nothing" but if it's become "it's 20% of our biggest platform" that means a lot more.

It's also clear that the level of comfort with cross region trading hit a critical point in this past year, even a year ago buying from the RU store was still treated almost like black magic in this very thread, and now it seems to have spread like wildfire and is quick and simple to do.


looking good^^
Super cute :3

So cute <3
You're were lucky
i am

he also got me ridiculously cute satsuki and ryuko keychains (no mako tho... HWERE IS MY MAKO)

so cool~

Aww that's adorable. Come on Platinum make a Kill La Kill game and release it on PC!
yeah that would be pretty cool, not that big of a departure from bayo even

is that the mc luigi?

they're kind of rough but i can't complain, they look good enough for the price they're for. got me toad too and prolly gonna go get me a mario and one of those mushrooms that make the 1 up sound too

and then throw up for like a week

Watched the whole thing and I never got why his nipples glow.
nudity is power in kill la kill

so i dunno lol

cos it's funny? and kind of awesome?


"Moreover we don't treat this as a failure because yet again this showed us a huge community support we're totally overwhelmed with. After only a couple of hours Greenlight campaign being live, Hatred gathered 13,148 up votes and ended up on a #7 on Top 100 list.
Valve is going to miss on money after this next indie breakaway hit releases.


Urgh. Hopefully SteamGAF will prove to have better taste in RPGs when it comes to our GOTY awards next month. (That's if DA:I is even eligible)

I expect Divinity:OS (or maybe Dark Souls II) will be the top RPG for SteamGAF, as no, DA:I would not be eligible.


Yessss. I loved playing Dirt 3 with friends. It's a lot of fun with the right group of people.

We should be friends because our interests overlap. I'll add you later.

Would be greatly appreciated if a few SteamGAF members could help to get Faceted Flight greenlit. I really enjoyed the two stages I played in the demo version (on my Oculus Rift, but of course it works on normal displays as well). It's a very simplistic, "Pilot Wings"-esque flight game with a rather unique style and will receive a variety of game modes during developement along with multiplayer mode..

I think it does quite nicely on Greenlight already, but you know, the more the better :)
You can get the demo from www.facetedflight.com.

Greenlight trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1PkGd7jFbY
Greenlight page: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=354757850


You had me at the screenshot. Upvoted

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is on 50% off £14.99 for 24 hours
That went quick. But I think I'll wait for a goty edition though since I just recently completed the BL2 dlc and I could use a break.


Well the GAF GOTY thread is up


That's a lot of DA:I already.

here's prolly my list:


1 ; dark souls 2
2 ; shovel knight
3 ; valkyria chronicles
4 ; dead state
5 ; tits
6 ; kentucky route zero ep 3
7 ; divinity: original sin
8 ; abyss odyssey
9 ; mitsurugi kamui hikae
x ; banner saga
x ; gods will be watching
x ; transistor

pretty decent year, no games absolutely knocked me off my feet but a bunch of great games for sure

i really wanted to find place for wasteland in my list but it released at a weird time of the year for me and couldn't give it the time it deserved (while i played dead state at different moments through the year in its different stages of early access)


It's also clear that the level of comfort with cross region trading hit a critical point in this past year, even a year ago buying from the RU store was still treated almost like black magic in this very thread, and now it seems to have spread like wildfire and is quick and simple to do.

I learned to do key trading only a month ago, and though the process is not hard, the results are black magic. It is simply incredible how much you can grab for ten keys when games are on big sales on the RU store. Even in this auction, the first thing I did was to go through all the games I was interested in and see if they had region locks. If they don't, the deal I get on the auction has to be spectacular or the gems will go further when converted to keys and spent on RU.
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