Man, a day off and already so much to catch up.
How come I can't wishlist certain stuff? Happened with SR3 Season Pass as well.
I logged off/in steam, closed browser even restarted pc. But still a no-go. Evrytime I click on "wishlist" I get this.
Man the sale hasn't end for me since the very first one. Whenever that was.
Oh hai mokoi! Haven't seen you in a while.
People who constantly change their avis make me overlook them -_-
Groupees Be Mine mystery game is Surgeon Simulator
That's surprising. But 4$ and that's the only thing that interests me. Not worth it for me.
Still nice surprise.
I am incredibly amused by the fact that so far, every time I looked at the Steam broadcast page, the top stream was either anime or porn.
Boys be boys.
None of them show up for me. I think steam is now running a tight ship on broadcasting. Probably put a handful of people only on that front.
Oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap! I actually went ahead and did it...
I ordered a new gaming PC!
4690K/GTX 970 and so forth
first time building a PC yikes
Congrats! Those are mighty fine specs. You'll do fine for quite some time.
You are actually building it yourself, not pre-built? I'm still torn on whether I should just go pre-built. Hm. The biggest reason is the heatpaste tbh.
Making headway on the new Standalone app, which is being written in C#.
Profile background? Check.
Supporter badge? Check.
Profile links? Check.
So it's not a skin but a real alternative to the steam client? Wow. Great work.
Can you already share a bit about performance improvements of your client?
DOA5 Last Round Steam release. Will preorder asap.
Oh my. You are gravelord_nito!
No Man's Sky can't come soon enough.
It will even be a longer wait because of timed console shenanigans
But hey, there are crazy interesting alternatives
already available on steam.
Check these out. While not being identical, there's more than enough to sooth you intergalactic desires.