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STEAM | December 2014 - Read OP for winter sale questions


They're still charging for stuff like the Courier's Stash. >.>

it's not in the same league of blatant cashgrab that horse armor was. also it's $1 where the other thing was 5 and courier stash is like 4 different preorder bonuses in one rather than whatever the fuck horse armor was supposed to be

We're talking about attractive female characters wearing some skimpy costumes, most of which aren't any racier than what you'd find at a sexy Halloween party, and swimwear. And those aren't the only outfits in the game, either. As far as its approach to sex appeal goes, yeah, I'd say DOA's pretty tasteful. Wholesome, even. There's nothing especially raunchy or sleazy there.
i don't know how much is enough for you but the way i see it they do as much fake nudity as they can get away with so to me that game's totally sleazy and most videos or screenshots i see of it make me cringe

the game's female cast looks like the wet dream out of the minds of some skyrim modders or something

edit: just to clarify, according to this thing (which might be wrong, what do i know), a good number of these outfits are just barebreasted women with the odd cover thingie like a flower necklace covering their nipples. are you serious about this being tasteful?

Honest question: If this was a game in a genre you liked, and the preorder bonuses being unlocked were the kinds of characters that you personally find appealing, would you have had the same reaction? For the sake of argument, say it was something like Bayonetta 3, and a bunch of cool outfits for Bayonetta or something were going to be made available based on the number of preorders they received.
yes, i'd be even more upset because i would've cared about the rewards and i don't like publishers manipulating people like that

the same way i didn't care for preorder bonuses in new vegas

and if the "reward" outfits weren't as gross i would have less of a problem sure


Looks like I missed all the fun of that PSX thing.
I decided to grab the Game Music Bundle 8. It's not games, but it's a bundle of game music and it seemed nice enough, plus FLAC.
I wonder if there's anything good on that Meridian 4 build bundle on Groupees that I don't have.


irresponsible vagina leak
Dead or Alive also has casual outfits to wear. You are the problem if you buy the skimpy outfits and wear them.
Just got through the last episode of Back to the Future: the Game. Yes, it's been out for a while, but whenever I finish a game that I won, I do my best to post impressions. But I've stayed up pretty late to finish, so I'm not gonna do a huge spiel like normal.

What was bad about it:

The game made a big to-do in episode 1 about choosing your fake name. It stays consistent about calling you that throughout the whole episode, but in episodes 2-5 you get a different fake name (and in two instances that I counted, a third name.) Probably more Telltale bullshit about not recognizing saved games. Seriously, Telltale, fix your stuff, it's damaging your name.

Controls and camera angles were pretty bad. You could use the keyboard to walk around, but if you wanted to run, you had to move the mouse while holding down both mouse buttons. In one episode, you're in a circular corridor with doors on the walls, but the way the camera framed it, it looked like there were two doors when there were actually three. I wanted to play Marty McFly, not Jean-Luc Picard.

Some minor pixel hunting.

While the game tells a coherent story - as coherent as time-travelling stories can get - it's hard to see someone who didn't watch the movies get into this game. It might be a victim of its own fanservice.

Game claims it's "to be continued" after the finale episode. That's a terrible tease for a gamer. I mean, it would be great, but doubtful that it happens.

What's good about it:

The story. For all intents and purposes, it feels like more Back to the Future. It doesn't feel like "Back to the Future 4," but I think if they declared it canonical, I doubt too many fans of the series would be very pissed off. Fun from beginning to end, and plenty of references to the movies (among other things.) The ending didn't pack as much of a punch as, say, The Walking Dead Season 1, but it was a classic "all's well that ends well...more or less" ending.

The puzzles. It had some! The game felt like a transition between Sam & Max and The Walking Dead: it's more balanced between puzzles and storyline. Nothing too obtuse or crazy. There was one puzzle with bad conveyance: a sliding-wall puzzle. I reached what I thought was a dead-end because the wall was coloured differently, but it turned out to be the exit. Spent way too long on that. But that was about it. Casual, but not brain-dead.

The voices. Christopher Lloyd doesn't phone it in on this one - he's just as good as ever. They got a passable Marty, and Michael J. Fox's voice comes up later (although his DID feel like he didn't want to put much effort in, sadly.) The supporting voices are fun, if caricatures.

The graphics and music. Great style, lots of familiar sights, lots of familiar tunes.

With other Telltale efforts out there, this one tends to not get mentioned too much (possibly the aforementioned "victim of its own fanservice" reason?) and that's kind of a shame. If you watched the movies, you will enjoy this game. If you didn't...well, what's wrong with you? Watch them! ...and then get this game and enjoy it.
Sorry if this has been asked and answered, but for some reason over the last few weeks sometimes when I go to my friend activity page it loads the login screen (asking for username/pw), then a few seconds later it loads the activity screen normally.

It happens maybe once a day and it's incredibly confusing. I haven't noticed any suspicious activity on the account but I'm just trying to be extra certain it's not something abnormal.


Sorry if this has been asked and answered, but for some reason over the last few weeks sometimes when I go to my friend activity page it loads the login screen (asking for username/pw), then a few seconds later it loads the activity screen normally.

It happens maybe once a day and it's incredibly confusing. I haven't noticed any suspicious activity on the account but I'm just trying to be extra certain it's not something abnormal.

Happens here too, not so often though. I'm 100% sure my account is safe.


Hey guys, does anyone know any trusted Russian sellers who are still selling Steam gifts for keys? I'm thinking of throwing my keys up on the marketplace since I saw they're selling for $2.80 (why so high?).

Oh, and if a Russian seller sees this, I'm interested in The Whispered World and the 2 Edna & Harvey games. How many keys?


Your accounts are fine. Basically stem is slow and your seeing what would be done as your loading.

It has to log into the community side before loading, since it is a website within steam.
Hey guys, does anyone know any trusted Russian sellers who are still selling Steam gifts for keys? I'm thinking of throwing my keys up on the marketplace since I saw they're selling for $2.80 (why so high?).

Oh, and if a Russian seller sees this, I'm interested in The Whispered World and the 2 Edna & Harvey games. How many keys?

If you're patient both of those games a regularly bundled or get big discounts. You might even find people around here with spares if they haven't already given them to almighty Modbot

As a matter of fact the whispered world is currently in the Conspiracy bundle over at bundlestars


I'm sure everyone and their mother has the game, but I'm giving away a copy of Sonic Racing Transformed from the humble bundle

The link to the gift is in this post so quoted it to find it. Please tell everyone that you grabbed it if you do. I hope this works, I'm too lazy to figure out how to use modbot with this gift link crap humble has given me.

Well i probably shouldve checked the disk when i walked out of the store. If anybody has yakuza 1 or 2 they want to sell, holla at ya boy


Looks like I missed all the fun of that PSX thing.
I decided to grab the Game Music Bundle 8. It's not games, but it's a bundle of game music and it seemed nice enough, plus FLAC.
I wonder if there's anything good on that Meridian 4 build bundle on Groupees that I don't have.

I have to credit jshackles for mentioning this previously, use it to check which Meridian 4 games you already own.



Uncharted 4 thread = downgrade discussion
Witcher 3 thread = downgrade discussion
Zelda Wii U thread = bad textures discussion

It is starting to annoy me :D Keep being classy SteamGAF :D


FFXIII-2 releases this week, I thought I'll remind you, just in case

Uncharted 4 thread = downgrade discussion
Witcher 3 thread = downgrade discussion
Zelda Wii U thread = bad textures discussion

It is starting to annoy me :D Keep being classy SteamGAF :D

I would like people to lay off graphics already, but that not gonna happen, as well we can just ignore those threads, this trend and play our games, graphics be damned! ;)


Well, Uncharted 4 IS downgraded. I said that in the thread, they almost killed me, so I didn't post here anymore.
Witcher 3 seems downgraded too, at least considering some gameplay videos and the pre-E3 trailer.
Zelda, I don't know, the video is simply too small to judge.

OMG, Serah Simulator, part 2 :D

but does it really matter? any of it? Until we get to see and play actual games, all this talk is just whining and accomplishes nothing, no?

Also Lightning simulator vol.1 gets update the same day!


I would like people to lay off graphics already, but that not gonna happen, as well we can just ignore those threads, this trend and play our games, graphics be damned! ;)

I understand that they are upset but those games are looking great even with downgrade. And yet we are still seeing posts that they look worst than previous games from series. And that creates a lot of pressure on devs. Every developer wants to achieve their target footage/renders and they are trying as hard as they can but sometimes they need to "downgrade" certain aspects to achieve other things.

Well, Uncharted 4 IS downgraded. I said that in the thread, they almost killed me, so I didn't post here anymore.

Witcher 3 seems downgraded too, at least considering some gameplay videos and the pre-E3 trailer.

Zelda, I don't know, the video is simply too small to judge.

U4 looks great but people are calling ND Gods so they expect next big revolution in graphics that is already here on PC. U4 is artistically amazing with fluid animations and improved gameplay. It has bad AF, no AO, weird water physics, really strange and sharp edges on cliffs and some bad textures but game is beautiful and all of those things you will notice really hard after 1 hour in game.

Witcher 3 is huge improvement from W2 graphics wise and for some people that is still not enough. Again it is not game without issues but after hour or two nobody will notice those stupid details.

I just hate when people are assuming that it is easy to create assets and optimize them. For them it is always as easy as pushing 2 buttons in game editor. :D


Comparing alpha builds to finished games doesnt help imo.

The backlash reminds be of gow 3, which went from a ps2.5 game to best loking game on ps3


i don't give a shit about these downgradegates but devs really brought it on themselves by making the conversation always circle around graphics


I'm just a little surprised people expected the Uncharted 4 reveal graphics to match the in-game visuals. I'm perfectly fine with what we got for Uncharted 4 now.
The only sensible way to show a game is: not showing anything until the game has gone gold. It's the only way to avoid dumb outrages over "downgrades" which is often just combination of overhyped expectations (okay, I'll admit that this is publishers, not the complainers fault) and just plain blindness for realities of software development.

Actually, both of those points are publishers fault. If the overall discussion around gaming was about software development instead of revolving around marketing, everybody (besides publishers) would be much happier.


The only sensible way to show a game is: not showing anything until the game has gone gold. It's the only way to avoid dumb outrages over "downgrades" which is often just combination of overhyped expectations (okay, I'll admit that this is publishers, not the complainers fault) and just plain blindness for realities of software development.

Actually, both of those points are publishers fault. If the overall discussion around gaming was about software development instead of revolving around marketing, everybody (besides publishers) would be much happier.
This is trend I don't like too, showing games too early, announcing too early, announcements of announcements and all that bloated stuff.
I know that marketing has to do something, but there are more sensible ways to do it.

in other news
nGod: Heroes of Siege Loot got greenlit

100 Days before College Entrance Exam too

also Ashen Rift

Hollow Knight

and.... Americana Dawn!

Eternal Forest still not greenlit (._.)


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Uncharted 4 thread = downgrade discussion
Witcher 3 thread = downgrade discussion
Zelda Wii U thread = bad textures discussion

It is starting to annoy me :D Keep being classy SteamGAF :D

Why is it that I have a machine that can display the prettiest graphics of them all, yet don't care about any of that?


i don't give a shit about these downgradegates but devs really brought it on themselves by making the conversation always circle around graphics

Not really applicable to the situation with Zelda though. If you are that picky about texture quality, the Wii U probably isn't the platform for you.

I'm sure the game won't be anywhere near as impressive technically as the big AAA titles on the other consoles, but it still looks amazing.
Uncharted 4 thread = downgrade discussion
Witcher 3 thread = downgrade discussion
Zelda Wii U thread = bad textures discussion

It is starting to annoy me :D Keep being classy SteamGAF :D

We've really gotten to a point where people talk about not buying a game because someone posts a close-up pic of a bad looking texture, even though games have never looked better than they do right now. It's sad.


The game, to me, shows only a not so deep improvement from PS3 Uncharted. U3 was really good, for sure U4 has better character's model, with more details and polygons, but globally is nothing special at all, considering what they showed in the teaser. THAT looks stunning.

They couldn't have chosen a blander environment and that hurt the first impressions of people who don't automatically fall over themselves for everything Uncharted. Put something more interesting than rocks and plants in there the next time please, considering it's the first shown gameplay I expected a 'wow' moment like seeing a grandiose vista of a giant antic ruin or pyramid. But no, rocks and plants. Only thing that stood out were some of the animations but it still has that 'warping' towards climbable edges.

And that Witcher 3 trailer looked outright bad here and there.


We've really gotten to a point where people talk about not buying a game because someone posts a close-up pic of a bad looking texture, even though games have never looked better than they do right now. It's sad.

Yeap. Hair looks awful = pre order cancelled , that flower is still 2D and low res = pre order cancelled XD And as you said games are beautiful all ready and this is only year 1 for next-gen machines.


that's the way to go about it, yes
thanks, pretty boy!

thank you baby

now if any of your suikoden-likes would ever deliver that'd be nice you fucking tease

Not really applicable to the situation with Zelda though. If you are that picky about texture quality, the Wii U probably isn't the platform for you.

I'm sure the game won't be anywhere near as impressive technically as the big AAA titles on the other consoles, but it still looks amazing.
yeah, i don't know what's up with that

i personally stopped caring about graphics a long time ago

everything looks fine to me nowadays
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